You Get Me So High.

Start from the beginning

I took one final deep breath, and suddenly the coughing stopped. I looked at Toby with wide eyes as I gasped for air. Toby pulled me away from the table, he knew what caused the whole thing.

"What-." I stopped for another gasp of air. "What was that?" Toby looked at the book with shock filling his face. "The operator's making you sick." He mumbled. "He does it to all his victims." I looked up to him saying, are you kidding me, with my eyes. His eyes met mine, they looked slightly apologetic.

"Well then, I guess we have to get this figured out sooner than later." I shoved myself away from him, when I realized his arms were hugged around me. "We have to go to my mom's house, she'll have the other notebooks." He looked at me like I was joking.

Finally he spoke up. "Are you kidding? You need to get out of here." I shook my head. "I'm finishing this, I told you I would help you." I shut my mom's book without looking at it. I could hear Toby step closer to me. "He's going to kill you, you have to get somewhere he won't be able to reach for you." I stayed silent as I stuffed the notebook under my arm. "Since when do you care?" The room went dead quite, all you could hear was our breathing. I turned around, Toby looked at me with an intense stare.

I waited for him to say, 'fine, get yourself killed,' after all were we actually friends? We were just two people in the wrong place, at the wrong time. As Toby's eyes gazed around the room looking for words a realization hit me. Our arguments gave me a thrill, a high. That never happened before. Was I going crazy? Probably.

"You know." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back to Toby. "You can be a real pain in the ass." My eyes widened. "Excuse you?" My laugh came out harsh. "You heard me." He leaned back, and I scoffed. "You're one to talk! Look at you, you're the definition of an ass!" We both paused as we tried to make sense of my words.

"You're horrible at trash talk." Toby said, crossing his arms. My heart raced in my chest, maybe this did always happen. "You're.." My words drew out when I couldn't come up with anything to say. I could already feel the cockyness radiating from Toby and his 'win'. "You're impossible." I threw my hands in the air, and broke eye contact, as I walked past him.

I stopped walking in the doorway, I flipped back around to face Toby. "Either you come with me, or I'm going alone." I threw my hands around, as I talked with them. Toby's mouth was plastered in a disappointed frown. "Fine." He finally spat out. I smiled, happy with my win. "Good. Come on, puppet boy." I could feel Toby tense under my words, even though I wasn't looking at him. "Don't push it." He snarled.

After what felt like an eternity, we made it to my mothers house. The car ride actually wasn't that bad. Even though Toby and I had bickered that morning, the car ride was comfortable. I was always comfortable with Toby. I guess that's what happens when you make a life altering decision with someone.

We stood in front of the front door, as I fumbled through my bag, trying to find my moms keys. Finally I pulled them out, with an 'ah hah,' following close behind. The door swung open, and we stepped inside.

"Where are they?" Toby stood next to me. I turned to look up at him. "I don't know, her room?" He again gave me a look. "Let's just slip up, we'll find them faster that way." My heart skipped as he talked. "No way! Are you trying to get us killed? That's like the number one thing not to do in a horror movie." He softly laughed. "You'll be fine." I looked at him like he was an alien. "Have you ever seen a horror movie? Honestly, stuff like this is what makes me remember why I don't like you." I waited for him to argue, to give me the same thrill as this morning. "I've watched plenty of horror movies, I used to watch them with my-." He stopped himself, and stayed quiet for a while. "Actually." He spoke again. "I think you like me a little too much."

My mouth fell open, as I remembered the dream. Oh God the dream. My eyes flicked between his eyes, as I tried to speak, but I couldn't. He smirked in his arrogant way, and walked away, disappearing through a doorway. "You'll be fine!" He yelled in a mocking way.

I snapped out of it, and started slapping my cheeks to get them to return to their normal color.

When I had calmed down, I started walking down the hallway, Toby didn't go down. I went into my moms room. Flashbacks flooded over me. She was dead. I kept forgetting about that. How could I be happy when she was dead? Toby was there. That's why.

I shook my head, and made my way to my moms closet. I think I remember my mom putting them in there when I was younger. I swung the closet doors open, only to see clothes and a bunch of machines.

My hands rested on the handles, as disappointment settled in my stomach. I let go, and started walking out of the room.

Five steps later a crash came from the kitchen. I froze. It was just Toby. I relaxed a little, then immediately tensed up again. There was only one way into the kitchen. My way. Toby couldn't be in the kitchen, I didn't hear him walking into the kitchen, I didn't even hear him walk past me.

I slowly walked out into the hallway. In front of me was the kitchen. It seemed like an impossible task to get my feet to move, and walk into the kitchen. Finally my feet started moving again. I walked towards the kitchen at a painfully slow rate.

Finally I walked through the doorway. I turned right, only to be met with a face. I screamed. A blood curdling scream left my body. The person in front of me did the same. Our high pitched screams filled the room, hurting my ears, and I would assume every living thing in the near radius.

My eyes were squeezed shut. Before I knew it I was tugged away into a protective embrace. "Who are you?" I only stopped screaming when I heard Toby's stern voice. I opened my eyes, and saw.. Mary? My mothers journals were scattered around her, she must have dropped them when we ran into each other.

I looked up to her, and she looked back at me sheepishly. My hands tightly wrapped around Toby's arm. We needed answers, now.

Hello everyone, happy chapter 20, and happy 1K reads! Thank you so much, this has been so much fun.

Anyways, as always, if you enjoyed please, vote, comment, and follow <3.

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