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This was requested by Sabrinajacob028

*Disclaimer: (y/h/c) means your hair color; (another h/c) is another hair color. I did this to ensure you would be able to actually change it rather than pretend it was different or whatever. ANYWAY, to the story!

And don't question the timeline or biology. Source: trust me, bro

It was weird being in love with an android. Really weird. There was a lot of hesitancy from the Avengers, especially your father Steve, but they learned to accept it. But when the Avengers fell apart and the two of you chose different sides, you thought it was over.

Then Tony Stark nearly killed you and Vision realized that he couldn't feel like a person if you weren't there. You made him feel and that wasn't exactly something the android was programmed to do. It was something he didn't want to lose.

And so you ran away together and never looked back. Ever. Until today.

"Vis, please. I just want to get a message out to dad," I begged. "I need to tell him something important that I'm afraid can't really wait."

He sighed. "(Y/n), it's too dangerous. Nearly every government out there is looking for us, the Captain, his friends- a message would expose us all. What is it you need to talk to him about?"

You hesitated, not wanting to share this information with him just yet. This was a point in time where she needed her father, the man who was forced into another time and only found peace when he had you.

"You don't need to worry about it, Vis. Let's just get to the station so you can check in with your own father," you joked.

"I don't really know if it's appropriate to refer to him as my father, but I guess I can accept it," he said with a laugh. He brought you in for a soft kiss and the two of you got dressed to go out. He used his mind stone to change his appearance to one of a human and you put on some jeans, a sweater, and a jacket to keep warm.

After you put your boots and scarf on, the two of you walked out of your humble apartment to find your way down to the station. The only reason you travelled by train was to keep Vision's identity as much of a secret as possible. He was lucky, able to literally change himself from a robot to a human, while all you could really do was dye your hair from (y/h/c) to (another h/c).

You two walked hand in hand down the cobblestone streets. It felt like a fairytale sometimes with the cobblestone and the bricks and old houses. It was a nice little place, but you had no idea where it was. Vision brought you here while you were recovering and you never asked- it's not like you needed to.

Until you need to notify your father about something and have no idea where either of you are.

"Darling," Vis said and the two of you stopped in front of a window where a TV sat, playing a news station. Even if the language was one you didn't know, it didn't take a genius to figure out the report.

You gasped and found it hard to breathe. "Tony Stark is... gone? Just disappeared on a spaceship?" you questioned, lost on how the hell any of this happened.

Vision turned to give you an answer but got stabbed through the chest from behind instead. You gasped as his disguise fell and he was lifted higher into the air. "Vis!" you screamed.

The person responsible for the stabbing looked at you with a maniacal grin. Anger built up in your eyes and you flexed your fingers. With your left hand you started to close it into a fist and watch as the sword through your lover's chest became a liquid and allowed Vis to fall through.

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