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Months have passed and as expected, Nari and Minho soon lost their communication with each other. Nari got busy training for their debut whilst Minho was busy with their survival show. They didn't even know how they drifted apart. Meeting once a week became once a month, slowly it became once every three months, and before they knew it, they stopped meeting.

Nari and Minho's last talk was when Minho got eliminated and now Straykids have already debuted. Imagine how long it has been. Maybe Minho changed his number, maybe it was Nari, but a few more weeks and they no longer had any updates with each other, other than the updates they get from social media.

Nari could only receive news about him through the internet. She has been supporting him silently. She's nothing but a mere fan at this point. Not knowing anything other than the ones posted on the internet.

"Unnie!" Nari whined as Dahyun woke her up. Ever since they were told they were debuting; They began living in one dorm. It was the company's choice so their manager wouldn't have a hard time and to keep an eye on their behavior. Dahyun was only a few months older than her and yet she was firm on babying her. She said she wants to be the one that is mostly seen in those 'Lumina babying their maknae' videos.

"Come on, PD-nim called us for a meeting." Dahyun chuckled.

In an instant, Nari was awake. Dahyun let out another chuckle as she patted Nari's head. "Unnie already made breakfast. Go take a shower."

Nari hummed sleepily as Dahyun made her way to leave Nari's room. Fortunately, they were a small group, so they were given a room each. Their dorm was not that small nor big. It was enough for them. Nari kept thanking her sunbaes for giving SM enough money so they wouldn't cramp in one small apartment.

She quickly showered and changed into some clothes fit with meeting their CEO. Making her way towards the kitchen. She was immediately greeted with the smell of pancakes and waffles. Some freshly sliced fruits also greeted her.

"Good morning." They greeted each other.

In less than an hour, they found themselves inside the conference room with their CEO.

"You are all aware of your group name, right? It's time we establish the positions."

The girls sat up properly at that. They were already asked about their stage names and now it was time for their positions. They also already had a voting for their leader as well as their company. They discussed all of this by themselves the moment they moved in their new apartment before getting drunk and partying.

"Well, let us start with the leader."

Nari's eyes drifted towards the third oldest among them. She has always been kind and she somehow had an aura of a leader. She was leading them in practices without even knowing it. She became the leader they did not ask for but the one they needed.

"Miyeon, you are the leader as well as the lead vocalist."

The four other girls clapped and cheered for their newly appointed leader. Miyeon seemed surprised at first before she smiled and thanked them.

"Sana, the main dancer and sub rapper."

Her cheeks reddened as she received applaud from the others. She's the only Japanese member among them. She is also the oldest amongst all four of them.

"Minnie, lead rapper and sub dancer."

The Thai could only smile in response. She felt immensely happy and over the moon as she heard her position. She's also the only Thai in their group.

"Dahyun, main rapper and sub vocal."

Dahyun winked at Sana. They had a bet about their position, and it was obvious that Dahyun won. Sometimes, Nari would wonder who is paler compared to Dahyun, Woozi, and Yoongi. It seems as if they have never seen the sun.

"Finally, our maknae. Nari, main vocal, lead dancer, center or the face of the group."

Nari was greeted by the loudest cheer and applause from them. She could only hide her face as her cheeks threatened to redden from the attention she was having. She knew her position is a great deal. Being SM's main vocal is already a great thing but being the center too meant a lot to her.

After the commotion has calmed down, Nari rose her hand with confidence.

"Can we become a self-produce group? I really want to be the producer."

Nari had a conversation with her members, soon after they moved in. They expressed their wishes to be like Seventeen and Straykids, who produce their own songs.

"Won't others think we're copying Straykids and Seventeen?" Their CEO asked worriedly. He doesn't want them to face a scandal, so early in their career.

"When Straykids debuted, nobody accused them of copying Seventeen. Besides, there are also other groups who are self-produced." Miyeon voiced out like a true leader.

It was a while before Mr. Lee nodded and gave them permission. "I will send the concept to you all later on. Until then, congratulations girls."

Finally, finally. They are one more step closer to their dream. Nari smiled happily.

"Why don't we eat outside? My treat." Minnie offered in which the girls accepted.

On the way to the restaurant, Nari was scrolling through her phone. It had been almost a year since she has seen Minho and talked to him. She wondered if he ever thought about her like she does to him, all the time. Does he even remember her? Nari had no clue.

'Lee Know is the only one who managed to pass JYP's dance test within two weeks.'

Nari stumbled upon a tweet. With brows furrowed, she wondered who Lee Know was. It was clear that the tweet was related to Straykids and she could only assume who.

"Lee know? Lee Know.. Lee no.. Lino." Nari whispered to herself in realization.

"You always complain about your name being common."

He did not forget about her. No, he did not. Nari felt her heart quicken its pace.

This is wrong, no. She's about to be an idol and he's an idol already. They can't date nor talk anymore. Nari had already accepted this fact long before she began training and yet it still tore a piece in her heart every single time.

Nari can create beautiful works but she was never the type to be able to express her emotions properly. Music was her only way to be able to do so. When she bid goodbye to the man for the last time, millions of words were spiraling inside her head and yet she did not manage to utter a single one.

The emotions she has been denying for nearly three years. All the times she gaslit herself into saying it was fooling of her to feel so. Yet, deep down, she knew it wasn't. She has read countless of books and written thousands of lyrics to be able to know what does falling in love feels like.

It is like a trap, a trap in which she can never excape from without facing a consequence. Either she escapes breaking the trap, or she lets the trap break her.

Busy with her thoughts, Nari failed to see a certain dancer whom she missed more than life, pass by them.

a/n: Poor Nari. She was too busy with her thoughts to see Minho himself pass by. 

Do you think Minho saw her?

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