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Happy reading<3

"I'm not going to scream. Or cuss or destroy anything." Jax breathes. "I'm simply going to ask why was he here?" He honestly has no right to ask me that. After he destroyed my whole dorm room, my grandmother's book and broke my ribs.

"You don't deserve an answer to that." I mumble.

"Katherine. I thought I've made it very clear that he is to not be around you. How many times do I have to repeat myself." I watch as he clenches his jaw together. He is angry not as angry as at the dorm room but still very angry.

"I'm not one of your people. You don't tell me what to do?" I snap. I've had enough of him. "This little cat and mouse game you are playing with me is over. I'm not just a prize to be won Jaxon. I'm a person with feelings. I know that might be a foreign concept to you. But I'm done with whatever game you are playing with me. So I will speak and hang out with whoever I want to." I finally let out a deep breath. "And you will not come to my place and destroy everything. Jax almost everything you destroyed today is replaceable. I don't care about that stuff. My ribs that are broken will heal. But you destroying the one thing I care about the most in this world is not. You ripped my grandmother's book to pieces." I could feel the warm tears sliding down my face. "That's the only thing I have left of her. She read that to me every night when I was at her house."

"Why would you leave something with some much value laying around like that anyways?" He doesn't even feel bad. He is going to pretend all of this is my fault.

"Get out!" I say as stern as I possibly can. "I can't even stand to look at you right now. I can forgive you for all the terrible things you've said to me and all the stuff that you've broke. Hell I can even forgive you for breaking my ribs. But I can't forgive you for that. So please I've never begged you for anything since I met you. But please leave me alone and get out of my hospital room." I think my words finally broke through to him because he gets up and leaves without another word.

I turn to Cam, I whole heartedly expecting an excuse for Jax to come out of his mouth. As soon as it does I will kick him out too. "This water really does taste like dirt. No wonder no one gets better around here." I laugh so hard that my ribs start to hurt but I can't help it. "Oh by the way that bitch gave us homework today." It's like Cam knew I couldn't handle any excuses today.

After a few hours Cam leaves and Allie returns to bring me home. I try to keep it together but I know when we get home I'll have to explain it all to her consider our dorm will be wrecked. But I just want a few more minutes of peace. When we arrive home she helps me up the stairs and into the dorm. When the door swings open I'm in utter disbelief. The apartment is spotless. Everything is fixed or replaced. I guess Jax came back over and fixed everything. It still doesn't fix what he's done. "Do you want me to help you lay down?" Allie is so concerned, I truly feel bad. I shake my head and walk to my room. On my bed is my grandmother's book. It is all tapped back together. Every piece. A sticky note is stuck to the front.

        This does not fix all of the terrible things I've done. But know I'm truly sorry. I've seen a lot of sorrow in a lot of eyes but know none of it has broke me until I seen it in yours.
                                                    - J

I place the book in my night stand. I think about crumbling up the sticky note but I can't. Instead I leave it on the book. I don't know if he truly means it. I don't know if anything he has told me is the truth. I mean he did tell me the truth about the mafia stuff. But was that all apart of his plan. But if there was a plan to sleep with me why would he be so hateful. While rattling my brain around Jax I fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning start getting ready for class. I again don't put any effort into getting ready and slide into some sweats and a hoodie. I throw my hair up and leave. I stop by the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face before going to the coffee shop. I'm running a little behind since i don't have my phone. I make it to the coffee shop and I only have 10 minutes to get a coffee and get to class. I walk in and see Cam waiting at a table. "Cappuccino for the lady. And go ahead hop on," he bends down for me to hop on his back. i don't hesitate, i jump on and we head to my biology class. "How are you feeling?"

"Ehh I'm here." I laugh. Me and Cam continue to talk all the way to the biology building. "I hope I'm not making you late to class."

"Not at all. I have 5 minutes to be over there." He points 2 doors down. I'm relieved. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Cam digs through his bag and pulls out a phone. "Your phone. Jax replaced it. Don't worry all your pictures and numbers should be in there."


"Well he broke it. He felt like he should be the one to replace it." He gives me a half smile.

"Why did he give it to you to give to me?"

"Because he knew you'd talk to me and not him." Cam isn't wrong. I probably wouldn't have listened to a word Jax said.

"Thank you." I grab the phone and give Cam a small hug. I pull away and go towards my class. I turn around as Cam is leaving. "Tell Jax I said thank you please." Cam nods and leaves to his class. The rest of the day goes by and I hear nothing from anyone. Not that it bothers me but I figured Jax would at least try one of his many antics to try and see me today. Maybe he does really feel bad. I go to walk towards my dorm but out of the corner of my eye I see Jax and his group of friends in the normal area they hang out in. Should I go thank him for the phone? Why he broke your original one? A voice says in the back of my head. Which the voice isn't wrong. But he did tape up the book. He wouldn't have had to tape it up, if he didn't rip it in the first place. Also another good point brain.

Forget it! I start walking over there. I start to regret it when I see a girl wrap her arms around his neck and lean in for a kiss. A smile spreads across his face. Like he's enjoying himself. Who am I to ruin his moment. I turn back around and start walking to my dorm. That was such a terrible idea anyways. I try to pick up the pace so hopefully he doesn't notice me. But of course all I can do is waddle. "You know it's bad for your leg to make all those extra steps for nothing." I turn to see Jax walking beside me.

"Oh it wasn't important anyways. I didn't want to interrupt what you had going on." I almost feel embarrassed. Did he see me the whole time?

"Anything you have to say to me is important. Besides you don't need to worry I don't like Sarah that much anyways." He smiles down at me. "So what is it that you had to tell me."

"Thank you for the phone." I say raising up the phone. "I was going to go crazy without one."

"No need to thank me. I broke yours to begin with." I can tell he feels bad. "I really am sorry Katherine. For everything."

"I know." I want to say it's okay but it isn't. "Bye Jax."

"See you around." He says but it seems like it's more like a question than a statement.

"Yeah." I smile and walk away.

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