Out of the Hospital

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Happy reading:)

A few days go by before I'm discharged from the hospital. Allie and my parents were there everyday. Allie got my work for me that I missed. Cam and a few of the cheer girls stop by to check in. I was surprised that Jax never came back. I tried to message Cam but I never heard anything back for either of them. Due to the injuries from the accident I would need to be out of school for a few weeks. I have a broken leg and I few broken ribs. My shoulder popped out of place and I few cuts that need stitches. My parents got with the school and they understood. So for the next few weeks I'll be flying back to my parents house until I'm able to get around better. My mom is going to stay home and help me around.

"Love you girls." I give them all a hug. I hold on to Allie for just a little longer. We haven't spent a day apart since 6th grade. We went on vacations and everything together. "I'll see y'all in a few weeks. Even though the cheer season is over for me this year, I'll still be cheering you over from the side line." I smile. I few of them start crying because they don't want me to leave even if it was for a few weeks. "I'll call and text you everyday. I promise." I say to Allie and pull her in for one last hug. Dad hands me my crutches and picks up my bag. I wave the girls bye as we head to the terminal. I get seated and comfortable and look out the window. I relax the whole flight home. After a few hours we finally touch down it Georgia. After getting off dad grabs the car and pulls it around so I don't have to walk far. He gets me settled in the back seat and off to the house we go. I get home and settled and text Allie letting her know I made it home. We text back and forth for a bit before she falls asleep.

The rest of the weekend goes by quickly. Getting a few text from the girls checking in on me. I got a few text from Matt just checking on me. I debated on messaging him back but I did and thanked him for checking on me. We will not ever be together again but I don't hate him anymore. We won't be friends or anything but maybe just on a neutral ground.

Monday mom wakes me up and takes me to my doctor's appointment. While I was in the waiting room my phone buzzed. I take my phone out of my number and I have a text from an unknown number. So I hurry and open it.
J: Where are you?

I think it is Jax but I never know with him. He is not really a predictable person. Once I think I have him figured out he changes.
K: Who is this?

J: Jax. Where are you?
He sends back almost immediately. Jax isn't the most patient person in the world. Crazy how he can ignore me for days but if I don't answer him immediately he freaks out.
J: ????
K: I'm with my parents in Georgia.
J: why?
K: to heal I don't have anyone to look
after me while I recover.
J: why can't Allie do it?
K: because she has class
J: then I would've watched over you.
K: i haven't seen or heard from you
in days. Why would I trust you to
take care of me.

After several minutes I get called back. I put my phone in my purse and go back. The doctor checks my vitals and says everything looks good. Ask how I am doing breathing which I told him fine. Since everything checked out he wants to check on me in 2 weeks before I go back to college. As me and my mom leave the doctors she asked if I wanted to go get something to eat and I nodded my head. I was starving the whole time I was in the doctor's office I could hear my stomach grumbling. Mom and me go to our favorite little Italian place in town. We both get the chicken Alfredo. We sat for what seems like forever catching up on what's going on at school. "So who was that young man that came and visited you in the hospital?"

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