A Lion Speaks to Tallulah

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Percy slammed the shield on the table without even looking at the god. The two must have looked pretty bad, because the looks Grover and Annabeth gave them was one of 'what the fuck happened to you guys? ' Tallulah gave them a look that hopefully said, tell you later.

Annabeth's concern lingered around them as she looked at Tallulah. The girl's eyelids felt a million pounds, and Annabeth must have thought the same thing.

"Well, you survived." Ares said, honest shock and anger present on his face. "No shit. Aren't gods supposed to be smart, or did all the brain cells go to your sister?" Tallulah asked him, exhausted and pissed about the Tunnel of Love.

Ares' eyes glowed hot red and Grover cut in asking, "So how about that ride you promised us?"

The god of war led them outside the diner. They walked through the parking lot until they came upon a big truck labeled KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL: HUMANE ZOO TRANSPORT. WARNING: LIVE WILD ANIMALS. It did not look very kind.

"You're kidding?" Percy said. Tallulah and Annabeth stared at the truck with shock. Ares snapped his fingers. The back door of the truck unlatched. "Free ride west, punk. Stop complaining. And here's a little something for doing the job." Ares threw a blue backpack to Tallulah.

"We don't want your lousy—" Percy started to say. "Thank you, Lord Ares," Grover interrupted. "Thanks a lot." "And don't worry, when your quest fails, you'll have lots of company down in the underworld." Ares said with a smirk.

Percy started to walk toward him slowly. Tallulah tried to grab his wrist and pull him back but he just shook her off. "We're not going to fail, and I'm pretty tired of hearing you say that." "Percy-" Annabeth said, trying to cut him off and stop the disaster about to occur.

"You think you know who I am, but you don't. And if you aren't careful, you're gonna find out." Percy said, trying to intimidate the god. "Ok Water Boy, that's enough out of you." Tallulah said as her and Grover dragged him back.

"So, thank you for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers. Oh and the ride, we're gonna take the ride." Grover stammered out. They all got into the truck and sat down. They all looked out to the god, and he slammed the door.

Tallulah looked over to see Grover sticking his head out of the top of the truck. "Grove, be careful!" Tallulah said, worried for the satyr. Grover jumped down and said, "You're such a mama goat." Tallulah just rolled her eyes.

The group had finished Iris- messaging Luke, and discovered that the camp was picking sides. They had their own internal war going on.

It was dark by then, and the animals, which had been given the correct food, don't worry, we were sleeping contently in their cage. Percy had pulled his sword out and used it as a light in the back of the dim truck.

Percy looked troubled ever since their conversation with Luke. Tallulah only listened to parts, mainly because she doesn't like the son of Hemes very much.

"Luke said you and he go way back. He also said Grover wouldn't fail this time. Nobody would turn into a pine tree." Percy said. Tallulah scooted over to Grover and grabbed his hand. The satyr always struggled with talking about this. He felt like all he ever did was try, and try, but no matter what he did he wouldn't ever make up for what he lost that night.

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