Chapter 5

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It's been a few hours since... All that, and Mother should be getting here any minute no-

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

There she is.

"Coming mother!" I shout down through the window, excitement practically coursing through my vains as I toss up my hair and watch it fall to the floor. She loops the end, takes a step, and I start trying to pull her up.
Ignoring the slight pain I feel everytime I pull on it.
"I have a surprise for you." She hollers up the tower, I turn and glance over at the closet that's currently being kept closed by one of our chairs.
"I do too." I reply faintly, but apparently loud enough for her to hear me.
"I bet mine is bigger!"
"I seriously doubt it..." I eventually can stop pulling the second she reaches the window sill. I unhook my hair and wait almost impatiently for my turn to speak.

"You know how much I hate leaving you after a fight, specially since I've done nothing wrong." She carry's her basket over to the side as she talks, focusing on that rather than me.
"Ok, I've been thinking alot about what you said earlier and-" I finally let out quickly, slowly backing up towards the closet.
"I hope you not still talking about the stars."
"floating lights. And, yes, I'm leading up to that. I-" I correct, continuing to edge further backwards. She still doesn't turn to face me.
"Cause I thought we dropped the issue sweetheart."
"No mother, I'm just saying you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there-"
"oh darling I know your not strong enough to handle yourself out there." Then she turns her head round, cutting off my sentence once again. I slowly let my hand reach towards the top of the chair.
"but if you just-"
"Rapunzel. We're done talking about this." She attempts to finalise, but I keep going.
"but trust me-"
"I know-"
"Oh come on-" Just as my fingers brush the wood, I watch her snap.
"Enough with the lights Rapunzel! You are never leaving this tower, ever!"


I'm never...

I'm never leaving... what...?

My eyes widen and my hand retreats back to my side. I watch Mother fall down into a spare chair and bring her hand to her forehead. She let's out a sigh and I feel myself coil away, my confidence and excitement going with it.

"Great. Now I'm the back guy." She mumbles to herself, despite not liking mumbling.

I give myself a minute to think, almost too scared to say anything else.
I've never been in this position before... I've never seen this side of her before.
I don't really know what to do, but I definitely can't mention the lights anymore...
I guess my dream of seeing the floating lights has had a pin stabbed through it.
My eyes glance up at my painting, barely covered over by the red curtains in front, and I can't help but imagine myself watching them again, how happy I am whenever they appear outside my window, and how I know I'll be so much happier being able to see them in person.
I have never wanted anything else more. I never actually ever wanted anything else, this has been the one thing I've always wished for, on every birthday candle, on every little shooting star, I've also wished on the full Moon's, for God's sake.

But now I'm starting to think it was all for nothing... That I never was ever going to be able to see them...

I fight back the tears I can feel building up in the corner of my eyes, and I turn my attention onto the closet. Maybe I can just-

Wait a minute...

I step side ways, sweeping over my hair so I'm blocking the closet the best I can, and I try my best to think of something, anything, to get her out.
The only thing that comes to mind is to ask for a different present... One that'll take her a few days to find...

I got it!

"All I was going to say was... I know what I want for my birthday now." I brush my hand over my arm, trying to
Look her way but for some reason eye contact is becoming pretty hard to do.
"and what is that?"
"new paint... The paint made from those white shells you once brought me..." I don't expect her to look over at me. She keeps her head in her hand and her mood doesn't seem to change.
"Well that's a very long trip Rapunzel. Atleast 3 days time."

I know.

"I just thought it was better than... The stars..." Having to say the words caused a small throbbing pain in my chest, right about where my heart is, but I push past it.
I can tell she's hesitant but she ends up agreeing.
"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" She asks me, standing up from her chair and taking a few steps in my direction. I meet her half way.
"I know I'm safe as long as I'm here." I reply quietly, my voice not quite sounding real. She pulls me into a hug, places a kiss on top of my head and brushes through my hair with her fingers.
I wait for a few seconds before pulling away.

I make my way over to the kitchen, grab her basket and start preparing food for her trip while she gets ready to go.
I smile softly as I hand over the finished basket, then I let her hug me before I throw my hair over the hook and lower her down to the floor.
I shout down my goodbyes, leaning on the sill with my eyes on the tunnel opposite, and, what I'm assuming is the only way out of here.
I enjoy the faint breeze on my cheek as I breath in the outside air.
Then, the minute mother is out of view, I shoot up and back to the closet.

I will get out of here. I will see those lights.

I've been waiting to long for this day, I'm not gonna let it pass me by... Not again.

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