Tallulah Finds Out Clarisse Is The Carbon Copy Of Her Father

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The group arrived in Denver later that night. They decided to stop at a diner for dinner. They sat in a booth, Percy and Grover on one side, Annabeth and Tallulah sat on the other. 

Tallulah went to pull the money out of her bag, but her hand came out empty. "What?" the girl exclaimed. The other three whipped their heads to look at the blonde.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked, his voice full of worry. "Someone picked my pocket! The money was in my bag. I swear to the gods." Tallulah said, upset that she was the reason they didn't have money for dinner. "It's not your fault Lulu. People suck." Grover told her.

The waitress came over to the table, and asked for their order. The teens looked at each other full of worry. Before they could speak a loud rumble tore through the restaurant. All conversation in the diner stopped.

A man walked in. He was probably the meanest looking person Tallulah had ever seen. He was tall, at least 6'5, and wore dark sunglasses. He was adorned in a red muscle shirt and a leather jacket. 

The waitress blinked, as if somebody had just pressed the rewind button on her brain. She asked them again, "You kids have money to pay for it?"

The man said, "It's on me." He slid into the booth, smushing Tallulah into Annabeth's side. Annabeth scooted as far into the booth as she could trying to give Tallulah room from the scary man. He looked up at the waitress, who was gaping at him, and said, "Are you still here?"

The waitress turned as if she'd been spun around, then marched back toward the kitchen. The man looked right at Percy. At least, Tallulah assumed he did because his eyes were covered with his dark sunglasses. He gave Percy a wicked grin. "So you're old Seaweed's kid, huh?"

"What's it to you?" Percy asked him with the most sass Tallulah had ever heard. Annabeth gave him a warning look. "Percy, this is—" The man raised his hand. "S'okay," he said. "I don't mind a little attitude. As long as you remember who's the boss. You know who I am, little cousin?"

"You're Clarisse's dad," Percy said. "Ares, god of war." Ares grinned and took off his shades. His eyes glowed red. That made a lot of sense. The Ares kids were less godly versions of him, but just as mean.

 "That's right, punk. I heard you broke Clarisse's spear." Tallulah nodded absentmindedly. "She was asking for it." Percy said with a glare. "Probably. That's cool. I don't fight my kids' fights, you know? What I'm here for—I heard you were in town. I got a little proposition for you."

The waitress came back with heaping trays of food— cheeseburgers, fries, onion rings, and chocolate shakes. Ares handed her a few gold drachmas. She looked nervously at the coins. "But, these aren't . . ." Ares pulled out his huge knife and started cleaning his fingernails. "Problem, sweetheart?" The waitress swallowed, then left with the gold.

"You shouldnt threaten people with knives. A simple fuck off would have sufficed." Tallulah said to the god, not at all concerned with the repercussions of her actions. Ares shifted in his seat so he could get a better look at the girl. Tallulah had to tilt her head all the way up to look at him.

Ares gave her one last look, then dismissed her as if she hadn't even talked. Tallulah just rolled her eyes. Ares started to talk again. "I need you to do me a favor." "What favor could we do for a god?" Annabeth asked him, thoroughly confused. 

"Something a god doesn't have time to do himself. It's nothing much. I left my shield at an abandoned water park here in town. I was going on a little . . . date with my girlfriend. We were interrupted. I left my shield behind. I want you to fetch it for me."

"Why don't you go back and get it yourself ?" Percy asked, his eyes narrow. "Why don't I turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? Because I don't feel like it. A god is giving you an opportunity to prove yourself, Percy Jackson. Will you prove yourself a coward? Or maybe you only fight when there's a river to dive into, so your daddy can protect you." Ares said, taunting the boy.

That lit a fire under Percy. Tallulah knew that Percy wanted to prove himself, so there was no way he was going to turn down the gods' offer. Grover stepped in and said, "Sorry sir, but we already have a quest."

"I know all about your quest. When that item was first stolen, Zeus sent his best out looking for it: Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and me, naturally. If I couldn't sniff out a weapon that powerful . . ." He licked his lips, as if the very thought of the master bolt made him hungry.

"Well . . . if I couldn't find it, you have no hope. Nevertheless, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your dad and I go way back. After all, I'm the one who told him my suspicions about old Corpse Breath." "You told him Hades stole the bolt?" Tallulah asked.

"Sure. Framing somebody to start a war. Oldest trick in the book. I recognized it immediately. In a way, you got me to thank you for your little quest." Tallulah just glared at him. "Thanks," Percy grumbled. "Hey, I'm a generous guy. Just do my little job, and I'll help you on your way. I'll arrange a ride west for you and your friends." "We're doing fine on our own."

"Yeah, right. No money. No wheels. No clue what you're up against. Help me out, and maybe I'll tell you something you need to know. Something about your mom." "My mom?" Percy said, all his anger seemingly dissipated. 

Ares grinned. "That got your attention. The water park is a mile west on Delancy. You can't miss it. Look for the Tunnel of Love ride." "What interrupted your date?" Tallulah asked. "Something scare you off? Did you leave your shield on the merry-go- round?"

Ares gave a deathly glare, the heat in his eyes intensifying. Now Tallulah knows where Clarisse got her eat shit and die look. The apple didn't fall far from the tree with that one.

"I need my shield. Are you going to help me or should I kill all four of you so I can eat my dinner in peace?" Ares yelled. "Fine. We'll help you." Percy said softly. "Great!" Ares said. "There is a catch though. You have to leave the satyr and the daughter of Athena here with me. For collateral." the god told them with false joy.

"What?" the three demigods yelled, Grover staying silent . "I'll stay," Grover said. "You guys get the shield. The quicker you leave the faster we get to LA." Annabeth was quiet and everyone looked at her. "I'll stay. Just be careful." 

Percy and Tallulah nodded. Before Tallulah got up to leave, Annabeth grabbed her hand and squeezed it in silent encouragement. Tallulah gave her a smile and squeezed her hand back.

Ares got out of the booth so Tallulah could get out. Tallulah thanked every god she could, grateful she didn't have to climb over the god of war's lap to get out of the booth. Percy was waiting for her over to the side. 

Tallulah said goodbye to Grover, gave Ares one last glare, and walked out of the diner with Percy. 

Authors note:

you guys KNOW i have to have the show tunnel of love scene. its just how it has to be. 

also i know this is a filler chapter but don't worry you will get plenty of Percy and Tallulah next chapter. 

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