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"Oh come on, come on.. hurry up, you're making me nervous.." Taehyung rambles to the individual infront of him, although he's aware the elderly woman isn't able to hear him.

He's on field duty today, looking after an assigned retired female. Currently he finds himself on a pavement next to a terribly busy street, pacing back and forth because of his anxiety since the woman isn't exactly quick at crossing it in her old days.

She shuffles forward behind her walker when the light switches to green, the rather rusty wheels making the most off-putting squeaks and pressing on all of his trillion nerves at once.

Taehyung glances to his right and then to his left, waiting cars beeping impatiently at the woman.

He bites on his bottom lip, tugging on his own hair.

"Come on, please.. just a little faster, you can do it!" He attempts to cheer her on, glancing behind him only to realise they've barely managed to get to the middle of the road.

The previously green light has surely turned red again since cars start to manoeuvre their way past the woman in uncomfortable and impractical ways, honking at each other for almost bumping into one another.

He refrains himself from shutting his eyes tight, almost not daring to look.

"You know," A voice suddenly says from behind him, causing him to shriek and turn around.

His heart starts hammering once he made eye contact with Jeongguk, an automatic and instant blush appearing on his cheeks, especially after the last dream he has had.

His eyes follow the devil's frame, watching as he comes to a pause right behind the old woman.

"You can just.." He makes a pushing-motion with both of his hands, as if to sign the angel to do exactly that, in order to get her to the other side of the street in one quick and simple movement.

Taehyung slaps his hand to his mouth, almost laughing out loud.

"Jeongguk, no! We can't do that! First of all it'd look ridiculously strange when she miraculously flies to the other side of the road and second of all, with our force she'd get yeeted into the building over there!" He points at it, causing the devil to hold up his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright, whatever you say," he snorts on a laugh of his own, imagining the scene Taehyung just described to him.

Yeah, that would indeed look wierd.

"How'd you sleep?" He suddenly inquires in a tone that causes the angel to freeze and his eyes to stay solely focused upon the human, heart palpitating.

"G─good." He immediately rushes out, embarrassed to his core remembering how he woke up.

It technically wasn't a lie. He did sleep good, but perhaps a bit too well.

It's silent for a moment, when the naturally seductive voice next to him exclaims,

"I woke up missing you."

He what?

They finally manage to cross the street safe and well and the angel turns around to face the devil, slowly looking into his eyes.

"What?" Taehyung breathes out, stunned.

"I had this intensely real dream, I know you did too. When I woke up, I was missing you." Jeongguk admits without shame, tilting his head to the side and taking in every little detail of the angel's red face.

"I.." Taehyung feels as if he's going to explode. "When I woke up this morning I was sad. I was missing a warmth on top of me that wasn't there." He admits as well, and only then realises what he just said.

He shrieks, slapping both of his hands over his mouth.

"See?" The devil's lips tug up in a smirk, yet his eyes shimmer in joy. "I was right. You did have the same dream."

"Sh─shut up.." Taehyung stammers, ashamed.

He starts taking steps back when Jeongguk starts taking steps towards him, ever so slowly backing him up until his back hits a wall and he is trapped with nowhere to run off to.

"Or what, little angel? What are you going to do about it?" Jeongguk taunts, the smirk on his lips widening and excitement running through his body.

With his pointy finger he lifts the boy's chin up, forcing him to maintain eye contact.

Taehyung's breath comes out ragged due to their close proximity, adrenaline coursing through his veins. It doesn't take long before he realises the other male is in the exact same shape as him.

The angel can feel himself slowly caving in.

His eyes slowly fall upon the devil's lips, lingering there for a moment before he glances back up.

He doesn't even notice when he starts leaning in but he does─ up until the point their mouths are mere millimetres removed from each other and he can feel his warm breath hitting his skin.

"You're tempting me, pretty," Jeongguk grins, but forces himself to pull away even though everything inside of him screams at him not to.

"Where'd the human go?" He suddenly voices, changing the entire atmosphere and tension.

Taehyung frowns, stepping aside and glances left and right.

"Huh? I don't know.. where'd she go?" He repeats confused.

"Wierd, she was just here. She's an old little lady on even shorter little legs, she couldn't have gone that far." The devil chuckles, not bothering to look around since his eyes are solely trained upon the male before him.

"Damn it! I lost her." Taehyung groans in annoyance, not even realising what he just did.

"Did you just curse?" Jeongguk frowns in surprise, watching as the male swiftly turns around with huge eyes, gasping.

"Fuck! I did. Wait no shit, fuck, how do I stop it for crying out loud─" He starts rambling in panic, causing the devil to topple over in laughter.

"It's not funny!" Taehyung whines, but gets shut up when the other steps closer towards him and brushes some hair behind his ear.

"Aren't you just adorable?" He grins with fondness.

And the angel knows for a fact he downgraded two more ranks that day.

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