Kcris has a daughter?

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Kcris is in no mood to eat anymore so, she leaves the coffee and the cake untouched. She asks Sky, “Little girl, can you please go home by yourself today.” Sky immediately answers, “Yes of course, and Kcris… please don’t beat yourself up for forgetting the date. It’s ok not to carry the burden all the time.” Kcris then goes like, “Hmm… and it was nice meeting you, Alex… Bye Jeena.” And Kcris leaves.
Jeena asks Sky, “Is she gonna be ok? Can she be left alone like this? I think she was crying.”
Sky answers in a little bit sad tone, “Don’t worry even if you saw tears in her eyes, she won’t cry. It has already been more than five years since anyone saw her cry. You guys should leave, you have a lunch date, right?”
Alex answers, “Yes, umm… Sky you can also join us. It’s not a date, just a lunch. You are Jeena’s friend, so you are my friend too. She can join us, right babe?”
Jeena is still lost in her thoughts, so Alex slightly shakes Jeena’s arm and asks her, “Babe are you ok?” Jeena replies, “Hmm… I am ok. I am just worried about Kcris”
Alex to make Jeena less stressed, amusingly asks her, “Should I be worried that my girl is worrying about someone else and that too, right in front of me?”
Jeena lightly pinches Alex’s arm and goes like, “It’s not funny at all.”
Sky interrupts both of them and speaks up, “Jeena, please don’t think too much. Kcris can handle this. We have seen her overcome much worse than this. There is no point in worrying about her. You should go with Alex for your lunch. I also need to rush home as I need to finish my assignment before the submission deadline.” Jeena agrees with Sky and goes like, “Hmm… you should finish your assignment in time. (After a pause). By the way who is this girl Casey?” Sky replies with a straight face, “It’s Kcris’s personal stuff. You better ask her. It’s highly unlikely that she would want me or anyone to talk about this.”
Sky gets up and leaves. After a brief moment, Alex and Jeena also leave.
“Babe should I go and get the car or we can walk up to the restaurant.” Jeena is still worried about Kcris and so unknowingly answers, “Hmm… Ok.” Alex is baffled, “Babe are you even listening to me?” Jeena gets a hold of herself and turns to Alex apologizing, “I am sorry. I was lost in my thoughts. What did you say again?” Alex smiles amusingly and answers, “Should I get the car or you can walk up to the restaurant?”
“It’s just a 10 minutes walk. Why go by car and look for a new parking space? Let’s just walk”
Both walk up to the restaurant hand in hand, deciding what to and what not to buy for the groceries later. Jeena picks a corner table for two. Just after sitting, Jeena gulps an entire glass of water and goes like, “I haven’t sipped a drop of water for almost four hours. I am starving. I don’t know why, even though I had so much for the breakfast today. I am still hungry. I guess.”
Alex is enjoying all this i.e. Jeena’s self-talk. She passes the menu to Jeena, asking her to order something.
Jeena skims over the entire menu and calls for the waiter.
“We would like to order. Umm… Buta-No-Shogayaki and Gyoza.” Then she looks at Alex and asks, “Should I order for you too.”
“Yes, sure.”
So Jeena gets back to the waiter and continues, “One Gyudon… and Karaage for her. Please. That’s all.”
The waiter replies, “Sure ma’am. I’ll ask the chef to start preparing the dishes. If you need anything else, please let me know.” And the waiter leaves. Alex looks up to Jeena, “Can I ask you something? That new friend of yours, Kcris…’ Before she could finish Jeena almost shouts at her, “What about her? I don’t know anything about her.”
“Do you still like her, babe?”
Jeena is filled with more anger, so she scolds Alex, “Stop acting stupid. Alex, I once had a crush on her and I did tell you this, back then. The only reason for this crush was that she seemed like a mystery. And that’s it. And now she is a friend so, clearly not a mystery anymore. The reason has already vanished and so is my crush on her. So can you please stop unnecessary overthinking?”
Alex is a bit stunned by Jeena’s behavior and she says to her, ‘You don’t need to be this rude. I was just asking you casually. And besides, I think, she already has some girl, whom she cares about a lot. Remember the way she talked about that girl, Casey. I guess, Casey is someone very important to her.”
Jeena feels slightly sad after listening to Alex and thinks to herself, “Why am I even sad? Is it because… even though for a brief moment but still, I thought that Alex doubts me? Or is it because of that girl Casey? Or maybe because Kcris was sad?... Wait why am I even thinking about her again?”
Jeena tries to shush her mind and focus on the lunch. And right then, the waiter brings the dishes to the table. Once all the dishes are served Alex is perplexed looking at the amount of food Jeena has ordered and right away asks her, “Can these be finished by both of us?” Jeena looks at the waiter and asks him, “Can I get some Edamame, please.”
“Sure ma’am I’ll get it for you.”
Alex is befuddled because, while she was asking Jeena if she could finish all the food, Jeena ordered some more.” Jeena looks up to Alex and says, “It’s just a side dish which I have been craving for quite some time. And yes I can finish it all.”
Both Alex and Jeena eat in silence and once they are done, Jeena asks Alex, “You go get the car and I’ll clear the bill.” Alex follows.
Alex gets the car and arrives in front of the restaurant. Jeena hops in. Alex trying to be playful asks Jeena, “Where to now? My lady?”
“Come on Alex. Before eating only, we were discussing what to buy and what not to for the groceries, so obviously to the grocery store.”
“Yes ma’am.” And Alex starts the car. Alex is driving with one hand and holding Jeena’s hand with the other. They have only reached four-five minutes far from the restaurant when all of a sudden a five-six years old girl appears in front of the car. Alex is fortunate enough to pull over in time and not hit the girl. Due to this sudden shock, the girl faints. Jeena instantly gets out of the car and rushes to check on the girl. She picks her up and starts to look here and there if that girl has someone with her or not. Alex also comes out of the car. A lady comes running from behind. Alex and Jeena think that she is the mother so immediately apologize and tell her. “The car didn’t hit her. She must have fainted because of the shock as everything happened so fast.”
Alex notices the bruised elbow of the girl and goes like, “Babe she is bleeding. Must have hit the road hard when she fainted.”
The lady starts to panic, so Jeena immediately holds her hand and assures her by saying, “Let’s go to the nearest hospital and get her checked. She will be fine. Don’t worry.” Jeena helps the lady and girl get in the back seat of the car and asks Alex to drive. Jeena is well acquainted with the area as it is close to her university so she helps Alex with the directions to the hospital.
On the way to the hospital, the lady tries calling someone but appears not to get through. By the time they reach the hospital, the little girl is already conscious and starts to cry because of the pain. Jeena takes some candies and chocolates out of the glove box of the car. Jeena turns toward the girl, showing her hand full of delicacies, and says, “If you’ll stop crying I’ll let you share all these with me. Also, I’ll play with you. I have many games.”
The little girl tries to wipe her tears with one hand and the lady also helps her. But the moment she sees the blood on her elbow starts to cry again. The moment they reach the hospital, Jeena gets out of the car and gets the back door. Jeena picks the girl up and embraces her. Jeena knows that the girl is hurting a lot, so tries to distract her and asks her, “You’re very cute. What’s your name, pretty lady?”
The girl continues to sob but also answers Jeena, “My name is Ria. (after a small pause) You are also cute but less cute than me. During all this talking Ria is still in Jeena’s arms and Ria has placed her little arms around Jeena’s neck, clinging to her. Jeena continues to talk, “Oh! Ria, I am sad.”, and makes a sad face. Ria immediately looks at Jeena’s face and tells her, “Please don’t be sad. Sad and crying people look ugly. You’ll also become ugly.”
“Who told you this, Ria?”
Ria smiles and answers Jeena, “My mommy told me this. She loves me a lot.”
Jeena turns to the lady who is walking beside her along with Alex and tells her with a smile, “You have a very cute and lovely child. You are doing a great job being a mother.”
The lady corrects Jeena saying, “I am not her mother. I am her nanny.”
Alex immediately asks the nanny, “Have you informed her guardians about this?” Nanny answers Alex, “I have been trying to reach her but, I couldn’t so I have asked someone else to inform her.”
On the other side, Kcris reaches the hotel, grabs the keys from the reception, and instructs the receptionist not to disturb her for the day. Kcris is still upset about the fact that she forgot Casey’s birthday. It is for the first time in three years that she forgot. She changes into house clothes and goes straight to the study. Kcris opens the cupboard and among all the drawers there is one that is locked. Kcris uses the key in her hand to open it and pulls out an old photo album from it. Kcris sits on the chair with the album on her lap and with a huge sigh starts to turn the pages of the album. With every passing photograph, her eyes are becoming sadder. It is just a few photographs and Kcris is already lost in old memories of her and Casey. Kcris may have ended up shedding tears but is pulled out of her thoughts as someone starts to knock on the door. Kcris, at first, ignores it, but she can’t anymore as it is almost 3-4 minutes since someone is constantly knocking.
Kcris gets the door and yells at the hotel staff standing there, “Wasn’t I clear enough downstairs when I said, I don’t want to be disturbed for the day? Or are you blind and can’t read the sign on the door which says don’t disturb? Anyway, what do you want?”
He, in a stammering voice, says, “Miss. Pattinson your manager can’t reach out to you as your phone is switched off. She needs to talk to you urgently.” and passes the phone.
Kcris grabs the phone and right away yells, “You have one minute to speak and it better be important else you are dead.”
From the other end, “Ma’am Ria has got hurt. There was a small accident. Her elbow got bruised as she fainted on the road when she was almost hit by a car. She needs a few stitches and she will be fine.”
“Where is she? Which hospital?”
“Mary’s Care Hospital.”
Kcris disconnects the call, grabs her phone, wallet, and car keys, and asks the staff member, “I am in a hurry so please close the suite and take the keys to the reception.” And she leaves for the hospital.
Here at the hospital, the nurse tells Jeena, “I have to give her an injection to numb her arm so that she doesn’t feel the pain while I am stitching up her wound.”
Jeena talks to Ria, “Ria, you want your pain to go away, right?” This aunty will give you a little injection and after that, all your pain will go away. It will pinch your arm a little. Can our Ria be a brave girl… huh?”
The little girl nods her head saying, “Ok.”
“You are a lovely child. Can I get a hug from you?”
Ria immediately hugs Jeena. The nurse gives Ria, the injection and she screams. Jeena continues to squeeze Ria to her chest so that she doesn’t flinch and the nurse can easily stitch her wound. Once the nurse is done Jeena lets go of Ria. Jeena is heartbroken to see how much little Ria has cried. Jeena wipes Ria’s tears and says, “Since our little Ria has been so much brave, I’ll get her a chocolate smoothie. Do you want a smoothie, Ria?”
Jeena leaves Ria with the nanny and says, “You be with her. Since it was our mistake we’ll take care of the bill and medicines.” Alex and Jeena reach the counter and Jeena asks Alex to go and get the medicine from the other counter while she clears the bill. Kcris arrives at the hospital and goes straight to the children’s ward.
Alex and Jeena after getting the smoothie from the food court are coming back to Ria. They see Kcris going into the same room in which Ria is being treated. Both look at each other in confusion. Alex immediately asks Jeena. “Is that your friend Kcris?”
Jeena is still confused and asks herself, “Is she the guardian? Is Ria Kcris’s daughter?”

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