Arson in Kcris' office.

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Jeena in a very low voice asks Kcris, "Why are you suppressing your feelings? Having cold showers, washing your face... Kcris, it's not a healthy way to deal with your emotions and feelings."
"I am not suppressing anything, my love." After saying this, Kcris kisses Jeena's forehead.
"Then, why aren't you scolding me, Kcris?"
"It's inconsequential to scold you about your health, clearly when in the end, it's gonna affect your health only. And now, instead of arguing, let's go to sleep. I have an early morning meeting tomorrow."
Both Kcris and Jeena fall asleep in no time.
It's around 4 in the morning when Kcris wakes up and finds that Jeena is not next to her. Kcris gets out of bed seeing that the lights in the washroom are on. Kcris knocks on the washroom door asking, "Are you okay, Jeena?"
"I just got my period. My menstrual cup isn't here, so I was looking for any sanitary pads or tampons. But, I can't find any."
Though the washroom door is closed, it's not locked from inside. Despite this, Kcris asks, "Jeena, can I come in?"
"Yeah. Please... do come in."
"It's usually in the top right side cabinet, Jeena."
While Kcris is searching for the box of tampons, Jeena asks Kcris, "Why did you ask? The door was already open."
"Even so, it would be bad if I got in without asking for your permission, Jeena."
"Oh-ho! Come on, Kcris. You wouldn't have seen anything that you haven't already."
Kcris gives Jeena the tampons and kisses Jeena's forehead, saying, "Just because you are my girlfriend doesn't mean... Jeena, there are certain lines one should never cross."
Kcris comes out of the washroom closing the door behind her.
By the time Jeena comes out of the washroom, Kcris has already prepared camomile tea and a warm water bag for Jeena. During her periods, Jeena hardly likes to eat or drink anything. So, Kcris asks Jeena to take a few sips if she doesn't want to finish the entire cup. Kcris then applies pain relief ointment on Jeena's back and abdomen to ease her cramps. Though Kcris is barely able to keep her eyes open, she continues to caress Jeena's back and stomach so that Jeena can fall asleep despite the pain.
The next morning when Jeena gets up, Jeena sees that Kcris is already gone. When Jeena picks up her phone to check, she sees a post-it note pasted on the backside of her phone that says, "Call me, love."
Jeena calls Kcris, and the moment Kcris answers the call, Kcris goes like, "After you freshen up, go to the kitchen and reheat the breakfast. In the meantime, drink some chamomile tea from the thermo-flask. I have already talked to your doctor and he said that you don't have to wait to take the medicine till your stomach starts to hurt. Just take it after every meal as a precaution till your menstrual cycle is over. And yes, though I have left the car, don't use it. Just call a cab in case you need to go somewhere. If it's not that important, refrain from going outside as it's your first day."
"Kcris, Kcris, Kcris. Stop... I just woke up. At least, let me open my eyes first."
"I thought only a person with open eyes could make a call, Jeena."
"Are you trying to say that visually impaired people can't make a call?"
"Woah-ho! Jeena, I am in no mood to play this humorous taunting game of yours as my meeting with the event organizing team is in the next 5 minutes."
"Okay. Bye, Kcris." And Jeena disconnects the call.
Jeena goes to freshen up. On coming back from the washroom, Jeena finds herself a voice message on her phone from Kcris reiterating the same thing she has just said on the call. Jeena knows that Kcris will definitely call her as soon as Kcris' meeting ends, so Jeena does everything Kcris has instructed her to do.
It's been 10 days since Jeena has been discharged from the hospital. Today, in the evening, Kcris will accompany Jeena to the doctor for the follow-up.
For the past few days, both Kcris and Jeena have been busy with their respective things. Kcris has literally gone all out as the date for the launch of new software and its extension products is approaching. At the same time, Jeena has also been skimming through the brochures of multiple companies to decide which one she is going to intern with during this semester's break. Jeena has worked really hard throughout the semester to build her resume.
Later in the evening, Kcris and Jeena visit the doctor. The doctor after doing some tests, clears Jeena saying that she is fit and healthy now and there is nothing to worry about. When both come out of the hospital, Paraam (Kcris' driver) is waiting for them at the entrance.
"Kcris, why did you call Paraam? If you were tired, I could have driven the car."
"Jeena, sorry, my love. I have to go back to the office that's why I called him."
"Then also, Kcris. I would have dropped you off at the office before going back home."
"It's fine, Jeena. You can go with Paraam in this car and I'll go back on my own in the car we came here in."
"No, Kcris. You take him with you as you seem pretty tired."
"But, Jeena..."
"No arguments, Kcris. Please, listen to me and give me the damn keys."
Kcris passes the car keys to Jeena and then, pulls Jeena into a hug while kissing Jeena's forehead.
"Kcris, don't forget to eat dinner. And, do remember, dinner doesn't mean late-night snacks."
"Yes, my love. I'll have dinner. And Jeena, be careful on the road. Text me when you reach home."
"Bye. Love you, Kcris."
Kcris leaves with Paraam and Jeena goes to the parking area.
On the way back, Kcris gets a voice message from Jeena which says, "You didn't have to come with me. I would have told you whatever the doctor said. Last time was a mistake as I forgot to tell you. You can trust me, Kcris... the way you used to. Love you, Kcris."
Kcris has a smile on her face when she replies to this via voice message that says, "Silly-girl. I trust you and always will. I came with you because I didn't want you to visit the hospital all alone by yourself. That's it. My love, it has nothing to do with trust or anything. And, I love you too, Jeena."
The next morning, Kcris comes home around 9 a.m. The moment Kcris steps into the house, Jeena asks, "Do you want to eat first, or take a shower?"
"No, Jeena. I'll hit the shower first."
Kcris goes to her room, puts her phone into charging, and goes for a shower. By the time Kcris comes out of the shower, Jeena reheats the breakfast and brings it to Kcris' room.
"Jeena, I'll eat later. Please, just let me sleep now."
"Here's the deal you eat breakfast whilst I blow-dry your hair. You know the rule, right? Always go to bed with an empty mind and a full stomach."
Kcris is in no state to argue or negotiate. So, Kcris gives in and does whatever Jeena tells her to do. The moment Kcris' head touches the pillow, Kcris goes into sweet slumber. Before going to bed, Kcris tells Jeena that she will sleep for at least eight hours as the major portion of the project they (Kcris and her team) have been doing is already finished. Little does Kcris know that her sweetest dream of sleeping for a long span will only remain a dream.
The clock is about to hit noon when Jeena gets a call from Tessa.
"Hi, Tessa."
"Hi, Ms. Jeena. I can't get ahold of Ms. Pattinson as her phone is turned off. Is she with you?"
"Yes, Tessa. Kcris is with me. Kcris is sleeping right now. If it isn't important, can you..."
"Sorry, Ms. Jeena. But, can you please wake up Ms. Pattinson? It's really important."
"Okay, I'll wake her up. Give me a moment, Tessa."
Jeena goes to Kcris' room and tries to wake Kcris up. Kcris tries to open her eyes while rubbing them and asks, "Is it already 6 o'clock, Jeena?"
"No, Kcris. Not yet. Kcris, your phone is switched off. It's Tessa on the other side of the call. She wants to talk to you."
Whilst still in a half-sleep state, Kcris goes like, "What happened, Tessa? All okay?"
At the same time, while looking at Jeena, Kcris asks, "Jeena, can you please get me a glass of water?"
"Sure, no problem. I'll get it for you."
The moment Kcris hears the word arson, Kcris right away tells Tessa, "I am coming to the office right now. You call the authorities (the police) and inform them about this."
When Jeena comes to Kcris' room with a glass of water, Kcris has already changed her clothes to go out.
"Is everything okay, Kcris? You said you will go to the office in the evening."
"Nothing much. It's just a minor trouble with the demo run of the software."
"Umm... Okay."
Jeena passes water to Kcris and while drinking water, Kcris asks Jeena to check her phone as to why it is switched off.
Jeena has a small laugh saying, "Kcris, who is gonna turn on the switch?"
"Kcris, you plugged your phone into charging and forgot to turn on the switch."
"Oh-shit! My power bank is also discharged."
"Kcris, you take my power bank with you and give me yours. I'll plug it in."
"Are you sure, Jeena?"
"Yes, Kcris. Anyway, I am not going out today. So, it's fine."
Kcris then kisses Jeena's cheek saying, "Bye. Take care, love."
On reaching the office, Kcris finds out that there has been an electrical fire in the server room. Though the fire isn't been that big and no person is hurt, the extent of damage caused to the servers has rendered the data recovery process useless.
After talking to the authorities, Kcris comes to her office cabin and calls Sean to talk or better say, yell at him about today's incident.
"Kcris, I'll change the entire security staff."
"No, Sean. Not now. Let them be. I don't want to warn the person behind all this. I want them to think that we believe it was just an accident and not some security breach."
After the call is disconnected, Tessa comes into Kcris' office and asks her, "Ma'am, how are you so calm in a situation like this? The servers are damaged so badly that hardly any data can be retrieved. There's barely even a week left before the launch."
Kcris smiles while answering, "Because of you."
"Huh? Because of me, how come?"
"Remember? I have been giving you a hard drive daily to upload the data to the server of our cosmetics subsidiary company."
"Yes. But, what about that, ma'am?"
"Nothing much. Only that... all of the project data of our upcoming software and allied products are safely backed up in that server. Obviously, because of you."
Tessa almost jumps in excitement, going like, "So, the data isn't lost."
"Shh! Keep it down. We don't want the entire world to know."
"Okay, okay. But, what now, ma'am?"
"Nothing, nada. Don't give any press releases yet and let people speculate. First things first, cooperate with the authorities and provide them with whatever they need to investigate. Let them investigate. As for the staff, ask them to take a day's leave. They have been working really hard on this project. They deserve it."
"Okay, ma'am."
Right at the moment, when Tessa is about to leave, Kcris calls her, "Tessa."
"Yes, ma'am."
"You should also rest for some time. Go visit your family. Ray told me that you haven't been home for quite a while. Just go home."
"Yes. I'll. Have a nice day, ma'am."
"You too, Tessa." And Tessa leaves.
After staying in the office for another hour, Kcris goes back home. As no staff will be coming tomorrow, Kcris also decides to take a day off.
Later in the evening, Kcris goes grocery shopping with Jeena and also helps Jeena prepare dinner. Kcris and Jeena spend some quality time together.
Two days later, Kcris and Jeena decide to have breakfast outside. After having breakfast, Kcris drops off Jeena at the college before going to her office.
Later in the afternoon, Jeena visits Kcris in her office. Jeena knocks at Kcris' office cabin and peeps inside. Surprisingly, Neil, Tessa, Sean, and Maria are also present there which makes Jeena ask, "Is this the wrong time?"
Kcris immediately goes like, "No, no. It's okay, Jeena. You can come in."
Jeena while going inside tells Kcris that she'll sit on the sofa and wait for Kcris to finish. But, Kcris refuses by saying, "No, Jeena. Don't sit there. Come here."
As a response, Jeena asks, "But, where do I sit then? There ain't any extra chair."
Before Jeena can even finish, Kcris pulls Jeena by her arm and makes Jeena sit in her lap. Jeena is a bit shy to sit in Kcris' lap. Jeena tries to get up, but Kcris doesn't let her. In a low muzzled voice, Jeena tells Kcris, "Everyone is here, Kcris."
Kcris then confidently says, "So what? Let them see. By the way, you weren't this shy when in front of these people only, you announced on the mic that I am your girlfriend."

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