There Are No Dumb Questions

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"Tallulah, why don't you walk Percy to Cabin 11? We wouldn't want him to get lost. I'll meet you guys there in a little bit." Chiron suggested. Tallulah nodded. "Sounds good to me. Come along drool boy" she said referring to Annabeth's comment, "I'll be your tour guide."

Percy did as he was told and followed her. They made their way through the camp. Tallulah explained every aspect of being a demigod. When they got to the cabins Tallulah started to name each one.

 "Any questions?" She asked him when she was done with her explanation. She knew the boy must be confused. Being thrown into a world with gods and monsters was horrible enough, and having to survive in it could be considered worse.

"I have a couple if you don't mind answering stupid questions." Percy told her. Tallulah looked up at him with a grin and said, "As much as I expect you are the one exception to the "there are no stupid questions" rule, I have a feeling these won't be. Shoot your shot."

"Ok." He said, both insulted and grateful for not being humiliated. "Why are those cabins empty?" Percy asked the blonde. The boy had pointed to cabins one, two, three, and eight.

"Well," Tallulah started, "Cabin one and three are Zeus and Poseiodon. They vowed during the second world war not to have kids. It's a long story. Cabin two is Hera. Since she is the goddess of marriage she doesn't have demigod children. Cabin eight is Artemis. She is a virgin goddess too, but she has the Hunters. It's a group of really badass girls. Anyway, they can use the cabin whenever they want, they just don't like boys so they never stay here."

Percy just nodded. She hoped she didn't make him feel stupid. It really was a good question.

Percy smiled at her. It was the smile of a trouble maker. Maybe he was a son of Hermes. Percy looked her in the eye as he said "This is my last question for a little while, I promise. What cabin are you in?" Tallulah looked at him with mild shock. "You wanna know what cabin I'm in?"

"Yeah." Percy said, "I mean, you saved my life so I figured I should get to know my savior a little better." Tallulah got past her shock and answered the question. She pointed to cabin four, her comfort place. The place was covered in vines so thick you could barely see the outside. "I'm a daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest."

Percy looked to the cabin and then at her. "That's cool. I probably should've guessed. Your ring has leaves on it." Tallulah was once again surprised by Percy. He noticed her ring?

Tallulah looked down at the precious peace of jewelry and was hit with a sudden realization. The gem in the center of her ring was the exact color of Percy Jackson's eyes.

Percy and Tallulah arrived at cabin eleven. Annabeth was sitting on the porch of the cabin reading a book written in ancient greek. Chiron was standing next to the door, waiting for the two teens to arrive. Tallulah turned to Percy and said, "Welcome to Cabin Eleven!"

The three teens and Chiron walked through the doors of the cabin. Percy was last to come inside, but on the way through the door he tripped. Annabeth giggled and Tallulah tried to suppress her smile.

All the kids bowed at the sight of Chiron. "Annabeth, Tallulah" Chiron said, "I have Masters' Archery class at noon. Would you take Percy from here?" "Sure." Tallulah said. "Cabin eleven," Chiron told Percy, "Make yourself at home."

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