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"What if we never left bighit? Would we still be as close as before?"

One evening, the two decided to hang out at Nari's empty house. It was seemingly harder than before. Making sure there were no reporters, avoiding every camera. Nari seriously felt the difference from before they became an idol. Even as simple activity as meeting him needs to be planned and executed properly.

It was completely different that before. Even the way they dress and act. No matter how much they try to avoid it, it was obvious that they got distant. They were trying to avoid the elephant in the room. And that is the fact that they were no longer the version of themselves that they used to know. That after a few years, they were nearly as good as being strangers.

A few bottles of soju, few glasses of wine, and a few glasses of champagne was already in their system. It gave them the confidence they needed to be able to talk their hearts out. They wouldn't have had a conversation honestly without the alcohol in their bodies. It would be too tense or awkward.

Nari nodded. "We would have. However, we would be extremely unsatisfied with our life." She answered honestly.

Minho nodded. Nari had always been like that. Always looking at the different side of things. Staring at a different perspective. Always thinking of other scenarios.

"I cried when you got eliminated." Nari admitted. There was no need to lie anymore. "It was your biggest dream, and it was almost taken away from you. Not that it matters but I kinda have had a grudge at JYP ever since that day." She chuckled.

"You were so happy to finally achieve your dreams then suddenly... He even made comments about saying that your singing voice doesn't sound good and that you're better if you rap. Don't think I haven't noticed that you don't sing that much anymore."

Nari was breathing deeply now, visibly frustrated and angry. She let out a sigh as Minho wrapped his arms around her. Nari nearly choked as she felt his muscles against her skin. She nearly forgot the fact that this man has been working out. And the fact that Changbin's literally one of his closest friends.

His hug felt so different now. It held the same warmth but now she likes him. She was willing to give up the world for the man. This time, the hug made her feel more. The feelings she shouldn't feel with a friend.

"Hey, we're here now, aren't we? It took a lot of sacrifices. I had to lose you once. But somehow, we met again. I had a hard time trying to cope without you." He admitted.

Nari hated how her heart did a flip at that sentence.  Minho could have been a great friend for saying that and yet she's misinterpreting things. She doesn't want to get her hopes up. She doesn't want her first love to end up badly. She doesn't want to mess up the bond she has with Minho.

Minho rarely speaks out his feelings. Despite what fans see and believe, he rarely voices out his concerns. He isn't as bold as they perceive him to be. He needs motivation and encouragement to be able to perform tasks he wasn't used to doing. He was soft-hearted. He isn't the 'cold' or 'rude' member the others portray him as.

"Same here. Even though I already expected it, it was still difficult." She sighed against his arms. It felt oddly comforting, being with him. It had been too long. Too long since she felt his embrace, heard his voice, and spent time with him.

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