Jeena to stay with Ayesha.

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"No, Kcris. I know, you won't lie to me. You never break your promises."
"Well, then, I guess our conversation is over now. So, I am going to work."
Before Kcris can leave, Jeena hugs Kcris from behind, asking her to stop. Kcris is literally a statue now. Jeena with tears in her eyes, in a pleading tone, asks Kcris, "Will you believe me if I say Alex has lied to you?"
After saying this, Jeena could no longer hold her tears. Kcris slowly makes Jeena loosen the tight grip Jeena has, by separating Jeena's arms from Kcris' waist. Kcris then turns to face Jeena. Seeing Jeena like this, Kcris' heart aches for her. Kcris places Jeena's face between her palms and using her thumbs, Kcris wipes Jeena's tears.
"Stop crying, Jeena. I ain't going anywhere. I'll listen to you."
Jeena bursts into crying even more while pleading to Kcris, "I didn't lie to you, Kcris. Please, trust me."
Kcris pulls Jeena to herself and tightly hugs Jeena while caressing her hair. Once Jeena stops crying, Kcris lets go of Jeena.
"I am sorry, Jeena. You weren't stopping. I couldn't think of anything else, so I hugged you."
Seeing Kcris feel a bit awkward, Jeena wipes her face with tissues and goes like, "Don't worry, Kcris. I know you mean well."
Both Kcris and Jeena sit on the couch. Jeena once again asks Kcris the same question, "Will you trust me if I say that Alex has lied to you?"
Hearing this once again, makes Kcris realize how much her trust means to Jeena. So, Kcris takes Jeena's hands into hers as a gesture of assurance and goes like, "Yes, without a doubt. Tell me what exactly happened. How did you get hurt that night?"
"Actually, Kcris, I told you that I had a severe headache that night and so, I was walking in the garden. Remember?"
"Yes, I do, Jeena. But, how did you get hurt?
"So it was like, I was outside taking a walk when I heard someone talking. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or something. I just thought about who could be there, so I went to check. But, before I could understand anything, I heard someone calling my name. I was coming back when someone bumped into me. I fell and injured my elbow. And rest you already know."
"So, you are saying, you didn't know that Alex was at the party."
"Yes, Kcris. I knew nothing of the sort."
Kcris gets up and goes to get two glasses of water, one for Jeena and another for herself. Kcris has realized her mistake and so she says to Jeena, "I am really very sorry. I would never repeat my mistake again. From next time on, I'll ask you first before assuming anything or trusting anyone's words."
"Thank you, Kcris."
"Jeena, I want to ask you something. Why would Alex lie to me? What would she be trying to pull by causing a misunderstanding between us?"
"I don't know, Kcris. And seriously, I don't even care anymore. (and there is a pause.) Last night, why were you so drunk, Kcris?"
"I went to meet a couple of old friends. They wanted to have drinks, so we had a few. After returning, I wanted to drink some more. And rest you already know... how much I was drunk and all."
Though Jeena wants to ask Kcris why she was in that room, Jeena can sense that Kcris is not very comfortable talking about it, so she believes Kcris and lets go of the matter.
" Kcris, I need to talk to you about something else."
"Yeah, sure. Do tell."
"My exams are approaching, so I was thinking of staying with Ayesha for the time being. Besides her condo is near the university. It will save me a lot of time."
(Condo is short for a condominium.)
"Umm... Okay. If you think so. Well, when are you thinking of taking your stuff to her place?"
"Today, in the evening. I am almost done packing my stuff."
"Tch. (Kcris clicks her tongue in disappointment.)"
"What, Kcris?"
"It will be a bit hectic for me to free my schedule in the evening. (After thinking just for a few seconds, Kcris tells Jeena) Okay. Don't worry, I'll manage. I'll pick you up at 5:00 in the evening."
"No, Kcris. You don't need to do that. I can have Ayesha pick me up."
Before Kcris can say anything, the doorbell rings. Kcris asks Jeena to wait while she checks. It's Alaric. Jeena already doesn't like him and now he is at the place where she lives.
"How come you know this address, Alaric?"
"Well... I went to your office and you weren't there. A little help from your beautiful secretary led me directly to your doorstep."
"What? Tessa wouldn't give you the address."
"No, she didn't. But, during our little chit-chat, Tessa by mistake, slipped the name of the locality you live in these days."
"I think... Now, I should fire Tessa."
"Oh! come on, Kcris. Even without her help, I would have found you. Aren't you forgetting a little something that I have been in this house before?"
When all this talk is going on between Kcris and Alaric, Jeena is being a silent spectator. When Alaric sees Jeena he goes like, "Oh! Sorry, I forgot to ask how is your injury now, Miss Jeena. Are you okay?"
Jeena tries to be as polite as she can be with Alaric and answers him, "Yes, Mr. Pioneer. It's much better now."
"Oh! Come on. Just Alaric is fine." In answer to this Jeena only smiles.
Before anyone can say anything, Kcris as usual, takes control of the situation and asks Alaric, his purpose for the visit. And so, Alaric says, "You have an appointment with me in an hour. So, I thought I could come and pick you up and we can have some old-time sake conversation along with some coffee before our meeting. And also I am taking you out for dinner. (Seeing the frown on Kcris' face, he further adds,) And before you say no, I would like to tell you that I already know, your schedule is free from 9:30 to 10:30 tonight."
Kcris is infuriated so much so that she goes like, "One hundred percent, Tessa is gonna need to find a new job because I am firing her."
"Oh-ho! Kcris. Tessa didn't do anything wrong for you to fire her. She was just helping her boss reconcile with her past love."
In a sarcastic tone, Kcris asks, "And what did you tell her, Alaric to believe your screwed-up story?"
"Nothing much. I just reminisced about our beautiful romantic dates with her."
Jeena who has been mum all along, immediately asks, "What dates?"
"The ones we had in college. You may not know, Miss Jeena. But, we both were a thing during our post-grad years."
Kcris has had enough by now. Kcris holds Alaric by his arm and goes like, "You know what... You are done here. So, let's just get out of here."
After saying this, Kcris almost drags Alaric out of the house with her. But, before going past the door, Kcris turns to Jeena, a silent bystander of this drama, and tells Jeena, "You better be careful with your arm while moving your stuff."
"Why? Aren't you gonna come, Kcris?"
Kcris lets go of Alaric's arm and comes near Jeena to ask her, "Didn't you tell me before that you can have Ayesha pick you up? Is there any problem, Jeena?"
Jeena is dying from inside to tell Kcris that she wants Kcris to help her shift. But, since Jeena has already said to Kcris that Ayesha will help her, Jeena has no option but to say otherwise. And hence Jeena goes like, "Yeah. No problem, Kcris. Ayesha can totally help me."
"Okay. Drop me a text when you reach there, Jeena. (And then, Kcris turns to Alaric, holds his arm again, and goes like,) And you mister... You are coming with me."
Kcris then takes Alaric with her. Once Kcris and Alaric are gone, Jeena sits on the couch with a frown on her face. This is a bit confusing for Jeena as this is the first time, Jeena has not liked Kcris interacting with someone. Jeena has met many friends of Kcris, but this is the first time she doesn't like a friend of Kcris. Just like the previous time, this time also, Jeena fails to figure out the reason for her behavior. In the end, she gives up and goes back to packing her stuff.
Later in the evening, around 6 o'clock, Ayesha comes to take Jeena with her. It takes Ayesha and Jeena around one and a half hours to get back to Ayesha's condo. Ayesha helps Jeena put her stuff in place and then both friends sit down having a sigh of relief.
"Finally done. Thanks, Ayesha, for letting me stay."
"It's not a problem. Chill. Anyway, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure."
"What are you thinking about? I mean why are you so angry? It seems someone has done something to you."
"I am not angry at anyone, Ayesha. It's just that I don't like Alaric at all."
"Huh? Who is Alaric?"
"I don't know. Kcris says he is an old college friend. But, today when he came to our place, he said that he and Kcris were a thing back in the college days. (Seeing Ayesha being perplexed, Jeena takes a sigh before telling further) Alaric Pioneer, the new CEO of Pioneer Industries. He is the son of Mr. David Pioneer who also happens to be Kcris' professor during her graduation years. And not only this, Alaric was in class with Kcris in her post-grad."
"Well, Jeena... I don't see any problem with this. You see, both were in the same college and both studied the same subject. It's not very peculiar of them, to have dated each other. It's totally normal."
"Yeah, I get it, but... (Though Jeena is feeling a bit hesitant to speak further, she manages to speak in one go.) Then, why are they having dinner now? They are not in college anymore."
Ayesha laughs in amusement, going like, "Jeena, this makes even more sense, you know?"
Jeena rolls her eyes and asks Ayesha, "How come?"
"Well, Kcris is a businesswoman and Alaric is also now the CEO. It's natural for them to meet or even date. Many times people prefer partners who are in the same field as them. You yourself said that Kcris has been single for quite a long time. Why are you so grim about it? Rather, you should be happy for your friend."
"Whatever you say. But, I just don't like them together."
Seeing the childlike behavior of Jeena, Ayesha has a good time laughing while holding her stomach.
"Why are you laughing, Ayesha?"
"Because of you. Stupid. You behave as if Alaric is stealing your girlfriend. Come on. Let's get something to eat, I am famished."
Jeena gets up and doesn't say anything to Ayesha but murmurs to herself, "Though, not my girlfriend but still... he is stealing my friend."
Ayesha and Jeena go to a nearby eatery and while eating, Ayesha asks Jeena if Jeena has informed Kcris that she has reached.
"Oh! no. Shit, I forgot. What time is it, Ayesha?"
Ayesha looks at her smartwatch and it says 10 o'clock. After knowing what time it is, Jeena realizes that Kcris must be having dinner with Alaric. Jeena is holding her mobile phone in her hand while contemplating whether or not to call Kcris. Seeing Jeena behave awkwardly, Ayesha asks Jeena what she is thinking. Jeena knows that if she tells Ayesha about it, Ayesha is definitely gonna stop her from calling Kcris. So, Jeena instead of doing anything just makes the call.
"Hey, Jeena. Have you reached Ayesha's place?"
"Yes. We both are having dinner. And Kcris, what about you?"
"Ahh! Don't ask, Jeena. I am buried under files and dossiers."
This is not just any 'okay' rather, a sign of Jeena's feeling of relief that Kcris is not with Alaric. Jeena still wants to confirm, so she asks Kcris, "And what about your di..."
"Jeena, one second..."
Before Jeena can complete her sentence, she is interrupted by Kcris. Now, Jeena is listening to the faintly audible conversation happening in Kcris' office from this side of the phone. Jeena hears Tessa telling Kcris that Mr. Alaric Pioneer is there to take Kcris for dinner. A few seconds later, Jeena can hear Alaric's voice too, but unfortunately, she is not able to hear whatever he has been saying.
"Jeena, I'll talk to you later. I'm gonna go, now. Bye."
Kcris doesn't even wait to listen to Jeena say anything and disconnects the call. Jeena almost throws her phone on the table.
"Easy lady... Easy. What's wrong with you, Jeena?"
"Nothing. Kcris is going with Alaric for dinner."
"Oh-ho! Jeena. Can you stop obsessing over Kcris?"
Jeena knows that there is no point arguing with Ayesha. So, Jeena goes back to eating. Both Jeena and Ayesha come back and decide to go to sleep early so that they can get up early in the morning and study for the exams. After all, this is the reason, why Jeena has come to live with Ayesha. Jeena is lying with her eyes closed as she can't fall asleep after knowing that Kcris is with Alaric. This is when Jeena receives a text on her phone from Kcris asking if she is still awake so that Kcris can call her.

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