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Without even noticing it, it was already MAMA season. Practice here, practice there, promote here, endorse there. The possibilities are endless. As much as Nari enjoys these days, it really is exhausting. During these seasons, the most amount of sleep they could get is three hours. If they're lucky, they could have at least 5 hours of sleep.

"Nari? You should go home already." Nari turned her head towards the voice and saw Minnie. She has been daydreaming to notice her unnie knock. She barely even heard it when Minnie opened the door slightly and entered.

"I'll just finish this..." Nari mumbled. Minnie sighed and entered the room.

"You have already finished our MAMA track. Come on, let's go to home." Minnie said. "By the way, were you aware of Kingdom? The teaser just got released."

Nari hummed in response, picking up her things and beginning to tidy up her room. Even just a little bit. Several papers were scattered into the table and her instruments were basically just everywhere. Nari's room is usually very clean and organized. However, when she works on something, it always looked like the room had a burglar trespass.

"Which groups are there?" Nari asked as they walked along the halls of SM. It has been quite a while before Nari familiarized and got comfortable in their building but after three years, she could say she's comfortable in their building.

"Sunbaenim~" Nari said in a teasing voice as NCT's Mark appeared. Mark was one of Nari's closest friends in SM. It helped that he was a fellow English speaker and the two bonded immediately.

"Get home safely hoobae~" Mark returned the same energy. The other NCT members and Minnie let out a chuckle at the two. They knew about the special friendship the two shared.

One thing about SM is that their artists aren't scared to interact. They are like a family. A company with lots of iconic groups somehow made a connection and became a family. That's another thing that Nari likes about her company. She has several older sisters and brothers.

The industry knows about the closeness that the idols shared within the company. The idols were comfortable enough with interacting. They hug, talk, and exchange greetings in public. SM family is indeed a family.

"Nari, hold on. I really need to use the bathroom." Minnie said.

Nari nodded. "It's okay, I'll stay here." She smiled, picking up her phone. 

As she was about to play a game, her eyes brightened as she saw a certain group pass by her. "Unnie~" Nari whined at Joy.

Red velvet turned their heads towards her. "If it isn't our honorary youngest sister." Irene smiled as they walked towards her.

"Please do make my brother suffer. You have my permission." Nari said, in a serious tone. She said it so seriously to the point where the other Red Velvet members couldn't help but laugh.

"Nari, let's go!"

As expected, MAMA season got the best of them. Nari fortunately finished their track long ago meaning she did not have as many workloads. They were currently in the practice room, stretching and warming up.

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