Kcris helps Jeena.

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All are chit-chatting, enjoying food and drinks and most of them are drunk to their capacities. Kcris notices Jeena looking at her phone, all worried and then looking here and there as if she is searching for somebody. Jeena excuses herself to go to the restroom. It is already 15 minutes and still, there is no sign of Jeena. Kcris is all worried and so she goes looking for her.
Kcris goes to the restroom and to her surprise sees a drunk girl forcing a kiss onto Jeena. Kcris intervenes and pushes that girl away, immediately turning to Jeena and asking if she was ok. That girl gets up and shouts at Kcris, “Who the hell are you to interfere between me and my girlfriend?”
Kcris is almost taken back when she finds that this girl is Jeena's girlfriend. Though Kcris has known that Jeena is into girls, she never thought she would already be in a relationship.
Kcris gets a hold of herself within no time. She turns toward the drunk girl, drags Jeena behind herself, and goes like, “Even if she is your girlfriend, still you can’t force her like this. You should know that this can be charged as an assault. You are way too drunk to reason with, so I give you two choices, either you leave quietly or I call the security.”
The girl starts to stare at Jeena and is about to say something and before she could, Kcris comes between them so that their eyes don’t meet anymore. Looking at Kcris’ stern face and fierce eyes the girl walks away.
Jeena hugs Kcris from behind and bursts into tears, pleading to Kcris, “Please don’t turn. I don’t want anybody to see me like this.” Kcris assures her, “Hmm… Take your time.”
Few girls are entering the restroom so Kcris immediately gestures them to leave and use another restroom which is at the backside of the club. She does so; so that Jeena doesn’t feel any more uncomfortable than she already is. Jeena is crying for almost more than ten minutes now and Kcris can’t take it anymore so she turns around, wipes Jeena’s tears with her hands, and hugs her. Jeena continues to cry. Kcris caresses her hair and slightly pats her back to calm her down.
15-20 minutes later when Jeena stops crying, Kcris asks her to wash her face. Kcris gives her handkerchief to Jeena. There is a slight bruise on Jeena’s forehead. Kcris gently touches the bruise and asks, “Did that girl hit you?” Jeena refuses immediately, “No, I got bruised when you pulled me away from her. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just a minor bruise. Don’t worry.”
Kcris notices a cap attached to the side of the bag Jeena carried, she takes it out and puts it on Jeena so that her bruise is not visible to anyone.
Kcris, still filled with anger holds Jeena’s hand and tells her, “We are leaving. Party is over.” Kcris, almost dragging Jeena behind her, is about to leave the club. While walking behind Kcris and trying to match her pace, Jeena wanted to say something but, is scared as she could easily make out how angry Kcris is, just by looking at her face. Kcris stops all of a sudden and Jeena almost bumps into her. Kcris turns towards Jeena and is like, “What? (more like yelling, but Kcris immediately tones down and goes like,) Do you want to say something?”
Jeena in her scared voice, “I left my phone at the table.”
“Ok, I will get it. You stay here.”
“Wait, Kcris.”
“What now?”
Jeena answers, “Can you please pass this gift to Sky and wish her once again, Happy Birthday?" Jeena rummages for something in her bag and then takes out a cute square-shaped box tied beautifully with a red ribbon.
Kcris takes the gift to Sky and gives it saying, “Little girl, this is a gift from Jeena… and she wishes you Happy Birthday, once again.” Kcris picks up Jeena’s phone and before the questioning faces of the rest of the people sitting at the table actually start to question, she says, “Jeena is having a slight headache. So, I am taking her home.”
Kcris comes back, takes Jeena’s hand, and continues to walk out of the club without uttering a single word. Kcris doesn’t let go of her hand until they reach Kcris’s car. Kcris gets the door for Jeena. Kcris turns on the car light, grabs a box from the backseat, and asks Jeena, “Take off your cap and come closer. Let me see your face.”
Jeena is reluctant but still does so. Kcris takes out ointment in a swab and applies it to Jeena’s bruise while saying.” It’s gonna sting a little… (Kcris continues to apply the ointment and slightly blows over the bruise) … Do you have somewhere to go to tonight?”
Jeena looks up with a questioning face and Kcris immediately says, “You clearly can’t go to your girlfriend’s house after what all happened today. And you can’t go to your family either because seeing you at this hour, so late in the night will make them worried. So do you have any friends where you can crash for tonight?”
Looking at Jeena’s perplexed face Kcris already figured out that she has nowhere to go, so Kcris without making Jeena any more awkward, tells her, “Ok… Ok… I will take you somewhere.” Jeena immediately refuses, saying, “We are not even friends and if you take me to your house, it might cause…” Jeena is interrupted as Kcris starts to laugh. Jeena, not understanding what is so amusing for Kcris, starts to look at her face.
After a few seconds, Kcris with a subtle smile goes like, “I know that you won’t be comfortable if I take you to my house. Also, I know that you are worried that it might cause a misunderstanding between you and your partner. Don’t worry and put your seatbelt on, Jeena. I will take you somewhere else.”
Kcris stops the car in front of a magnanimous hotel, removes her seatbelt, and turns towards Jeena only to find out that she is fast asleep. Kcris slightly nears Jeena’s ear and in a low tone says, “Jeena, we have arrived… Wake up.” Jeena wakes up and immediately apologizes, “I am sorry. I didn’t realize when I fell asleep.
Kcris smiles and asks her not to apologize. After getting out of the car, she passes the car keys to the valet. Kcris grabs Jeena’s hand and goes straight into the hotel, to the reception. The lady at the reception with a smiling face asks Kcris, “Ma’am same room with same arrangements?” Kcris refuses, “No, keys to the presidential suite, please. I am here with a friend.” Kcris takes the keys from the hotel staff who is about to escort them and says, “I will take it from here.” Kcris walks up to the elevator and Jeena follows her. When both are in the elevator, much to Kcris’s surprise Jeena asks her, “What sort of people do you bring in here, if not friends?”
Kcris smirks and asks Jeena, “Aren’t you a little too much inquisitive about someone’s personal life, who is not even a friend. Remember you told me in the car that I can’t take you to my house as we are not close enough to be friends. You know that this is called prying, right?” Jeena says, “Sorry” and murmurs to herself, “It is you only who introduced me as a friend at the reception, a few minutes back.” The elevator stops and while coming out Kcris tells Jeena, “I heard what you said and I did do so as you can never be like those women, ever.” Both reach the suite. Kcris is using the keycard to unlock the door and Jeena is standing next to her, resting her back on the side wall. After giving some thought Jeena asks Kcris, “Why can’t I be like those women, whom you come here with? What is so special about them, that I can’t have?”
Kcris instantly turns towards Jeena. With anger in her voice, Kcris puts her finger on Jeena’s lips and answers her, “You can never be one of them. I can’t lose someone like that again. So don’t you say something like that to me ever again.”
Jeena quickly realizes that she has said something she shouldn’t have so she shuts up. Kcris opens the door and both enter. Kcris asks Jeena to sit on the couch and wait till she makes a phone call. After few minutes, Kcris comes out of the other room as she is done with her phone call.
Kcris tells Jeena, “You go take a showe. I will arrange some clothes for you. The washroom is to your left.” Jeena starts to walk in the wrong direction. Kcris instantly, “Jeena to your left… That side.”
Jeena goes straight to the washroom and comes out in a bathrobe after the shower only to see that Kcris is busy doing some work on her laptop. Jeena picks up the clothes from the bed and goes back for a change.
Kcris lifts her head and sees Jeena standing right in front of her in wet hair, looking all cute and pretty at the same time. Kcris can’t keep her eyes off her. Kcris puts her laptop aside and gets up. Jeena’s hair is all wet and messy and some even covered her face. Kcris gently tucks those hairs behind Jeena’s ear and then places her palm on Jeena’s cheek. In total awe, Kcris goes like, “How could I not notice before?”
Jeena in a soft tone, “What?”
Kcris still keeping her palm on Jeena’s cheek, gently brushes Jeena’s lips using her thumb and answers in a mesmerized tone, “That you are so… beautiful.” Kcris moves her face closer to Jeena’s as if she is about to kiss her, but immediately moves backward, away from Jeena, and turns towards the other side. Now, all Jeena could see is Kcris’s back. Kcris instantly apologizes, “I am sorry… I really am sorry… I didn’t mean that… I have never behaved like this with anyone… You stay here and I’ll leave.”
The moment Kcris steps forward to move, she is stopped by Jeena. Jeena grabs her hand from behind and requests her, “Please don’t leave. Please stay.” Kcris turns towards Jeena and with apologetic eyes goes like, “What can I do to make you comfortable? I know you had a pretty rough night. And I am sorry that I made you uncomfortable again.”
Jeena smiles and answers, “Well, first, find something for us to eat and go take a shower. Kcris passes the menu from the table to Jeena saying, “Order room service” and leaves to take a shower.
“What do you want to eat Kcris?”
“I am not much hungry. Just order a caesar salad for me and one iced Americano.”
Jeena orders and by the time Kcris comes out of the shower, food is already there. Both sit on the couch and Kcris looks at the table.
“Oh, you forgot my coffee.”
Jeena with a smile, “No, I didn’t. It’s already 1:30 AM. It’s time to sleep. So, no caffeine. I ordered a honey almond milk cold brew for you.
Both finish their food and then Kcris asks, “What now? I took a shower. We had our food. What should I do now to make you feel better?”
Jeena smiles and answers, “Nothing, because I am already feeling so much better. Kcris turns to face Jeena, while placing the dirty dishes on the food trolley and says, “So you should go to sleep and I’ll leave in a moment.”
“No, don’t go anywhere as we can sleep together. This suite is quite spacious for both of us.”
“Are you sure, Jeena?”
“Yes of course.”
“Ok, then, I’ll sleep here. Jeena, you take the bed.”
“It’s not a movie, Kcris. The bed is big enough for both of us. We can share the bed. Which side do you want to sleep on?”
“I prefer the right side, but I can sleep on either side. So you can take your pick. It’s fine by me.”
“Perfect, I like to sleep on the left side.”
Both get into bed and lie down straight, facing the ceiling.
“Good night Jee.”
“Why would you call me that, Kcris?”
“Call you what?... Jee… Why?... You don’t like me calling you Jee? Is it only reserved for closed ones only?... Or is it too early for me to call you like that?”
Jeena interrupts the train of questions by answering Kcris, “All your assumptions are wrong. It felt strange because no one has ever called me like that. It’s not that, I don’t like it rather, it is that I am not used to it. And we should sleep now it’s already so late.”
“Hmm, Good night Jeena. Sweet dreams.”
Jeena is dead drop tired so she immediately falls asleep. And Kcris also sleeps a few minutes later.
Around 6 in the morning Kcris’ phone rings and she immediately silent it. Getting up, Kcris realizes that Jeena is tightly holding on to the sleeve of her night suit. Kcris makes Jeena leave it and puts Jeena’s hand under the blanket to cover her well so that she is not cold. Kcris caresses her hair, and whispers, “It’s a little early to get up for you. So, have some more sleep time, Casey… My little girl.” Kcris gets out of bed and goes to another room to make the phone call. Kcris isn’t fully awake yet.
By the time Kcris is done with her call, she is all awake and also, filled with anger. She takes a shower, changes into a casual hoodie and jeans, and rushes out in hurry.
Around 9 AM, Jeena gets up, as someone has been knocking on the door. Jeena couldn’t find Kcris anywhere in the suite so, thinks of calling her but before she does it, she gets the door. A hotel staff member is there with breakfast, asking for permission to get in. Jeena allows it.

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