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Nari wanted to drown in embarrassment. She was also having an existential crisis. How was she supposed to react after finding out that the person she liked for five years, also likes her back? All those lost opportunities down the drain.

Nari was trying her best not to lose her sanity at this point. The plan of making him jealous could either ruin their relationship forever, or escalate it to something bigger. It would end in her favor or just end her entirely.

She would never admit the fact that she was excited. Whether Minho would burst or not, she'll still have her once in a lifetime fangirl experience that not a lot of fangirls could experience. That's good enough for her. At least she experienced the Kim Mingyu flirting with her. She would take that experience to her grave.

"Well, if you're going to rile him up, might as well dress the part." Minnie chuckled as soon as she saw Nari leave her room wearing casual jeans and pants.

"Unnie..." Nari wispered, embarassed as the rest of Lumina appeared. They turned to give her one look before shaking their heads in disapproval.

"That's not enough." Sana said.

"Agreed." Dahyun added.

"You need to wear something else."

Miyeon's last words were enough to make the others pull Nari back inside her room and raid her closet. By the time Nari left her room, her make-up and outfit were entirely changed. Her closet might look like there was an indoor tornado but at least she now looked the part.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, chuckling nervously. She was usually okay with wearing the type of clothing she currently wears. The fact that she dressed up like that for a purpose was what's stressing her out.

"Positive." Minnie smiled, taking out her phone as she took a picture of Nari.

"Well then Nari, go claim your man."

Nari took a deep breath as her manager drove them towards Hybe. Countless of thoughts were running inside her mind.  Both positive and negative. She kept on overthinking about what will happen. A few minutes passed since they drove when Nari's phone receive a message.

Mingyu: I have a thousand won in line, so we better make this work.

Mingyu: Is it fine if I flirt with you?

Mingyu: What if I flirt with you really hard.

Mingyu: Like I always make comments.

Mingyu: And then say things that will purposely rile Minho up.

Mingyu: Surely it will make him burst.

Mingyu: That is up to you, though. It's fine with you're uncomfortable with it.

Nari: I'm totally comfortable with it. Do it as you wish for the sake of your thousand wonㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Mingyu: Asides from the thousand won, Yeonjun will go berserk if this doesn't work ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Mingyu: See you later! Text me when you arrive.

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