Chapter 2

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I want to say the training went well, but when reading Cap's face, I'm struggling to stay positive.

I really thought I had this in the bag.

I wonder to my room, pushing open the large double doors and entering the large, empty bedroom. I drop my sword in my wardrobe and take a seat on my bed, inevitably falling back and sinking into it. The duvet and pillows practically eatting me alive, sufficating me in cotton, silk and feathers.
I stare up at the ceiling, realising that it's a lot higher than it needs to be.

This whole room is way bigger than it needs to be. I feel like I'm being smutherred but the only thing around me is air. I feel like I'm being drowned out by the sound of nothing.

"Princess? Are you in there?" somehow I hear a knock at my door through the chaos in my head. I close my eyes, suck in a far amount of air, and jump out of my slump.
"Yes. What is it?" I shout out in response, folding my arms as I approached the doors.
"Your parents have requested you downstairs for tea." Said the voice on the other side. I reach out for the door handle, pulling it open just enough for me to see the girl on the other side.
"Tell them I'll join them shortly, I just need to change." I order politely. She tries to hide the fact she looked me up and down, most likely mentally judging me, but we both know I noticed. She grabs the edges of her skirt and curtsys before walking back down the hall. I slowly shut the door once again and let go off the air I took.

I don't want to change, I'm way more comfortable in what I'm wearing now, but I know I can't wear this to dinner. Sure, my parents are fairly laid back, but they still care. They still care about our image, the peoples perception of us.
I just know my dad would have a heart attack if I dressed for comfort outside of my own four walls.
I'm not saying that they don't want me to be comfortable, I'm quiet happy to label them both as fairly good parents, but we're royal. The world sees us as symbols, not people, and we must uphold and embrace that. I guess they assume if we don't then the people will lose faith, lose hair trust in us or something.

It's stupid, but I'm used to it.

I approach my wardrobe, run my hand across the multiple dresses that line it, and eventually stop at a thin, pale blue dress with small white and gold detailing on the front. I pull it out, look it over, and decide it was the one I'd rather wear.
It's one of the only more comfortable dresses I own. It's all fabric, meaning there's no corset crushing my ribs, and I don't have to tie up the back, meaning I don't need any assistance.

I don't know why, but I've always hated having a large group of girls helping me get ready every day. It makes me feel uncomfortable in many different ways.

Once I'm dressed, I pick out a pair of white heels and white choker then head towards the dining hall, clasping my hands together behind my back and carrying a innocent smile through the corridors.

Should this make me feel so out of place? Or am I more fucked up than I thought?


"hey Mom, Dad. Sorry I'm a little late, I was just changing." I say as I enter the hall, spotting my parents already seated at the table. I pull out my own chair and join them.
"Don't worry dear, you're alright." My mom gives me a smile from the other side of the table. I offer a smile back, then turn to my dad.
"So, how was your training with the gaurd?" He asks while our food was carefully placed in front of us. I think back to training, thinking about how rude the guys had been, but decide not to bring that up.

It didn't feel like the right time.

"I enjoyed it, thank you for letting me join them. I appreciate it." I thank, picking up my fork and poking at my food.
"it's nothing, as much as the image worries us, we want you to be happy dear." My dad says, and my mom agrees. I give them a smile and slowly make my way through my meal.

Then a question races to the tip of my tounge.

"Do you think I'll be able to join them on missions?" My question is fairly out of the blue, but it's worth asking. Training is one thing, but I'm sure actually going on missions is another entirely different too them.
Neither of them respond immediately, they share a look, clearly trying to figure out what page the other is one before answering. I wait impatiently.
"We'll wait to see what the captain says tomorrow. But I suppose if the opportunity presents itself-" Just as my dad's about to give me the green light, the captain, along with one of the gaurd from training, push open the halls doors with a certain amount of ergency that seems to say that they've got a problem.
My father cuts himself off and turns his attention onto them.

"Captain? Is everything alright?"
"not really sir. I'm sorry to have to interpret you like this, but we've just had report of a theif attacking our island." his words pique my interests. My father raises himself from his seat, looking ahead with a stern face.
"We can't have that. We must said a team after them immediately." He orders without a second thought.
"I was just about to send a unit their way, but I realised my most able men are already assigned. I don't have anyone left that is trained for the task." My dad's sigh is loud, he raises his palm to his forehead and shuts his eyes tight. I look between him and the captain, seeing the bind they've found themselves in. Then it hits me...

This is my opportunity presenting itself!

"I volunteer to go!" I announce, a little louder than I had initially planned. I push myself up, out of my seat and straighten my posture. Everyone's eyes snap in my direction.
"You? But princess-"
"Cassandra, my child, this is far to dangerous for you." I ignore the captains clear distaste for my idea and look straight at my parents, already prepared to defend my case.
"I know I'm more than capable to do this. Ask Cap, he saw me in training today. I was the only one who didn't receive a single correction. Besides, how hard can capturing one theif be? And dad, you were saying about my opportunity presenting itself, this is it!" I clasp my hands together as I plea for a chance. How hard can catching one theif actually be? I doubt it'll require anything other than running and possible sword play, and that's what I specialise in.

I have to do this! It's the best way for my to prove myself as a gaurd.

"Cassandra I don't know..." My dad avoids my eye as he thinks. I turn to my mom the minute she opens her mouth to speak.
"You were about to say that if the opportunity happened to come around, then she could, weren't you? Maybe we should uphold to that." She says gently, standing and placing a hand on his shoulder. He doesn't want to, but eventually gives me a look. I force a smile.
"captain? How was she earlier on today?"
"She was good. But your majesty, with all do respect, this is a very big jump for-"
"Well if she genuinely is good, I see no problem in sending her-" I go to celebrate but realise he hadn't finished his sentence. "-with a few of your lesser trained men. We can't let this theif just roam free, I'm sure this is our best option." Hearing this made me less excited, but I couldn't dare show it. So I thank him then turn my head the minute the other gaurd, who had been completely silent before this moment, decides to pip up.
"But your majesty. She's a girl, what help will she be?" he sounds like a whining toddler. I fold my arms and narrow my eyes.
"If I remember rightly, I was the one that beat you today in training. I don't think I'm the one that people need to worry about." I ignore his shocked face and spin around to my dad. "I won't let you down. I'll prove to you this is what I'm meant to do." I can see he's hesitant, but he gives me a soft smile despite that. I hear the gaurd complaining to Cap, but he can't overrule my dad's decision.

"Well it's settled then, go now with Cap and he'll send you, and a few other men out to capture this theif. You'll get to experience the job and won't be alone if something is to go wrong." I don't jump and squeal, but I know he knows I'm excited, and grateful.
I take a few steps towards him and let him pull me into a hug.

I'm really not a hugger, but it felt nessassary to allow this one.

"thank you, I won't let you down. I promise." I whisper when I pull away.
"I'm sure you won't." he replies.

"Alright princess. If your insistent on this, then we must act fast." Cap says quickly, his voice sharp and hollow. I nod quickly, giving a goodbye to both my parents before sprinting out the door after them.

I won't fuck this up. I can't fuck this up.

This might be the only chance I get.

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