Chapter 12

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I begin to work on collecting fire word for later on but Rapunzel insists she 'heals' my arm first.

Whatever that means?
I don't think she can actually heal my hand, but it's probably her way of saying she's bandage it up or something.

Not that we have any type of first aid kit with us...

"Ok... So, what I'm about to do... You can't tell anyone about. Ok?" She looks me dead in eye as she says this.
"Ok... But what-?"
"Please just-" She looks down at my hand and cradles it in hers. I can't help but look down too. "Promise me you'll keep this a secret... And, promise you won't freak out." I open my mouth to ask another question, but something about the moment makes me change my mind last minute.
"Ok... Alright. I promise."

I then watch her slowly roll up my sleeve, apologizing when she accidentally touches my cut, and after, once the wound was more visible, she starts wrapping her hair around my arm.
I stare at her, confused, but she doesn't catch on. She closes her eyes, holds my hand in hers again, and starts...

... Singing?

Flower gleam and glow

I tilt my head to the side, completely baffled by the situation.

Let your power shine

But as the melody continued, I notice the roots in her hair starting to... Glow...

Make the clock reverse

I didn't know what to focus on, the way her voice sounded so... Soft... Or the fact that more and more of her hair was starting to glow, the shimmer slowly making it's way down the streaks.

Bring back what once was mine

My eyes were the last thing to move when I turned my head. I look over at her chameleon, who I eventually learned was called Pascal, and notice him giving me a strange look.

I didn't even know animals could do that-

Heal what has been hurt

I watch him gesture to his arm and I assume he's telling me to look at mine, so I do.

Change the fates design

As the once blonde hair around my arm slowly starts to glow a beautiful golden colour, I feel the skin around the wound start to tingle, almost.

Save what has been lost

The pain that I felt in my arm gradually stops hurting... And I no longer felt the blood pouring...

Bring back what once was mine

Its almost as if... Her hair was-

What once was mine...

Healing it...

Once she'd stopped singing, the hair started to go back to it's original shade, and she opens her eyes again, looking straight up at me.

What In the name of Corona just fucking happened?

She then gestures towards my arm, and with my wide eyes, I slowly start to unravel her hair.

And it was almost like I never cut myself in the first place...

"What the... I... Uhm-" I don't want to freak out, because I said I wouldn't, and even if I hadn't, I'm not that type of person anyway. But I'm finding it hard to act calm...

Her hair is fucking MAGIC!?

actually, that explains the assumption that I was there to steal it-

"don't... Please don't freak out-" I guess I've become worse at staying calm that I thought. I slam my lips together, stopping myself from saying something stupid, and try to brush whatever happened under the rug.
"Pft, me? Freak out? No." I wave my hand in a way that says 'don't be silly'. "what happened was totally normal, I have no reason to freak out. Everyone's hair magically glows and heals wounds when they sing." my voice's pitch starts to give me away and I just know she noticed.

I really need to work on that.

"Ok but in all seriousness, how the fuck does your hair do that? How long has it been doing that for? Does it hurt? Is that all it can do? How many people know about it? I have so many questions." She brings her hand to her neck and let's out an awkward laugh, shifting in her seat.
"Uhm... I'm not really sure how, but it's been doing it forever, I think. No it's doesn't, just makes me a little tired depending on the moment, and as far as I'm aware, yeah." I slowly nod as she talks, listening carefully as she answers. I've never been this interested in someone before.

"My mother said when I was younger people used to try and cut it, but what they didn't know was that... It dies, when it's cut..." She then slides her hair behind her ear, revealing a small strand of hair, short and dark brown. "Shit... Wow... I guess that explains the 70 ft long hair. you've probably never cut it before huh?" I give in to the small, sympathetic smile that's begging to show.
She lifts her leg over the log and faces straight ahead, leaving me looking at her side.
"It's because of my hair that... That I've never- I've never..." She clears her throat and Something gives away the fact she's struggling to say what she wants too.

But she doesn't have to say it for me to understand.

"Your never... Left that tower before? Have you?" I ask, noticing the air around us grow just a little bit thicker. She still doesn't look at me.
"I- I couldn't... It wasn't safe... But it's all I've ever wished to do! And when my mother said I'd never be allowed out... I snapped. I couldn't just hide there forever Cassandra! I can't..." She hides her face in her hands while she talks, clearly frightened of something. Maybe of judgement?

But all I'm thinking about is how brave this girl is...

"Rapunzel. So your telling me, you've never set foot outside in your entire life, but you've also been acting like someone who has lived in nothing but the wild their entire life?" I say, absolutely astonished. She lifts her head slightly, hiding the fact she had to wipe her eyes.
"Girl I honestly have so much more respect for you now. At first, I thought you were just being stupid, some bumbling, doe eyed idiot. But now I've realised your not, you're so much more than what I thought. I can't imagine how scary it must be to follow a stranger into a new world just so you could follow a life long dream. Your so much braver than I could have ever imagined." when I gently nudge her side, I finally get to see her whole face again while she laughs. But her laugh can only be discribed as a soft giggle, and I honestly...

...wouldnt mind hearing it more often.

"Thank you... It- It means a lot"
"Although, now it means I've gotta cut your hair." I joke, but all it took was for me to blink once, and her frying pan was pointing straight at me. I laugh and push it down with my finger. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I continue to laugh and until she joins me, then I wait for her gaurd to be down before stopping. "Or am I?"

Without giving her time to comprehend what I said, I lean over and start to tickle her, causing her to start laughing, harder, with her head back.
We quickly end up on the floor, my body on top of hers as I continue to tickle her, her laughs sweet and joy-filled.

"Cass- Stop- I can't-" She says in between her laughs, her eyes shut tight. I continue tickling her tiny body until my arms start to ache and I can tell she's gotten the message, eventually leaving me hovered over her as she tries to catch her breath again.

The minute her eyes open and land on mine, her laughter stops and we're pulled into pure silence, the only sound audible is our heavy breathing. Our gazes lock and I feel my heart start to pick up it's pace.
I take a minute to admire the sparkle in her eyes that... Definitely wasn't there before? And neither was the... Pinkish pigment in her cheeks...

And what is this thing burning my cheeks!?

The second her eyes snap away from mine, I spring off of her and onto my feet, brushing myself off and scratching the back of my neck, trying my best to ignore the sudden tension.

That was... Uh... Strange.

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