Chapter 16

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I end up waking up a little while before Rapunzel did, but I didn't exactly mind.

I push myself up of the ground, carefully trying not to disturb Raps as I do, then go to grab my top off of the tree.
I hadn't even realised how uncomfortable I was until I put it back on.

But I honestly didn't mind, she needed it more than I did.

I packed up our space, leaving it looking just how we'd found it, and then noticed a certain girl starting to come too.

"Cass..?" I heard her husky, yet somehow melodic voice first, then saw her eyes flutter open.
"Morning, sleep well?" I quizzed casually, walking over and bringing her to her feet. She rubs her eyes as they start adjusting to the light.
"I've slept better," She still manages to give me a sweet laugh, even though I can tell she wasn't feeling it. I place both my hands on her shoulders and I gave a simple smile in return.

"Well try and take your mind off of whatever nightmare you had last night, because I'm pretty sure there'll be some lanterns in the sky with your name on them tonight." I can tell she completely forgot what day it was by the way she suddenly jumped out my grasp with a bright grin on her face, one almost as bright as the sun behind her.

Now I think of it... She may as well be the sun.

"It's my birthday!" She practically screams, her hands under her chin as she bounces in place, her body radiating nothing but pure joy.
"Yeah, well-" My eyes drift off, my expression soft, but then her words sink in.

Sorry... Her what now?

"I'm sorry- today is you're birthday?" I clarify, my eyes practically jumping from their sockets. She spins around, her arms open wide, then stops to look at me.
"Yeah!" She keeps her joyful mood but calmed down slightly when she saw my shocked face. I tried to shake it off, but it was too late. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. It's just a pretty funny coincidence that your birthday falls on the day the lanterns get lit." I brush it off, trying to convince myself it is just that. A coincidence.
"Yeah, it's weird... I've always kinda felt like they were... For me, You know?"

The things my gut started screaming up at me were strange, and completely unnecessary, but for the first time- Well- Ever! I ignore them.

"Yeah... Yeah I know what you mean."

And then we start walking again.

If we want to get to Corona in time to see the lanterns, we shouldn't waste to much time.

And I want to have time to see the kingdom's celebrations beforehand... You know, to see what I wasn't allowed too.

Our walk was pretty quiet, but I don't think neither of us felt any tension... At least, I don't think? We occasionally sparked a conversation here and there, but that was it. Now we're coming up to old corona, and I'm just about too push aside an overgrown bush when I heard an annoyingly familiar voice from the other side.

I know exactly who they are the second they start laughing.


"Raps, round here." I hurry in a hushed tone. She's confused, clearly, but follows me around into a small cut out covered over with thick, green leaves.
Our bodies are huddled close, hiding out of sight.
"What are we-?" I immediately cut her off by putting my finger up to her lips, her voice having been way too loud. She gives me a look, one clearly asking me what was wrong, and so I gesture upwards to where you could hear footsteps, once clearly belonging to too separate people.

"Who's there?" This time her voice is a faint whisper, once I could barely even hear myself.
"Just... Just some men that- that just can't know I'm here. Ok?" If she tried to hide her scepticism, she didn't do a good job at it.
"What do you mean? What did-?" She stops her questioning the minute my hand creeps up to her face, I move a strand of her hair out of her face and hold her cheeks.
"I know you have questions Raps, but this isn't a big problem, if we stay here till they leave. I don't want to say their exactly bad, that something bad would happen to us, but at the same time I just can't be sure what they'd do, or how they'll be when they see you. Ok?" I don't hesitate to look right into her eyes, genuine plea's pouring from mine. She doesn't respond with words, only a nod.

Blake's irritating voice seriously starts to get under my skin, but I try my hardest to mask it, to change it into something else, anything else...

... But it ended up changing into something I had no idea I could actually feel...

My hands are still cupping Rapunzel's cheeks, holding her face fairly close to mine, and my once rage filled, heavy breathing was soon replaced with panic...

... But... A good panic...

I let my thumbs brush over her skin, the softness of her making it seem like she almost wasn't real. And I couldn't help but let my eyes fall too her lips...

... I- not because- not because I wanted too...

Actually... I'd be lying if the thought didn't cross my mind...

Despite our situation, her cherry lips were still able to curve into a small smile, but after a few seconds they seemed to part, not much, but it was noticeable... And then I noticed the colour of her cheeks starting to match them...

I force my eyes back upward, and realise she'd been looking at me just the same...

Then I felt my cheeks start to burn again...

She shuffles closer to me, our gazes still locked, and I realise her breathing's pace is the same as my own.

Everything quickly bundled together and I felt a strange feeling boil just below my stomach...

... Is this... Is this what butterflies feel like...?

"Hey Cass, I think... I think they're gone..." She uttered in her... angelic like voice.
"Hm? Oh. Yeah. Right. That." I try my best to get up, to move in any way, but we both still sat there, staring straight ahead like dears in headlights.
Eventually, she clears her throat and jumps up, which is something I just couldn't do... For some reason.
"well then we can keep going can't we? You said we were close right, so if we get going we can spend time around the kingdom before we see the lanterns!" She is able to jump up effortlessly, while I have to force myself out of whatever trace I was just under.

"Yeah... Yeah let's get going..."

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