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"So where are we going now?" Taehyung whispers, somehow afraid to speak up any louder.

It feels as if they've been walking through the darkness forever, the only change being the hue around them getting brighter in colour.

His fingertips grab a hold of the collar of his shirt, starting to fan himself in attempt to cool off.

"And aren't you warm too? It's so hot in here." He adds to his previous question, eyebrows furrowing in distaste.

"You'll get used to the warmth, don't worry. We're going to find two highly ranked demons who are in charge of the human distribution." The elder's response sends a shiver down Taehyung's spine.

As if on cue, they step out of the hue that prevented them from seeing anything. Instead they step on black clouds, and the younger couldn't help but gasp at the sight around him.

The entire place has a dark contrast, the main colours being black, red, deep orange and yellow.

The heat spiked up tremendously. Taehyung's eyes didn't know which aspect to focus on, there was too much going on. His ears tried to block out faint hollowing screams and he certainly didn't want to look at the demons passing by with their victim in front of them.

However he refrains himself from feeling much pity, knowing they certainly weren't saints back when they were still alive─ otherwise they wouldn't be there.

"Well if it isn't Namjoon the angel, what a pleasant surprise!"

A new voice drips in sarcasm, causing Taehyung to look up.

His face drains white at the sight of two demons in front of him. Their faces looking like rotting skulls, inevitably bound to give him nightmares.

"Yoongi, Hoseok," Namjoon asserts them, giving a curt nod in their direction.

"We're here because of retrieving duty. I've been notified of misplaced souls." He states, and the demon on the right snickers.

"Right. Very well then, follow me." The demon on the left waves them over, turning around and walking ahead.

In fear Taehyung grips on the experienced angel's sleeve, sticking to his side like super glue and hiding behind him.

"My fellow martyrs! We have guests.." The demon supposedly going by the name 'Yoongi' shouts.

A group of petrified human beings get shoved towards the front like cattle, more demons surrounding them.

"We're here to retrieve Mister Whitlock and Miss Elrod." Namjoon voices out loud, glancing at the group of humans who immediately start to shout out in panic, despair and hope.

"Me! I'm Miss Elrod!"
"No, I am! Believe me, she is lying!"
"It's me, Mister Whitlock! I'm so glad you've came! I knew I wasn't in the right place!"

Taehyung bites on his lip, shutting his eyes tight at the havoc they've created.

Namjoon sighs, the demons start to laugh.

"Who are the real Mister Whitlock and Miss Elrod?" Yoongi questions, ever so slowly walking around the group which managed to silence all of them successfully.

"Oh? Suddenly you've all lost your voices? How surprising.." He taunts, shaking his head.

"That's wierd.." Namjoon mutters under his breath, which makes Taehyung look at him with wide eyes.

"What is it, h─"

"─Well, well, well. If it isn't one of God's most beloved angels, Kim Namjoon." A deep yet perfectly pitched, sultry voice joins in.

Everything goes drop dead silent.

"Oh no.." The elder angel says, his facial expressions falling. Taehyung's heart speeds up tremendously, hands shaking.

"You do not get to put his name in your mouth!" The silver haired spits at the newcomer.

"What? What is it hyung?" The younger hastily questions, needing answers.

"This isn't good. This hasn't happened before.." The other male responds under his breath, and the younger's eyes turn slightly glossy as absolute fear wrecks through him.

"Every now and then you have the goddamn nerve to show up here and retrieve two to three humans claiming they happen to be misplaced. How dare you? Who the fuck do you think you are claiming that my father makes grand mistakes like that!"

The sultry and raspy voice shouts, causing goosebumps to appear over Taehyung's entire body and a gasp to exit his throat due to the vulgar language he would never dare to use.

The innocent angel decides to be brave and come out of hiding, clutching on his right wing whilst stepping into vision so he could see to whom that voice belongs and what the mayhem is about.

The exact moment he did, his caramelised orbs lock with the deepest and darkest nearly black ones he has ever seen. His lungs are suddenly void of any oxygen as he takes in the enthralling view before him.

There stands a male with giant black wings spread wide, a black and cloudy halo-like ring above the middle of his head.

The ends of his feathers are bloody red, just like the pair of horns on his head, the tips of his messy jet black hair and the dangerous yet oddly alluring dark visible aura around him. 

His honey-like skin shines in a thin coat of sweat, his locks ever so slightly falling in front of his eyes. His exceptionally handsome features stand out─ his jaw sharp and tight, clenching and unclenching. His expression ferocious, yet his eyebrows seem to ever so slightly untangle the moment he takes in the angel before him.

The boy looking small and frail, seeking comfort in one of his wings. His bright lively eyes wide and scared, glossed. His pearly white hair all messed up, imperfect─ completely contrary to what he is. The angel looks like the epitome of pure, absolutely harmless.

The sight before him was captivating, somehow enchanting and sensuous.
For some reason he has never seen or been impacted by such beauty before, and it was actually starting to piss him off.

The new little innocent angel managed to knock out all the air from his lungs, and for a split second he loses his composure. His usually fiery red eyes lose their colour for a split second, but it isn't long before he snaps back into actuality.

"Give us the humans we came for, Jeon Jeongguk." It is clear Namjoon isn't asking.

Only then Taehyung realises the devil in front of him is holding two humans hostage, a cunning smirk tugging on his lips.

"No." One simple word, yet so much impact.

The two angels' hearts slide to their stomach.

Before they get the chance to blink, the two humans they came for are pushed towards two awaiting demons, their bodies dropping lifelessly to the ground.

Fearful screams from the other humans who witnessed it fill up everyone's eardrums, the demons choking out ugly laughter.

"Don't worry, you can try again later," The devil says, yet it is clear they are never to step foot in that place again.

"After all─ just like Heaven, Hell is eternal. They won't be dead for long, we get to play together over and over again."

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