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Their plan immediately went to effect as soon as Mingyu and Nari sat next to each other. "I watched your studio choom performance with Hyunjin. Wow, how come I never saw how hot you are?" Nari can see the other seventeen members cringing, but she was having the time of her life. 

Nari smirked. "Well, should I dance it in front of you so you can see it clearly?"

Han wolf-whistled in surprise. "Woah, never knew you had it in you, Nari." He knew. He clearly knew it. But just like Nari, he too was having the time of his life.

Nari shrugged. "Well, not everyone gets to flirt with their idol. Might as well take the opportunity."

"You said you're a carat. Who's your bias?" Mingyu asked. Even though he knows he is Nari's bias. Purposely looking at her with eyes that can melt the coldest hearts to rile Minho.

And Minho, poor Minho was sitting on the chair where he could see everything clearly. He was at an angle where he could see the gazes they throw at each other. The winks and the giggles. Underneath the table, he was clenching his fist tightly, trying to control himself.

"Hyung? Why are you getting mad? The last time I checked, she isn't your girlfriend because you have never asked her to be." Seungmin whispered.

It wasn't helping that Nari and Mingyu were starting to get touchy with each other. Mingyu took off his hoodie and wrapped it around Nari's shoulder as he saw her slowly starting to shiver because of the cold.

"Ooh, what a gentleman." Sana winked at Nari.

"Mingyu's single." Jeonghan said, taking a sip of water that was provided on the table.

"Same for Nari." Miyeon added.

"I'm merely being kind to my fan." Mingyu said, purposely enunciating the word 'my'.

"You're always like that to pretty girls." Jungkook rolled his eyes, but a smile was prominent on his face. Jungkook himself told Mingyu how to flirt on Nari.

"Because Nari is a pretty girl. Right, princess?"

Nari only winked at him. She might have looked fine on the outside but on the inside, she was nearly melting. Their presence was almost overwhelming.

"I have a polaroid! It's every fan's dream to have a photo with their idol. Not to add the fact that Nari is wearing his hoodie too!" Taehyung cheered happily.

"I'm gonna wrap my arms around you. Lean closer to me." Mingyu whispered. "Tap me twice once the flirting gets too much." He quickly added.

Nari felt blood rush to her cheeks. Kim Mingyu is a dangerous man. If she wasn't so attracted to the man who was glaring at them, she would have fell for Mingyu. However, loyalty will always be with Minho. 

Just like he said, Mingyu wrapped his arms around her, and Nari leaned towards him.

"How does Mingyu's muscles feel?" Joshua teased.

"Very comfortable." Nari added.

The flash of the polaroid appeared as the photo was taken.

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