Alex surrenders.

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In a very low tone, Jeena murmurs to herself, "Well, I didn't expect Neil or anyone to call anybody at all."
"Excuse me, lady. I can hear you. You know that, right? (After a pause, Kcris further questions,) Am I allowed to know why you wanted to spend the night there instead of calling someone for help?"
Though the tone, Kcris has used to say this is a flat one, anger can be clearly felt in her voice. And this makes Jeena a bit worrisome. In a vague attempt to pacify Kcris, Jeena answers her without even realizing that she is gonna make the situation worse with her words.
"Kcris, I thought that I have already troubled you a lot, especially because of my relationship with Alex. So, it seemed better if I didn't drag you into this again. Besides, you were out of town."
Kcris is somehow managing to not lash out at Jeena.
"Wow... Fantastic...You just said that you have troubled me a lot then, what stopped you from coming to me for help this time? And even if I wasn't in town, I already told you to call on the numbers that I gave you before leaving, in case of any problem."
"Kcris, I didn't want to burden you with my problems. I don't want to be a burden for you."
"Oh my god, Jeena. If you were to get a nickel for every misunderstanding you have especially about me, you would be a millionaire by now. Besides, I never said and for that matter, nobody around me has ever said or made you feel that you are a burden."
While Kcris is saying all this, Jeena is standing with her head facing down and this is when Kcris realizes that she has completely lost Jeena's attention. So, to pull Jeena out of her thoughts, Kcris goes like, "JEENA. Are you even listening to me?"
"Huh?... Yes, Kcris. I am."
"Then, would you like to enlighten me with what you were trying to pull by not calling anyone for help? Or were you thinking it was going to be a 5-star luxurious hotel stay for you? (in frustration Kcris further says,) Are you stupid or something?"
Jeena is just standing there not knowing what to say. Kcris’ voice is changed now, no matter how angry she is; she can't let go of her concern for Jeena. And so, in a low worrisome tone, Kcris goes like, "What were you thinking, Jeena? What would have happened if we weren't there? Your family lives quite far away from here. Who would have helped you? Huh?"
Both are still standing in the living room, talking, more like arguing, when Kcris' phone starts to ring. Kcris picks up, says hello and there is pin-drop silence in the room for a few minutes. Kcris is still standing at the same place while holding her phone close to her ear, saying nothing and just staring at Jeena. Jeena, though not staring, is also looking at Kcris, but with a slightly softer gaze. Jeena can't understand anything about whom Kcris is talking to or what she is talking about as Kcris ain't saying anything and just listening to the person on the other side of the call.
" Ma'am, I have heard you clearly. You should first worry about your health instead of worrying about others. You should go to bed now. It's already late."
After saying this Kcris disconnects the call and places the phone on the center table. Kcris then goes to the kitchen and comes back with two glasses of water. While passing the glass to Jeena, Kcris by mistake touches Jeena's hand and realizes that Jeena's hand is quite warm. Kcris immediately puts her glass of water away and then puts one hand on Jeena's forehead and another one on her forehead. In a split second, Kcris knows that Jeena is running a fever. Kcris holds Jeena by her hand and makes her sit at the dining table. Kcris then goes to her room and comes back with a thermometer. Seeing the temperature at 102.3 °F, Kcris gives Jeena a deadly stare. Jeena tries to say something but, seeing how furious Kcris is right now, Jeena's words wouldn't dare to come out of her mouth.
Kcris goes into the kitchen, gets some ingredients out of the refrigerator, and starts making rice porridge for Jeena. When the porridge is almost cooked, Kcris asks Jeena to go and wash her hands. By the time Jeena comes back, porridge is already on the table for her to eat. Jeena starts to eat whereas Kcris goes to get a fever-reducing pill from the medicine box.
When Kcris comes back, she sees that Jeena is not eating anymore and there is still more than half the porridge left in the bowl. So, Kcris pulls out another chair and sits next to Jeena. Kcris picks the bowl in her hand and starts to feed Jeena. The moment, the spoon reaches Jeena's mouth, she right away turns her face to the other side. Seeing Jeena act like this, Kcris is enraged even more. Kcris decides to control her anger as Jeena is not feeling well. Keeping the hand holding the spoon in the same position, Kcris puts the bowl on the table, and using this hand she makes Jeena turn her face towards the spoon. Despite not wanting to eat, Jeena eats from the spoon.
After feeding two-three spoons to Jeena, Kcris says to Jeena, "If you will finish this, I let you have your favorite chocolate tomorrow."
Jeena smiles listening to Kcris and goes like, "I am not Ria. Kcris, stop luring me with chocolates. I don't feel like eating anymore."
Kcris feels a bit relieved seeing Jeena smile like that but this doesn't stop her from making Jeena finish the entire bowl.
"Don't be stubborn, Jeena. You need to finish this so that you can take some medicine for your fever."
Jeena wants Kcris to stop feeding her, but she says nothing as she knows how furious Kcris is after today's incident. After the bowl is empty, Kcris takes the medicine out of the strip and gives it to Jeena. Once Jeena is done taking the medicine, Kcris gets up to place the bowl and the glass in the kitchen sink for washing. But, Kcris is stopped by Jeena as she grabs Kcris's arm to make her sit back in the chair.
Jeena in a low tone tells Kcris, "I want to talk to you about something, Kcris."
"If it is about today, it can wait till tomorrow."
"No, Kcris. It is not about today."
"Okay, then tell me what it is."
"You were so angry. Whose call was it that made you calm down?"
"Ohh! Listen, young lady, you are still in a lot of trouble. Don't get any wrong ideas. My anger hasn't subsided yet. Once you have recovered, you still have to face my questions about not calling anyone for help."
"That's okay, Kcris. I get it. But, whose call was it that made you get me a glass of water instead of continuing to yell at me? I would seriously want to thank that person."
"Well, in that case, you can thank Mrs. Fabiola as she is the one who called me. Amy must have told her about you."
"Oh! Yes, Amy was with me when they took me. Calling you in the middle of the night... Aunt Jennifer must have been troubled a lot because of me."
Kcris gets up and picks up the bowl and the glasses to put them away. Kcris is amazed listening to Jeena and goes like, "What's wrong with these women around me? Everybody is worried about everybody except for themselves."
"Huh... What do you mean, Kcris?"
"Nothing. You go to bed now... And yes, don't lock your door from inside."
"Why, Kcris?"
"Can you for once do as I say and not argue?"
Jeena in a slightly sarcastic tone goes like, "Okay, ma'am. Good night."
And Jeena goes to her room. After some time, Kcris goes to Jeena's room and tells her, "In case you can't sleep, you can take your sleeping pills. As you have taken an antipyretic, I asked Sammy and she told me, it won't have any adverse effects."
While lying in bed Jeena answers Kcris, "I don't think I would need them as I am dead-drop tired."
"Okay, good night." And Kcris leaves, closing the door behind her.
A few hours later, Kcris comes into Jeena's room to check whether her fever has subsided. The moment, Kcris touches Jeena's forehead, she realizes that her fever is still very high. Kcris right away goes to get ice-cold water from the kitchen so that she can wipe Jeena's body with it. The next morning when Jeena gets up, she sees Kcris sitting next to her on the bed with her laptop. Jeena suddenly sits up and this makes the cold strip placed on her forehead fall into her lap.
"Don't be startled, Jeena. Your fever wasn't going down. So, I stayed here to keep an eye on you in case you needed to be rushed to the hospital. I checked an hour ago, you don't have any temperature. How are you feeling now?"
"I am feeling much better now, Kcris."
"Okay. (After a pause, Kcris speaks further) As your fever was subsiding, you were sweating a lot. Your clothes are all dirty. Go take a shower and I'll fix something for you to eat."
"What time is it, Kcris?"
"Umm... 11:34."
"Huh... What? Why didn't you wake me up, Kcris? I had to submit my assignments today. 9 o'clock was the deadline. (in frustration Jeena further goes like,) Ahhh..."
"Calm down, Jeena. I sent them with Paraam and your friend Ayesha submitted them for you."
"Huh? How come?"
"Actually, your friend called you to remind you about the submission. But, you were fast asleep so, I picked up the call. I am sorry, I took the liberty to go through your stuff without your permission."
"Thank you, Kcris. Thanks a lot. And please, don't apologize for unnecessary things. I am going to the washroom, now."
When Jeena comes out into the living room, she sees quite a few dishes placed on the dining table.
"I heard the doorbell when I was in the washroom. Kcris, who was it?"
"It was Maria. I called her in the morning to talk about something and that's when I told her that you were unwell so she cooked us all these (while pointing towards the dining table)."
"Isn't it too much for the two of us? By the way, she has cooked for me so many times. I feel like a freeloader. How should I repay her for all the tasty food?"
"Don't worry, Jeena. You aren't freeloading."
"So, you pay her for the meals? Then, how much do I owe you, Kcris?"
"You owe me nothing, Jeena. I don't pay Maria for the meals."
"Kcris... (out of frustration Jeena clenches her teeth hard) Ahhh... What's wrong with you? You just said it, I ain't a freeloader."
"Calm down, Jeena. It's just that I pay for Maria's daughter's education expenses. Umm... Actually, when I first saw her daughter, I felt like I was seeing Neil for the first time. So innocent... Pleasing to eyes. And for this sole reason, I told Maria that paying for her daughter's education is like taking care of my daughter as she ain't only hers but mine too. But as you know, Maria being Maria, she considers this as a favor so, whenever she cooks for me it's always free. And you are living with me so, you too are included."
"Oh! That's why your coffee and cake were on the house in her cafe."
"Huh? What now, Jeena?"
"Oh ho! Kcris, don't you remember when Sky and I went to her cafe CC square and you joined us later?"
After thinking for some time, Kcris finally remembers it but is also amazed at the fact that Jeena can still remember something so trivial, and that too from a year ago.
After eating, both Kcris and Jeena leave in Kcris' car. On the way to her office, Kcris drops Jeena at her college for the second-half classes.
The moment, Kcris reaches her office, Tessa gets her first task.
"Tessa, please ask someone to get me my coffee. And I have an appointment with our lawyer, Mr. Lee. I want him in my office when he sets foot in the building."
"Mr. Lee is already waiting for you in your office. Anything else, ma'am?"
"No. Thank you, Tessa."
Kcris goes into her office and goes like, "Hello, Mr. Lee. What's the update? What can we do to help Jeena?"
"We don't have to do anything, ma'am, as Miss Taylor has already surrendered."
"Wow. Up until yesterday, nobody knew where she was and today she is imprisoned."
"No, she isn't, Ms. Pattinson."
"Huh? Come again. Did they let her go?"
"Ms. Taylor's bail was posted half an hour back."
"How come? Wasn't the bail amount a bit too much for Alex to pay?"
"Yes. But someone from Pioneer Industries posted Ms. Taylor's bail."
Kcris is silent for some time and then she goes like, "So, Mr. Lee, Jeena is clear now, right?"
"Yes. But, Ms. Fabre has to visit the law enforcement office once to sign a few documents and then she'll be done."
"Okay. So, when is Jeena supposed to go?"
"Well, Ms. Fabre can go tomorrow, around 11 a.m. I'll meet her there and help her through the process."
"I'll let Jeena know. Anyway, thank you for everything, Mr. Lee."
"That's my job, Ms. Pattinson." After saying this Mr. Lee leaves Kcris' office. At the same time, Tessa comes in with some files in one hand and Kcris' coffee in the other.

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