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Happy reading <3

Jax's POV:

I pull into a parking spot and Cam immediately jumps out and heads towards the fraternity house. I jump out slowly and start following Cam. As we get closer to the house I can already see other teenagers hanging out all around the lawn. Girls were staring at us as we walked up the stairs. They tried to get our attention as we passed them but we paid them no mind. Cam goes straight to the drink table and grabs us two beers. He walks up and hands me one. I look around and I see her. Except this time she's not dress modestly, she is dressed like a whore. She had a skin tight black dress on. Her ass looks like it's about to fall out of the bottom. I mean it looks nice but I don't want anyone else to stare at it. She looks like she's deep in conversation with her friend, whatever her name is. Well time to make my move. "You know if you're going to tell people we are talking, it would be nice to know." I grinned down at her. She turned around and gave me the most beautiful smile. "Don't worry I didn't blow your story." I glanced over her body. Man she looks fucking good.

"Do you like it?" She twirled around giving me a 360 degree view. It was so hard not to reach out and touch her.

"Not really." I say trying to sound as believable as possible. "You are probably the only girl I've ever said this too but I think I like it when you don't dress like a whore." I mutter. Now that was the honest truth. She just slightly elbows me. I grabbed my ribs to pretend like she hurts me. And she lets out a small giggle.

"So I look hideous? Should I just leave." She say and raise her eyebrows.

"No! You could never look hideous." I tell her. I bent down and whispered in her ear."You actually look very sexy. Just don't like the idea of other guys looking at you the same way." I watched as her checks turn red. She tries to turn away from me hoping I wouldn't see it. I grabbed ahold of her check and made her face me. "No need to be embarrassed Kitten I'm only telling you the truth."

"Where have you been all week?" She says. Almost embarrassed to ask me.

"I had some family matters to attend to. But don't worry they are all taken care of. No more having to miss me." I grumble. I can't tell her what happened she would never understand my life style.

"Missed you, maybe a little." I couldn't help but let a smile spread across my face.

"I missed you too, Kitten." I smile knowing my plan is following into place. While thinking about everything. Kat stands up on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek. I felt my eyebrows furrow down and I looked down at her with pure confusion. My cheek felt like it was on fire. I've never had anyone show me affection like that. I could feel my chest tightening up.

"Thank you for not telling Matt any differently." She almost whispers. "I'm really enjoy being around you." My mind is spinning and my heart feels like it is beating faster. I don't know what this feeling is but I don't like it. Before she could say anything else I turn around and walk away. I rush outside to my jeep and leave. What is going on with me?


Kat's POV:

He just walked away and didn't say a word to me. I told him I enjoyed being around him and he just left. Did the kiss on the cheek weird him out? He acted like he wanted me for 2 days! Then earlier he was obviously flirting with me. And then out of nowhere he just walks away. Is there something wrong with me or something? Ugh I'm going to need a lot more liquor tonight. With that I down the rest of my cup and head back to the drink table. After I few more hours and a lot more drinks I was feeling this party a little more. Me and Allie were dancing and having a great time. "You ladies look good tonight." We both look over and see Cam smiling over at us.

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