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Happy reading<3

Mom and dad hug me goodbye. I tell them how much I will miss them and thank them for taking care of me for the past two weeks. I walk down the terminal and turn around and wave before disappearing around the corner. I'm not completely healed, but a lot better than I was. I hobble my way onto the plane due to still having a boot on my leg. I'm kind of ready to go back to the university, I'm ready to see Allie and a few of the girls, but I'm kind of nervous at the same time. I spent a few weeks at my parents house in Georgia and besides the first day, I have not heard a word from Jax. While on the plane, I try to not let my mind wonder about what Jax has been doing. I just relax and listen to music. After a few hours, my plane finally lands in Oklahoma after several minutes of the flight attendants talking, she finally releases us off the plane. I grabbed my things and walk as quickly as I can to meet Allie, who agreed to pick me up. I push my way through the crowd and see Allie holding a sign up with my name on it. I wanted so bad to run towards her and hug her but unfortunately the boot on my leg did not allow me to do that. When I finally got up to her, we exchanged the biggest hug while we both stood there crying. " I've missed you so much." Allie cried.

"I missed you too!!"

"How much longer do you have to wear this boot?" Allie motioned towards my leg.

"Ugh 6 more weeks." Fortunately for me I've gotten better at getting around with it on. Me and Allie got some food before driving back to the dorm.

"So..." Allie smirks. "I met this guy." I was kind of shocked because when I was gone she never mentioned a guy. "He's perfect!!! He's sweet and charming. We've been on two dates and he doesn't try and push me into anything. We've just been having fun. His name is Liam."

"That's amazing Al. When do I get to meet this mystery guy." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Well..." she trails off. "I was kind of hoping... tonight?" Tonight! I was clearly not ready to meet anyone tonight. He is going to think I'm a slob. I look down at my baggy clothes. "Well at 8:00pm we were planning on having dinner and... maybe a double date kind of thing?"

"That sounds perfect except for the fact that I don't have a date Al!" I huff.

"Yeah... well he has a cute friend and maybe I can set you up? I know you said you were done with guys for a while but trust me he's a nice guy. His name is Mason." My mind goes quickly to Jax but I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks. And when I do hear from him he's just mean. What the hell.

"Fine but we need to hurry home and get ready. I look a mess." Allie can't help but grin and clap her hands. "Hands on the wheel, I don't want to get into another wreck." I laugh.

We rush back to the dorm and start getting ready. I put on a cute pair of jeans with holes in them with a light pink shirt with lantern sleeves. My stomach showed a little but nothing too crazy. I threw on a converse on my foot that wasn't in a boot. I brushed my hair and sprayed it with dry shampoo. I put on a little bit of makeup before shouting to Allie I was ready. "Ohhh bitch you look cute." Allie had on leather skin tight jeans with a black lace crop top.

I look down at my clothes. "I look like a gremlin next to you." I choked. "Well since I don't have time to change, this will have to work." I picked my purse off the counter.

"Girl be for real! You know you look hot." She slaps my arm. "Lets go. We are meeting the guys at this cute little bar and grill in town." After about 20 minutes we pull up to this little restaurant, it's small but looks well taken care of. Some creepy guys are litter out front of the building. Me and Allie agreed to sit in her car until the guys said they were here. After a few minutes of talking a black headed guy knocked on Allie's window. We both jumped a little but Allie quickly smiled and clasped her hands together. "This is Liam." And before I could say anything she jumps out of the car and gives Liam a hug. I got out and met her and Liam at the front of the building. He nods at the guys standing outside and the move away.

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