Chapter 10

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After I spilled something like the truth to Cass, I felt hesitant, scared that she was gonna laugh and follow it up with some type of comment, but she didn't. She didn't really say anything about it...

Why didn't she-? She had every reason to-?

Why do I-?

"God I could do with some water. I dont know why I didn't think to bring any with me." The moment I hear her voice I'm snapped out of my thoughts. And after processing what she said, I too start to wish we had some water, or a snack basket of some kind.
"now you say it, I'm also a little thirsty." I agree slowly, glancing at our surroundings. Unfortunately i don't see anything around that would have-

Wait a minute... Is that... Music?

I presume Cass noticed my interest perk up.

"What is it?"
"Don't you hear it? The music?" I stop in my tracks, trying my best to figure out which direction said music was coming from, and Cass glances around in confusion.
"What music- Wait. No. I hear it. But why-" Before she has chance to protest, I wrap my hand around her wrist and guide her in, what I'm assuming, is the direction of civilization.
"Rapunzel what the hell are you-"
"It's coming from over here! Maybe we can take a quick breather and grab some drinks!" I say quickly, guiding us both through an overgrown bit of the forest. I can hear Cass's complaints behind me, but don't stop.

She can tell me this is a bad idea, once we get there.

"Oh my god I'm so holding that against you later on-" I hear her mutter the minute we stop. She's brushing leaves off of her clothes while I stand on the side of a road, staring straight ahead at the thing creating so much racket.
"Cass, look." I point at the building in front of us, and she reluctantly raises her head.
"Oh. ok. a bar. Cool. I didn't expect there to actually be anything here-" Her eyes blink continously as her eyes fix themselves on the cabin like building.

I find it kinda... Funny... How she is when she's shocked.

Actually... Maybe confused, or flustered, is a better word to use...

I go grab her wrist again, readying myself to guide her to the door, but she stops me this time.

"Yeah. No way. I'm not going in there, and neither are you. It looks way to sketchy, and I don't have my dagger to protect yo- to protect us." she carefully, yet firmly, had her hand around my wrist this time. I look down at our hands, then back up at her.
"but I-"
"Rapunzel. Seriously, this place isn't sending me good vibes. please. I'm sure we can find drinks a different way." I try and tear my eyes off of hers and look over at the sign at the foot of the path.

The snuggly duckling

"The name is literally 'the snuggly duckling'. What about this puts you off?" I ask, genuinely curious, pointing up to the sign with my free hand. I hear a sigh break free from her lips.
"I don't know, but there's something telling me not to go in there, and I've learnt to always listen to my gut. So, please, for your- for both our safety, lets go." I can hear the plea in her voice, but I also want to prove that this place isn't some criminal-filled bar. Besides, she said she wanted some water, and I want to get that for her.

We stay silent for a while, Cass still looking in my eyes with a look that says 'please, let's get out of here' while I am still trying to find a way to persuade her.

I guess we both are pretty stubborn, because we go back and forth on this for a while. Both of us refusing to give in.

"You know what, staying like this is getting us no where." I finally say, pulling my arm away from her grasp. "If you really don't want to go in, that's fine. You can stay out here while I run in and grab us some drink. It seems like it's the only way we'll resolve this." the moment I finish, I spin around on my heel and make my way towards the path leading to the building.
I didn't bother to wait for her to reply.

Part of me is happy I found a way to resolve our issue In a way that supported both our stubbornness, but another part of me is hoping she caves and runs after me...

Though, I don't know why.

I feel pascal giving me a uncertain glare from my shoulder but I insist to him that I'll be fine, while also swing my frying pan around.

Why do I do that knowing it hits me everytime?


I roll my eyes as I watch Rapunzel walk up to the bar, very obviously unfazed, and pretty set on what she wants.

I guess we have that in common...

But I'm not happy about it. She'll get herself killed in seconds.

I tap my foot against the ground and scan the area. I will admit, the outside doesn't seem to threatening, but that doesn't make me trust it any more. Not even the-

-hold on... Is that?

I cross the narrow road I was on, approaching the sign Rapunzel had pointed out and read the small print underneath that's written out in some kind of dripping read substance.

Come on in and leave your swords at the door. Unless your a gaurd, then you can piss off, we haven't done anything wrong.

"For fucks sake... Rapunzel!" I curse under my breath, noticing the blonde edging closer to the door. The door that literally has a sword drop off right beside it!
I try to think quickly, trying to come up with a realistic plan while also fighting with the voice that's telling me to leave her to it.
I don't want to cave, I want her to realise I'm right on her own, I couldn't care less if she gets hurt in the process.

So why am I running towards her...?

"Rapunzel wait!" I shout out to her, making her stop and turn around. But I was seconds too late, her hand had only just swung open the door. I force myself to stop a few steps away from her, hoping she decides to listen and back away.

She's facing me and can't see the group of thuggs inside that have immediately set their sights onto the now wide open door.

"Seriously Cass. It's fine, I'm not gonna-" She takes a step into the building, then turns her head. "Oh... Oh no. This isn't-" I can tell the exact moment she realises by the way she flings herself backwards, right into me.

I want to utter a well deserved 'I told you so', but that can come later when we aren't in the presence of multiple, angry criminal bodies.

"Ok we need to go, now-" I say, spinning us around so I'm the one closest to the door and push her forward. I see her open her mouth to protest but don't get to hear what she said due to the fact I was grabbed by my t-shirts collar and hauled backwards.
I try my best to grab the doors frame, but I'm unsuccessful.

I just about hear Rapunzel yell that stupid nickname she's given me before the door is slammed shut.

I guess it was better me than her though...

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