Tallulah And Percy Chat

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The one thing Tallulah hated more than hiking through the woods without a map was sleeping on the hard ground in the middle of nowhere. Sure, she loved the outdoors, but she did not want to sleep there.

The group had taken stuff from Medusa's lair, but did not start a fire for risk of unnecessary attention. They decided to take turns doing watch.

Percy told the group that he would take the first watch. Annabeth had fallen asleep immediately. Tallulah had laid down opposite the daughter of Athena.

 She heard Grover and Percy talk, but then Grover had gone to bed too. Tallulah laid awake for a while, but decided she was still too high on adrenaline to go to sleep. She got an idea and ran with it.

The girl walked up behind Percy. He was sitting with his head resting on his knees. Tallulah sat down next to him, so close their shoulders were almost touching. They sat in silence for a little bit, enjoying the calm after the hectic storm.

"How are you doing?" Percy asked the shorter girl sitting next to him. "Oh, I've been better." Tallulah told him. Percy nodded along with her statement. "I was wondering if I could ask you some questions. It's not like either of us are gonna sleep anytime soon." Tallulah told him. "As long as I can ask you some then we have a deal."

Tallulah dove right in and asked, "What's your favorite color?" Percy immediately answered, "Blue, for sure. It's an inside joke with my mom." Tallulah nodded. It made sense the son of Poseidon would love the color blue.

"How tall are you?" Percy asked Tallulah. "Seriously?," the girl exclaimed, "The first thing you want to know about me is my height?" "Yeah, that's why I asked." Percy said with a smirk.

 Tallulah smacked his shoulder as she answered, "Four foot nine." Percy gave an exasperated gasp. "Wow, even shorter than I thought." "Shut up Perseus!"

Percy laughed and they settled down once again. "What's your favorite season?" Tallulah asked the boy. "Oh, summer easily. That's when all the pools are open." "I'm not surprised in the slightest." Tallulah told him. The girl started to do a small braid in her hair as they talked.

"What is your full name?" Percy asked her. "You know my full name so it's only fair." Tallulah contemplated telling him or not, but she figured why not. She wasn't ashamed of her name anyway. "Tallulah Rae Storm."

"That's a cool name. Can I call you Stormie?" the twelve year old asked the other. Tallulah nodded, "As long as I can come up with a nickname for you." "Deal." Percy told her.

The boy waited patiently as she thought of a nickname. "Since you used my last name ill use yours. Sound good, Jacks?" the girl said with a smirk. Percy nodded absentmindedly, before his eyes widened when he realized she used the nickname.

The boy blushed and said softly, "I like it." Tallulah smiled and nodded. She had every intention of using his other nicknames, but she liked that she had one just for her to call him.

"What is your favorite dessert, Water Boy?" Tallulah asked him. He immediately responded, "My moms blue chocolate chip cookies." She smiled and said, "You are such a mama's boy." Percy smiled wistfully and said, "I am, and I have no shame about it."

"How did you get your ring?" Percy asked the girl. He seemed eager to know the backstory. "Well, its name is Paparoúna, which means poppy in english. My mom was known as the goddess of poppies back in the day so I guess that's where it came from. My dad gave it to me when I was eight. I never knew it turned into a sword until Chiron told me. It's kinda like your pen." The girl said.

She pressed the gem on the ring and held her sword. "Can I see your pen?" The girl asked Percy. "Yeah, but I'm counting that as your question." The boy said. Tallulah rolled her eyes as she held Riptide in her hand.

The major difference in the weapons was the length, but other than that they were almost identical when held side by side. They had the same engravings on them just in a different spot. Poppy had leaves on the hilt, surrounded by what seemed like waves. On Riptide it was the opposite, with a wave surrounded by leaves.

The girl's thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud coo of a dove flying overhead. The two watched as it soared through the sky. Tallulah didn't know there were doves in this part of the country. (Don't ask her where they are because she doesn't know.)

It was Percy's turn to ask a question. "Did your mom even talk to you? You know, before you came to camp?" Tallulah assumed he wanted to know if his situation with his dad was something all demigods went through or if he was the exception.

"If you're wondering if you are the problem, I promise you're not. The gods suck at being parents. The only contact I've had with my mom was when I saw her take my ring to my dad. I only caught a glimpse of her. She just left without a word. Don't feel like there is something wrong with you if your dad doesn't contact you."

Percy just nodded. His eyes were raging like the ocean. "My question." Tallulah said. "What was your favorite thing about your mom?" 

"I love everything about her. She's amazing. She knows I love the color blue, so she made every food she could blue. I mean, she married an asshole guy to keep me safe if that tells you anything." the boy said sadly. He continued by saying, "She is the reason I agreed to the quest. We're going to the Underworld, so I am gonna try to save her."

Tallulah nodded and said, "I figured. Just know that whatever you decide I'll have your back. I've come to the conclusion that you're gonna do great things, even if you do them by accident in some cases."

Percy just laughed and thanked her.

"Say hello to the damn poodle!" Annabeth said sternly to a very confused looking Percy. Tallulah sat up, blinking away the tiredness. She looked around and she noticed a dog. It was cute, but she was very shocked at the fact that it was bubblegum pink.

"Why is there a pink dog?" Tallulah asked, her eyes wide. Grover explained the situation to the girl. When told to say hello she did, but Percy still wouldn't. "Jacks, say hello to the poodle." Tallulah demanded. 

Grover and Annabeth's eyebrows screwed up at the new nickname. The two smirked at each other.

Percy said hello to the poodle.

The group spent the rest of the morning returning the dog.

The group bought tickets for the amtrak train, headed straight to LA, if all went as planned.

Authors Note:

Before anyone says "StOrMiE BaBy" just know that i didnt think of that when i decided to make that her nickname. 

Also if it is cringy thats the point. They are twelve. Sixth graders. 


It reminds me of Jacks from Once upon a broken heart. (only read the first) 

They are both rizz masters be so real.

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