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Happy reading:)

Jax's POV:

I'm walking to my first class. I fucking hate Mondays. The only reason I came today is because I know Katherine will be back today. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Who is calling me at 7:50 in the morning. I pull my phone out of my front pocket and it's Cam. What the fuck could he possibly want. "What?"

"This is bad. Like really really bad." Cam sounds stressed. I roll my eyes. What could have stressed him out this early in the morning. "Kat. Ummm.."

"What's going on with Katherine." I sound a little more worried than I should.

"Well.. she's going on a date." A fucking date. How is that a big deal? It's not like the person can compare to me. She'll come running back or drop the dude if I asked. "With Mason..Car.." he whispers.

"MASON FUCKING CARTER!" I scream. How the fuck did she even meet Mason. The guy doesn't even go here. I swear he only does shit to piss me off. He hates the fact that my family is better than his. That we have more costumers buying our product than his. "I'll fucking kill him. You know that right?"

"I tried talking her out of it, man. I really did but she didn't listen." I cut Cam off.

"I'll talk to her. Don't be there after class." With that I hang up. Mason Carter tries to intervene with everything I do. Every deal, every restaurant and now he's talking to Katherine. I don't care if I don't want Katherine like that, he definitely can't have her. This isn't going to fucking work. All of first class I can't focus, I keep thinking of Katherine and Mason. Before class gets dismissed I gather my things and walk out. I walk straight to Katherine's first class. I'm not giving her the option but to listen. The class lets out and Cam shoots out and goes down the hallway just like I told him.

"Really? Mason Carter? Of all people you'd talk to, Mason fucking Carter." I spit.

"Tell me why you hate the guy some much and maybe I'll reconsider." She sounds so sweet. It kind of pisses me off.

"Because he is a fucking dick. I hate that guy. Katherine he's not a good guy." I try to reason with her.

"Well Jax, he is a nice guy to me. Sooo" She says condescendingly. And goes to walk off. How is she going to walk away from me.

"Yeah and Matt was nice at first and then he cheated on you. So maybe you don't get to determine who is a nice fucking person." I yell. I know it was a low blow but she pissed me off and it flew out of my mouth before even thinking.

She stops in her tracks and turns around. She storms back at me and she looks pissed. I can see the tears in her eyes. "Clearly I'm not. I thought you had it in you to be a good fucking person. But here I am again being proven wrong. If you can't be nice or speak to me with some respect then don't speak to me Jax!" She yells. I didn't expect her to say that. Maybe something like that but didn't expect her to cuss. It's actually kind of hot.

"Listen Kitten, I'm sorry. Okay I'm just trying to look out for you. I know Mason personally and he's not a good person." I ask softly.

"Why don't you like him? What makes him a bad guy Jax?" She ask. I can't tell her. She doesn't know anything about the mafia. And telling her his family is in the mafia would look bad because then I would have to tell her so am I. She wouldn't understand any of it and if I told her it would scare her off.

"I can't tell you that, Kitten."

"Well then I guess I'm not calling off this date." She says flatly before storming off. I'm here trying to look out for her and she doesn't even fucking care. I walk behind her to class. I can't even fucking look at her right now. I don't sit in my regular spot. I sit a few rows back. Class goes by and I storm out when it's over. Rather he wants to or not he's fucking talking to me. I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll down and press call.

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