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"Come on, Taehyung." Namjoon grumbles, eyes shooting daggers at the devil whilst he takes a hold of the aforementioned his wrist.

The confused younger allows himself to get pulled back towards where they came from, a heavy frown plastered on his face.

"B─But hyung, what about our duty? We didn't get to fulfill it, it'll affect our ranking! I don't want to let him down.."

"I know, but there's nothing we can do right now. That was Jeon Jeongguk, Taehyung. Satan's actual son. In Hell they don't give a dove about rules. What he says goes and I certainly don't want to put us in danger."

The white haired gasps, "I made eye contact with the future leader of Hell?!"

Namjoon hums, and Taehyung watches as they near the familiar red hue they came out of.

The elder angel leads them back towards the gate, "I'll need some time to consider how we're going to retrieve the humans we came for, until then, just continue with your usual duties, alright?"

Taehyung nods in response, but it doesn't sit right with him. Up until now, he has always managed to succeed his daily activities.

The other angel was about to step into the tunnel, when he pauses his movements at the sight of black clouds appearing in his peripheral vision.

He turns around swiftly, pulling Taehyung slightly behind him.

Within a split second the devil they were conversing about is standing right in front of them, and Taehyung shivers because of the intensity of his gaze.

Jeongguk takes two slow, big strides towards them and puts his hand on Namjoon's shoulder whilst leaning in closer to whisper,

"Don't ever show me your filthy face again."

With that he gives the man a rough push, watching as he trips over his own feet and stumbles into the tunnel. Within the blink of an eye the man has disappeared back up─ leaving Taehyung standing there with shaking hands.

The little angel gathers his courage to look back, immediately finding the devil's rich dark brown orbs.

Neither of them spoke up for what felt like a solid minute, a strange tension they didn't know how to name hanging in the atmosphere as their eyes raked over each other's forms.

Taehyung nibbles on his bottom lip in nervosity, not failing to miss the way how Jeongguk's eyes trailed downwards at his mouth at the action. His thick brows were furrowed, a deep wrinkle embedded on his forehead in the middle of them.

The angel's heart races in his chest and he is afraid the other would be able to hear it. His palms are sweaty and he clutches his wing in front of him to shield himself as he watches the man take another step closer to him.

Jeongguk's orbs avert to his pearly white feathers at the action, a raspy chuckle leaving his mouth and a smirk on his lips.

He glances back up, their eyes locking again. For some reason he feels a certain amount of smugness watching the angel's cheeks turn bright red.

He tilts his head towards the side, a playful and dangerous shimmer held within his orbs.

"Shouldn't you be on your way now?" He rasps, chuckling aloud watching the boy lose his composure. His cheeks darken and he starts stuttering, feet clumsily taking him towards the tunnel.

"Y─yes! Yes, I s─should." He stammers bashfully, embarrassed to his core and completely caught off guard.

The moment he steps in the tunnel, the other had already vanished from his sight. He watches a cloud form beneath his feet and with that he finds himself being lifted back up, as if it were an elevator.

"Taehyung! Oh thank you, thank you!" Namjoon hollows, his previously clasped-together hands unfolding and he  exhales in relief, eyes averted from the sky to the male in front of him.

"Are you alright?" The elder worries.

"I─I'm fine, hyung. Thank you.. just trying to process it all." He softly smiles, trying to steady down his fiercely beating heart.

"I completely understand! This was one hell of a first time." He says, but couldn't help but snicker at his own pun.

"Yeah, that it was. Do you mind if I go see my friends? I'm sure they're waiting for me to tell them how my first experience was." Taehyung questions politely.

"Of course! Go ahead. Thank you for your help, Taehyung-ah. I'll get back to you once I've figured out how to get those humans out of there, alright?"

The younger hums and nods, waving at him before he speeds away.

His eyebrows suddenly furrow in confusion when he realises he is still holding onto something rather small. Casting his gaze towards his hand, his breath gets stuck in his throat and his hammering organ in his chest accelerates again at the sight of a jet black singular feather, the tip a familiar crimson.

Out of shock he drops it, feeling as if his skin burns like he just touched something horrorfyingly and absolutely forbidden.

And, as a matter-of-factly, that is exactly the case.

He doesn't even get the time of the day to wonder about how it managed to get there, when two pair of arms engulf him in a sudden hug. He shrieks, not having seen it coming.

"Are you okay?"
"How was it?"
"Is it as hot as they say it is down there?"
"Is everything down there as terrifying as I imagined?"
"Did you─"

"Guys!" Taehyung voices, softly laughing at Seokjin's and Jimin's antics.

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