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Nari was starting to think that destiny is playing with her. It began with the interaction with 3racha and now...

It was something else.

The news of her becoming Versace's muse resurfaced once again at the mention of Hyunjin being Versace's prince. It was as if the universe was purposely trying to link her closer and closer to Minho as days passed by. 

They were having an interview for BuzzFeed in which they try to answer the most searched question about their group, Lumina.

"Radiant greetings. Hello we are-"


They clapped as they began to answer the questions one by one. If Nari was being honest, she already knew the questions that were about to be asked but she pretended as if she didn't. Her binge-watching these contents as a fangirl paid off when she became an idol. Her knowledge about the industry is impeccable.

"Who Lumina..." Nari peeled of the remaining paper. "Nari's prince?" She asked confused.

She turned to the camera before realization dawned on her. "Oh! I'm guessing this has something to do with those recent articles." Nari chuckled. She did not guess. She knew Hyunjin's name would come up one way or the other.

It wasn't like their article didn't appear on the news on live television for the entirety of Seoul's population to see and hear. Note the sarcasm.

"I don't have a prince." She clarified. "I am Versace's muse and Hyunjin is Versace's prince. Hope it clears things up!" She smiled at the camera.

She hoped it would be the end of it.

It is not.

And it did not even help clear things up. Fans were just happy that Nari finally mentioned her 'prince'. Nari was complaining. "If they were going to ship me with straykids, might as well with Lino." She muttered to herself angrily.

Nari and Hyunjin were called to a meeting at JYP about their Versace endorsement. Nari was trembling at the thought of going there herself. She wasn't scared of meeting him. She was scared that her heart will burst once she meets him. She's confident enough to say that she has already moved on as of the moment, but once she sees him, she doubts that her feelings will stay the same.

"Are you going to faint this time?"

Nari jumped in surprise hearing Han's voice. "Han, what the hell."

Han's laughter echoed inside Nari's ears. Some of her nervousness have disappeared as the man began teasing her. She looked around and saw everyone was busy. As busy as an entertainment can be. Staffs can be seen discussing about concepts, songs, etc. As far as she knows, straykids won't be having a comeback anytime soon so she was confused.

"What's up? Is there something going on? Why does everyone look...busy?"

Han chuckled at her. "You'll find out soon enough. Remember what you owe to Changbin-hyung?"

Before Nari could even talk, Hyunjin's manager already arrived and called her. She excused herself from Han.

Making their way towards the room, Nari had several thoughts swarming inside her head. Minho, Han's teasing, and Versace itself. She's slowly to think that she's losing her sanity. She can feel it slipping away, every step they take towards Straykids' practice room.

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