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"Acquainted?" Hyunjin asked.

The world felt so, so heavy on her tongue. It was an awful and disgusting lie. They were more than acquainted, more than just being friends yet less than a lover. However, Nari did not know whether that fact is still the same after years.

Nari nodded brightly. She tried to avoid the fact that Minnie can sense how fake she was being. It wasn't entirely an act. However, she would have loved to meet Minho in a different circumstance and not this one.

"He was a back-up dancer, and I was a producer for Bangtan. We worked together in a few songs." She explained.

She explained simply as if it was just that and nothing more. As if they only spent those days working and not basking in the moonlight as they danced to the hundreds of music Nari never released, reserved for his ears only.

"You two! Good to see you again." Hobi laughed and hugged them.

"Hobi!" Nari greeted back.

Hoseok was one of the members they were the closest with. He is the literal epitome of sunshine. They had no struggle trying to get close to the man. In fact, they didn't even try. 

Jimin was looking at her weirdly. It was as if he knew something. Something he shouldn't have known.

"Is it okay if we steal them for a while? We'll promise to drive them back safely." Namjoon smiled at their respective leaders.

"Wait, hold on. I have something for Nari." Jimin said, pulling Nari to the side.

"What is up with you and Minho." He asked as soon as they were out of earshot.


"Everyone expected the two of you to date after you leave Bighit but what the hell." Jimin sighed. "I lost a thousand won to Taehyung." He whined.

Nari blinked.

"Nevermind, I wish you two the best." Jimin smiled, his eyes turning crescent moons.

Nari did not know what to feel. Taking a deep breath, Jimin pulled her back towards the others. "We're currently filming Bangtanbomb. Fans have been asking for a reunion with the two of you and we think it would be great, both for you and for the public." Their manager informed.

"That is, of course, if you two are willing to do this? There will be another content in which you two will go to Hybe."

Nari's eyes found Minho's. It has been so, so painfully long since she has seen those hazel eyes. For some reasons, he resembled a cat more than he did before. His face slimmed, obviously. He had also gotten a bit taller than he was before.

His gaze was... different. It almost seemed cold. However, Nari knew that behind that facade was still the Minho who gets excited over ice cream at that one old convenience store.

"I'm okay with it as long as sunbae's okay with it too." Nari smiled and spoke up first. She knew he wouldn't say anything unless she did. She knew she had to initiate it first.

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