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"I have been waiting for you, little angel."

An all too well-known voice says, and the male doesn't even have to put any effort in it for it to sound sensuous.

"Y─you have?" Taehyung questions, unsure of his surroundings. He can't make up where he is, all he can see is the devil in front of him.

The man hums, walks closer towards him with a look in his eyes that manages to make the angel's heart thump loud enough for him to be able to hear it.

His large, veiny hand cups his face and the boy gasps at the contact, electricity pulsing through him.

"Do you have any idea how tempting you are to me, pretty? What are you doing to me?" Jeongguk husks, eyebrows furrowing and his orbs falling to the angel's lips.

Taehyung's eyes widen drastically when the male closes the gap between them, their mouths locking on one another─ suddenly he feels as if he's levitating, fireworks exploding in his chest and his ears and cheeks flare up.

The devil starts moving his lips, his other hand gripping the angel's waist. With his teeth he tugs on his soft skin, earning another gasp from the smaller male and for the other the opportunity to enter in his hot tongue.

The sound of ragged breaths and teeth clashing fills up the room and Taehyung grips on the man's arms, trying to keep himself upright.

"Taehyung.." The devil groans softly, the heat spiking up.

"Taehyung.." The said boy weakly moans.

"Taehyung!" The white haired shoots up straight, eyes huge as he pants for air.

"Woah there, buddy. Calm down.. are you okay?" He certainly didn't expect to see Namjoon's face this early in the morning.

"I.." His hand clutches his own chest as he nods, trying to steady down his breathing and attempts to act as normal as possible.

"I'm fine. I'm okay.. really. Why did you wake me up?" He questions, trying to desperately change the subject.

"Two things.. first of all I walked past the board this morning and noticed you managed to lose yet another rank─"

"Again?!" He accidentally raises his voice, feeling rather pissed off this time than sad.

He can't help his own dreams, why is he still downgrading when it's because of something that is literally out of his control?

"Yeah.. I have no idea how you did it but it's true. Secondly, I need your help."

Taehyung rubs his hands over his face, standing up.

"O─of course, hyung. Whatever you need."

"Good! That's great, because, uh.. this isn't going to win you any extra points with the big guy. You see, I'm aware you aren't in the position anymore for any duties regarding Hell, but I need to go on yet another retrieving duty. There are no other angels fit to join me, and so I thought I'd ask you, since you managed to get those previous two humans out."

Taehyung freezes to his spot, eyebrows rising up in surprise. His heart skips a beat as he stammers,

"W─what? You know I can't do that, hyung.. just like you said, I'm not in that position anymore. How come you're even asking me this? That's very.. unexpected from you."

Namjoon sighs out in frustration, "I know, I'm terribly sorry and I feel deeply ashamed. But you know what happened last time we were there, we failed. I can't risk that again. You managed to get the humans out and I feel like I could really use your help."

The younger hums, averting his gaze downwards.

After a few seconds of silence, he ends up nodding in agreement.

"Alright.. but you have to promise me you'll put up a good word for me once we're back. I certainly don't want to─"

"You don't want to downgrade even further, I'm aware. I totally get it. Don't worry, I'll make sure to send in a heartfelt prayer, alright?" The elder says, patting his shoulder.

"Okay then.. So, when are we leaving?" Taehyung voices, looking back up.

"Right now, if you don't mind. We have to hurry up before those demons get to lay their hands upon the wrong people."

Just like that, the two of them find themselves rushing towards a particular tunnel.

"It'll be alright, Taehyung-ah. Don't be scared." Namjoon says aloud, remembering how petrified the smaller angel was the last time they did this.

"I'm fine, hyung. Don't worry." The boy answers with a soft smile, wierdly enough honestly meaning it.

For some reason, he doesn't necessarily dread to go back there.

Namjoon furrows his brows for a split second, but he waves it off. He opens the gate and steps inside, forces his natural form to stay hidden and with that he cascades downwards.

This time it doesn't take long before Taehyung steps in after him.

His eyes turn back to brown, his halo vanishes. Yet once again he decides to keep his wings out, feeling secure with the usual heavy weight of them on his back. He feels naked and somewhat unsafe without them.

He crashes down at the speed of light, watching as the red hue becomes more prominent.

Before he knows it he is standing right in front of the awaiting angel, who greets him once again with an acknowledging grin.

"Alright, are you ready? How are we going to do this?" Namjoon questions, and the male giggles.

"Me? You are the experienced one between us two. How come you're asking me for advice?"

"Experienced or not, the devil still manages to scare the Hell out of me. That coldness you feel when he glares at you, as if your head is forced in a bucket of ice cold water with no way out like you're drowning? That almost hallucination-like feeling is there because he is the next ruler and naturally is supposed to keep our kind far away." Namjoon shivers, face draining white.

Taehyung frowns, mouth opening and closing but no sound coming out.

"What?" The elder quirks up a brow, confusion written over his face. "You look as if you have no idea what I'm talking about." He chuckles, knowing he is wrong.

But oh boy, is he right.

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