Chapter 9

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I jump down from the towers wall, landing effortly on the grass below and turn to the girl still dangling from her hair.
The sight confuses me but I don't care to question, but I make a mental note of it. Just in case.

I let my eyes float over to the side of the tower, letting them land on the exact spot I threw down my Armour when I got here.
I should pick it up, I probably shouldn't leave it there, but I can't exactly carry it with me.

Would they really care if I leave it? Sure, if it rains it'll rust in seconds, but I'm sure it's easily replaceable. Right?
Either way, if they need me to get it I'll grab it then, it's really shouldn't be a big deal, not right now anyway.

I turn my head back around, expecting the girl to still be dangling in place, but to my surprise, she's already sprinting through the clearing, splashing the water from the pond into the air and then charging towards the tunnel.

I let a quiet sigh escape my lips, along with a few curses.
This is gonna be a long 24 hours, possibly even longer, depending on how on track this girl is.

I immediately run after her, not wanting her to injure herself, or worse, in the first 5 minutes.
I can't let that happen now can I?

I emerge from the vines, spotting her almost spinning on the spot, squealing as she does, acting as if she's never touched a single grain of grass in her entire life.

"Woah, slow down, I can't exactly have you dying in the first 5 seconds." I utter, giving her a minute before approaching her.
"Sorry, but everything is just so... Ugh! It's just everything I'd dreamed it would be, and so... So much more!" It seems like the overall excite has rendered her breathless. I originally didn't think her passing out was a thing I had to worry about, but I'll add it to the list anyway.
"Careful there, you'll pass out. It's almost like you've never touched grass before." I joke. She quickly turns to face me, her expression clearly changed in that moment, but I can't exactly figure out why.
So I don't bother too.
"Haha, yeah..." She laughs in response, she takes a few steps towards me, and I scan are surroundings.
"Alright well, we should get going. We don't want to waste to much time." I say, my hand resting on my hips. I see her nod out of the corner of my eye, but just as we start to walk, she darts in the opposite direction.

"Oh my gosh! A actually flower patch!" the words speed out of her mouth and I struggle to catch them. When I turn, she's knelt down In front of a patch of sunflowers.

Who is this child and how did I end up here?

"Ok buttercup, up we get." I say, practically lifting the girl out of the patch of flowers when she refuses to move.

Yes. I had to physically move her away from flowers... Flowers.

I tried to give her the benefits of the doubt at first, but she's the one who wants to see the lanterns, and at this rate, we'll be watching them from under some tree.
I'm only trying to help her, while also trying to get back my dagger.
Of course, the dagger means more to me, but I still have to give something to the girl.

Trying to keep this girl on track has got to be one of the most difficult thing I've had to do, and that's saying something.
I don't think I've ever met someone so free-spirited in my life...

And I live in corona for fucks sake!

She bounces and skips her way down the path, getting distracted by every little thing that catches her eye. I'd admit, it's cute, but having to stop her from hurting herself every five seconds really isn't.

Now, about 15 or so minutes into a walk, she's calmed down a little and retreated to walking beside me. We're walking in silence, and while it's not exactly awkward, I feel the need to spark some kind of conversation.

So I got with a more obvious question, one I probably should have asked a while ago.

"So, you know my name, but I don't think I caught yours." I point out simply. I'm not looking at her, but I can sense her looking at me.
"Shoot, I forgot. I'm Rapunzel!" She announces in a high pitched squeak. I already have a feeling she's going to get on my nerves, but I guess I kinda asked for this. I really wasn't as smart as I should have been, for some reason I felt the need to give in, and it only got louder the longer she stared at me.

It's stupid, I know.

Despite my effort, no conversation struck and we continued our silent walking. That was until she started getting distracted again.

At one point, I must not have noticed her stop because I suddenly realise the only footsteps I could hear were my own. I force myself to an abrupt stop and scan around, trying to spot the long trail of hair, if anything else.

Suddenly, I hear someone scream from a little way behind me. I go to reach for my dagger, but quickly remember it's not there, so I chase after her empty handed.
I push through the bushes that stood between us, expecting her to have found herself face to face with some kind of wildlife predator.

"Rapunzel-!" I shout out, suddenly appearing behind her. I immediately have to stop myself.
I saw her sat on her knees in front of me, a smile still lingering at her lips, pointing over at another bush where a bunny was sat.
"It's- so cute!" She says happily. I let my wide eyes and tense muscles relax, feeling something like annoyance. I mentally face palm myself.
I reach down, firmly yet softly grab ahold of her arm, and guide her back out of the bushes.

I'm really gonna have to find a sword while we're out here if she's gonna just run off often.

"Rapunzel you can't just scream for no reason. I thought you were hurt, Or in some kind of danger back there." I admit, trying my hardest to manage my frustration. I watch her play with her hair as we walk.
"Im soo sorry," She starts, picking up her pace a little. "I'm just... everythings starting to overwhelm me. It's not in a bad way, but I don't know-"
"Can I- sorry, to interrupt but... Can I ask you a question?" She stares doe eyed into mine, nodding. "where you ever taught about the outside world? You know, about animals or plants? As an example." I ask, assuming she never was properly schooled growing up. It was the only explanation I could think of to why she's been acting so strange. We stop walking and I stand in front of her. She clearly tries to avoid my eye.
"Well... Uhm-" She's trying to come up with an excuse, I can tell.
"You can tell me the truth, I'm not gonna judge you or anything. I'm just curious, that's all." I brush off, trying to take away the pressure my words may have put on her shoulders. I watch her turn to her shoulder, clearly trying to talk to her pet through looks.

I wait awkwardly for her response.

"I was taught about the world growing up, but not about everything. As in, I know about the dangers, well, I know of what could be a danger, but I was never taught of the good. Like bunnies, or sunflowers, or trees that aren't dead and rotting." she brushes her hand up and down her opposing arm. I stand quiet.

I don't- I'm not sure I understand.

"Oh. Ok. I mean, I don't see why you were told about one half an not the other, but I guess it's better than the other way around." I shrug, trying to come up with a logical reasoning in my head. I turn around and continue walking, and Rapunzel soon catches up with me.
I try and act cool, proving to her that I don't care about she was raised, that I'm not one to judge her for that kind of thing.

Though I'm starting questioning her parents methods a little.

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