Chapter 23

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I stood by the end of the boat, watching the bushes Cass walked through, impatiently waiting for her to return, but it's been a good few minutes since she left and...

... I'm starting to have my doubts...

I see pascal climb up the wood boat and perch on top of the part that I'm leaning on, a certain look on his face, one that's clearly saying what I'm dreading to think.

"I'm sure she'll be back Pascal, she promised... She's probably just- busy..." He clearly didn't like this response. "I'm serious! I trust her. I know whatever she needed to do she'll explain to us later on, we just have to be a little more patient. That's all."

Then, I heard the sound of bushes rustling in said direction. I tilt my head in his direction, my look telling him that I told him so, and then I try and hide my sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

"Cass, thank goodness your back. For a minute there I was starting to think you left me." I brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and stand just a little straighter. I watch a shadow emerge from the bushes, and...

... It's not her...

"Ha! What? Oh silly child, you're 'cass' is long gone."

My whole body immediately felt heavy, I quickly recognise the scratchy voice as the one we hid from earlier this morning, that and what he'd said made it harder to stand with any kind of confidence, so I fake it the best I can.

The man then comes into view, a grin plastered on his lips that looks similar to those I saw back at the bar, and the way he stands and looks at me fills me with an overwhelming amount of fear.

"N- No. No she wouldn't... She wouldn't just leave me." I insist, talking mostly to myself, trying to convince myself she'll appear in front of me in the next few minutes...

... But that hope dies out quickly.

"Look for yourself. Over on the bridge, riding the horses." He points behind him, gesturing to the bridge that leads you to the island. I slowly walk towards the shore, standing in a better spot so I could see...

... Her.

She's pretty far, but I can still easily tell it's her, she's riding on a horse back... To the island...

She... She left me?

She really left me...

I don't- I don't understand why? I thought we were fine, I thought we were good! Really good...

Did she not feel the same?

"I wouldn't waste your time on that bitch, she's a lost cause at best. She's not worth anyone's time." He begins stalking around me, circling me the same way a predator does around it's prey. I bring my hair over my shoulder and hug it close, in hopes of it giving me any kind of comfort.

"You're to pretty to be wasting it on another girl, especially Cassandra. That freak should really stick with her 'swords and solitude' and leave the girls to the rest of us." his words and the way he says them make my stomach turn, and definitely not in a good way. I attempt at swallowing the sickly feeling in my throat and look for a way out of the situation.

"And what's with your hair's length? Why is it so-" He stops and reaches his hand out to touch my hair, but I immediately slap it away, which surprises him clearly.

"Don't touch me, or my hair! Leave me alone!"

I thought by telling him to leave, he would do, but I guess that's just not how other people work...

He laughs in my face at my request, deciding to do the opposite of what I said and step closer to me, so I stepped back, my eyes still looking for any kind of exit.

Nothing in particular jumps out at me, and the minute he lays his hands on my shoulders, I decide the only thing I can do is run.

So I do.

I rip his hands off of me, push him forward, which then gave me just enough time to pick up Pascal and run. He shouted after me, but I expected that, and refused to slow down. I soon heard a second pair of footsteps that told me he was chasing after me, and with that knowledge I ran even faster.

My legs and lungs started to ache, but that didn't stop me. No, I don't know my own way back to the tower, but I have to atleast try, and I just have to lose this guy.

I was wrong. the world is too dangerous for me. I'm not safe unless I'm hiding. I shouldn't have left. I should have listened and stayed quiet... And all I want to do is go home... I just want to go home!

While I'm running, my hair gets caught on some kind of tree branch, which causes me to stop and fly backwards. With tears, full of fear and frustration, racing down both my cheeks, I tug on my hair the best I can, trying to free myself while also making sure whoever that guy is isn't close behind me.

I free myself in the end, but I'd torn out the majority of the flowers and undone half of the plates, but I was free, and that's all I cared about.

Nature continued to get in the way for the entirety of my run, but I refused to stop even for a second.

"I've been running this long, I can run some more."

I had to tell myself that 6 separate times...

It was inevitable that my legs would soon give out, I knew that I'd hit my breaking point and collapse into a messy pile of negative emotions somewhere.

And I did.

But thankfully, I fell way after the footsteps behind me stopped.

I fell down onto the earth beneath me, using my hands to catch myself so I didn't sink completely.
My legs throbbed and I felt like my throat was on fire, not to mention the indescribable pain I'm feeling in my chest, more specifically in my heart...

My hands grip onto the grass under them, holding on for dear life, as if the ground gave way around me and was trying to swallow me whole.

I finally let my cries out, and my tears soaked the ground underneath me.

Why did I do it? Why did I leave? I had everything I needed. I was safe. I'm young, I'm to nieve. I shouldn't be out here...

I left to follow a stupid dream and now I'm alone, lost and feeling the most amount of pain I've ever felt!

"Fine. You stay out here with your little friend and go see those stupid lanterns. But I want you to know that the minute that girl gets her dagger and leaves you, that I'm not going to be there to catch you when you fall. You'll be alone, cold and vulnerable, but you'll deserve it."

Mothers words continue to torment me as I shiver and shake uncontrollably, I'd be crying over them too if I had any tears left...

She was right...

And I deserve this...

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