Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.

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Seeing this, Kcris immediately says, "I don't pay you to fetch me my coffee, Tessa. You have far more valuable work to do."
"I know that, ma'am. I picked your coffee as I was coming here to give you these files and ask you about the invitation from Pioneer Industries."
"What about it? You know that I don't attend such events."
"Yes, ma'am, that much I know. But, there was a personal call from Mr. David Pioneer saying that he wants to see his favorite student at the event."
"This is weird, Tessa. Usually, the professor would directly call me and ask to meet him."
After thinking for some time, Tessa tells Kcris, "Maybe, because Mr. Pioneer has decided to step down from the chairman position and relinquish his managing rights in the company."
"What? When did this happen and how do you know about it, Tessa?"
"Well, ma'am, I read this online business news blog and there was an article last week about Mr. Pioneer, thinking of making his son the new chairman of the company."
Kcris is silent for some time and then says to Tessa, "Okay. Can you hold it for some time? I'll decide once I talk to the professor myself."
"Okay, ma'am. But, you better decide fast as the event is happening tomorrow night and I have to tell them if or not you are attending."
Tessa leaves and Kcris is bombarded with a lot of files and work. Around 5 in the evening, Kcris gets a call from Amy.
"Kcris, I saw a girl arguing with Jeena at the University entrance. But, by the time I could go and ask Jeena, they both left in a cab. I tried calling Jeena, but she rejected my call."
Although Kcris is worried after listening to Amy, she can't let Amy sense it as she knows how badly Amy has been terrified since yesterday's happenings. Amy has never seen a situation like this before as she is the youngest child of the Fabiola family who has been over-pampered and protected like anything. For Amy, Jeena is her friend, and seeing Jeena go through all that has a bad effect on her. So to calm Amy down, Kcris goes like, "It's ok, Amy. It must be some friend of hers. Don't worry. Nothing like yesterday is gonna happen. Jeena is fine. I'll take care of it. Trust me on this."
Amy is a bit skeptical, but she has no choice except to trust Kcris.
"Okay, Kcris. But, can you make Jeena call me once you see her so, that I can rest assured?"
"I'll tell her, Amy. You, don't worry. Okay."
"Okay. Bye Kcris."
After disconnecting the call, Kcris right away calls Jeena and Jeena does the same i.e. reject the call. Kcris immediately checks Jeena's location on her phone and texts her, "I am on my way. I'll be there in 20 minutes."
By the time, Kcris has reached the parking lot, she gets a call from Jeena. Kcris picks up the call and the first thing that comes to her mind is asking Jeena if she is okay.
"I am okay, Kcris. I'll tell you everything once you are home."
But, the hoarseness in Jeena's voice says otherwise so, in a quick thought, Kcris knows who Jeena is with right now.
"Are you with Alex?"
"Let's talk at home. Please, Kcris."
Though Kcris is filled with rage and anger because of Jeena's actions, she is left with no choice but to agree with Jeena. The simple reason behind this is that Kcris has realized that Jeena is not okay as it seems like Jeena has cried before calling Kcris.
"You wait for me there, Jeena. I'll reach there in 20 minutes."
"No, Kcris. I am already on my way home. You finish your work first and then come home. We can talk once you are home."
Despite the reluctance, Kcris goes like, "Okay, you go home, and once you reach, drop me a text."
Once the call is disconnected, Kcris stands next to her car in the parking lot in utter confusion, trying to decide what she should do now. Kcris is in a dilemma because though, she wants to go back to her office as Jeena has asked her, at the same time she wants to rush back home to Jeena. To no one's surprise, it takes less than a minute for Kcris to hop in her car and drive off. Kcris parks right in front of the house gate. Kcris gets inside the low-heightened gate and starts to walk to the main entrance of the house. And, this is when Kcris sees Jeena sitting there and crying. Kcris hurriedly rushes to Jeena and helps her stand. In a split second, Jeena hugs Kcris tightly.
Many people around Kcris find it a bit weird that whenever Kcris sees someone hurting or crying, instead of asking 'what's wrong' or 'what happened', she lets that person cry it all out first. And the same thing is happening right now i.e. Kcris is letting Jeena let it all out first.
Because of a height difference of 4-5 inches, whenever Jeena hugs Kcris, her head ends up below Kcris' chin. It's quite a pleasant sight for the eyes as it appears that two lovers are being romantic. Once Jeena stops crying and Kcris separates from her, Kcris, to make Jeena laugh, does a bow and goes like, "Another outfit of mine is sacrificed in the name of your tears, my lady."
Listening to this, Jeena almost laughs and right away tells Kcris, "Don't make me laugh, Kcris. I am having a runny nose unless you want all snot... Umm."
"Okay. Okay. Come on. Let's get inside."
After half an hour or so, Jeena comes to the living room and sees Kcris sitting at the dining table as if she has been waiting for Jeena. Jeena comes and pulls out a chair to sit next to Kcris.
"Can we talk now, Jeena? Are you feeling any better?"
"Yes, I am good. We can talk."
"What were you doing with Alex? And Jeena, I need straight answers, no this-that."
Jeena is mum for some time, contemplating how to tell Kcris because she knows that Kcris has been insanely furious since yesterday and now all this too, is doing nothing except adding fuel to the fire. Jeena somehow musters up the courage and goes like, "Kcris, I needed to ask Alex, how she ended up in such a mess."
Kcris is shocked by Jeena's answer. Without even realizing it, Kcris in a loud tone goes like, "Are you crazy? Have you lost it?"
"Jeena, what was there to ask especially when she is the one responsible for you being dragged to the law enforcement office?"
"Have you really forgotten what she did to you, Jeena?"
Jeena has been constantly trying to say something, but Kcris is way too infuriated to listen to anything and so, Jeena shouts, "Kcris, please stop and listen to me. Alex told me that she is being framed by her company and even the officers believe her. They let her go. Kcris, Alex is not that of a bad person after all."
Kcris hates to yell at Jeena or for that matter at anybody, but she can't control herself right now, especially when Jeena is completely in the dark about Alex.
"Jeena, Alex has embezzled the money. Stop acting like a child. Please, be a little reasonable here. She is dangerous and I can't trust her anywhere around you. You are not going to see her anymore."
Jeena, who is totally unaware of the exact situation, thinks that Kcris is trying to unnecessarily chastise Alex. So, Jeena in Alex's defense refutes by saying, "At least, she doesn't sneakily put a location tracker in my phone to watch over me."
With Jeena saying this, all the disagreements and arguments till now are turned into a full-blown heated fight. Usually, Kcris is not someone who loses her cool this easily, but today it seems as if Kcris is possessed or something. Kcris picks Jeena's phone from the table and uninstalls the app from her phone.
Even though the tornado of vexation inside Kcris's head is still spinning at a very high pace, she tries to calm Jeena down so that she can understand why Kcris has been so much worried about her.
"Jeena, the app is gone now. Can you please let me say something?"
Jeena folds her hands, straightens her back, and says, "Okay I'll listen."
Jeena, here, seems like a small child who after a fight with the elder sibling, arrogantly agrees to listen to the negotiating terms, giving a gesture of, 'though you don't deserve to be heard, still, I'll let you say'.
"Jeena, Alex did embezzle the money and the officers didn't let her go. Rather, her bail was posted by someone. I don't know by whom. But, it is someone from Pioneer Industries."
Kcris is feeling agitated by looking at the constant unresponsive expressions on Jeena's face. Kcris tries to ignore this and further explains to Jeena about the app saying, "I gave you the phone with the app installed in it just for your safety. If you can't recall, let me jog your memory. Back then, you were going through your breakup and weren't in a good state. Clearly, I did never mean to pry, Jeena."
After listening to Kcris say all this, Jeena goes like, "I have just one question for you, Kcris. Were you ever going to tell me about the app and the tracking or did you intend to use it the same way you have been using it till now?"
In response to this question, Kcris pulls out her phone from her pocket, opens her download history, and holds it in Jeena's face.
"See for yourself, Jeena. I downloaded the app today itself as I couldn't get a hold of you when you declined my call. I was worried as Amy called and told me that she saw you arguing with some girl at the University gate."
Jeena twitches her brows and looks here and there for some time before saying, "Really?... You didn't track me, all this time?... Umm... You aren't lying, right?"
"Jeena, I have never lied to you." And after saying this, Kcris gets up to leave. But, Jeena immediately holds Kcris' hand and goes like, "Where are you going?"
"I am going to the office. I may be..."
Jeena interrupts Kcris. "Wait, wait. Aren't you gonna talk about yesterday?"
"No, Jeena. I am not."
"But why?"
"Clearly, because I don't want to hear your romantically beautiful tale of how patiently you were waiting in the law enforcement office for your magnanimously righteous Alex to come to your rescue."
Jeena doesn't like Kcris' sarcastic tone at all and so, she rebukes Kcris by telling her not to cross the line.
"Well... That's why I was leaving so that I don't say something that I don't want to."
"Kcris, you are being unfair here. You are assuming it all wrong. Me not calling you for help has nothing to do with anyone."
"Any wise person after seeing whatever is happening will think like me only. Anyway, I am sorry, Jeena." After saying this, Kcris uses her other hand to make Jeena let go of her hand.
"Ouch, it hurts," Jeena screams in pain. Kcris immediately checks Jeena's wrist only to find that her wrist is slightly blue as if it has been badly bruised. Kcris in panic immediately asks Jeena, "Did I do this to you? Did I hurt you?"
Jeena's reflex makes her cover the bruise with her other hand, but seeing Kcris so much worried Jeena right away tells Kcris, "No, Kcris it's not you. You didn't hurt me."
Kcris thinks that Jeena is lying so that Kcris doesn't feel bad. So, Kcris asks Jeena again, "You don't have to lie to me, Jeena. You can tell me."
"I am telling the truth. It's not your fault."
"Then how did you get hurt? (after a pause, Kcris asks) Did Alex hurt you?"
Getting silence as an answer to her question, Kcris' doubt is confirmed. Till now, Kcris has been somehow managing her anger, but this is totally unacceptable for her.
"Jeena, we are reporting this. And you are not saying a word because I ain't gonna listen to it."
"Kcris, Alex didn't mean to hurt me. It's just that she didn't realize that she was holding a bit too tight. Kcris, she feared that I might not listen to her and go away."
Kcris murmurs to herself, "You should have done it in the first place."
Kcris pushes the chair, she has been sitting on, away, in anger and goes like, "Wow, Jeena. How nonchalantly you defend your dear Alex, is truly remarkable. You and your undying concern for your love are really out of this world."
Kcris walks away without even listening to Jeena. After 2 minutes, Kcris comes out of her room and puts the first aid box on the dining table making a loud thump sound.
"Help yourself. I am going to my office. And don't forget to call Amy. Cook some story so that Amy doesn't worry about you anymore." And after saying this, Kcris is gone.
It's around 9 p.m. and Jeena is in the house all by herself, finishing some college work, when she gets a call from Maria.
"Hello, Jeena. How are you?"
"I am good. How about you, Maria?"
"I am also good. Actually, Kcris called me and told me that you sprained your wrist. So, I was thinking if you could tell me what you want to eat, I can get it on my way to your house and we can eat together."
"But... Kcris isn't home."
"It's okay she has already told me that she won't be coming home tonight."
"What?... Kcris ain't coming home?"
"I am sorry, Jeena. I thought Kcris told you already."

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