Chapter 6: Helios

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It had been a while since Helios had to opt for something other than his everyday casual black clothes, since his mother's funeral actually, when one of his servants had laid on his bed the traditional Sun realm funeral attire to be worn on the day.

He didn't even remember which servant it had been, everything was still a blur...

Today though was a day of celebration, his dearest friend, his brother in many respects needed him to celebrate a big achievement, one of the greatest actually in all the realms. He felt so proud of him!

He went to his wardrobe, pulled the heavy oak doors and looked at this clothes. Naturally his hands gravitated towards black shirts and trousers, he stopped himself. He chose dark blue pants and a silk matching shirt. It wasn't a big difference but for now it had to do. He didn't think anyone would even care, for sure Dion would steal the show tonight anyways.

He swiftly got dressed and ran his fingers through his auburn hair, standing in front of his full body mirror he sighed. During these last months his appearance had changed, slightly but still it was obvious, he now saw that the area below his eyes was a bit darker and his cheekbones were even more pronounced.

He turned away from the mirror. Enough for now.
He had to get going soon, he hated being late and keeping people waiting so many a times he was the first to arrive.

He walked though the castle corridors quickly, he wanted to avoid the gaze of others wondering where their prince was going or saying that finally he was going out...thankfully most kept at their jobs and didn't turn an eye as he passed.

Walking outside the throne room his eye caught his father in, he thought of just keep going and not saying anything but something made him stop at his tracks.

He turned and walked towards his father.

The King of the Sun realm had his back to the door, he was standing in front of the big windows looking down to the gardens, he seemed lost in thought.

Helios coughed a bit, wanting to alert his father of his presence.

«Is there something of the matter boy?» the King asked, his back still turned to Helios,

«Nothing the matter father, I am to say goodnight»...Helios paused, he didn't feel like sharing anything with his father nowadays but he still went on...
«Dion got in the SunBurst Troops and came by earlier to invite me out to celebrate, he begged me to go practically...» Helios said, almost an apologetic tone in his voice,

«Why are you telling me this boy? Do you want me to act all happy about your friend?»the King now turned and faced Helios, a face cold, stern,

« I don't want you to act like anything, my King» Helios stressed the last word on purpose,

« Then go boy and let me be, I have important affairs to attend to than think about parties and an advice boy, never forget who you are talking to, I do not appreciate that tone, never have or should I refresh your memory?» the king stared into Helio's eyes, brows furrowed,

Helios thought of screaming, yelling at his father to finally show some kind of emotion, to let go of his snide comments and for the first time in a long time to talk to him as his father, instead Helios bowed and said,

«Pardon me my King, I will take my leave, goodnight»

With that Helios turned and walked out.

He felt emotions raging in him like a storm powerful enough to bring towns to shambles.
He wanted to scream, he wanted to go back grab his father by the collar of his shirt and scream at him, show him how hurt he was, all these years, Helios wanted more than anything to be heard by his father, by his King.

He was just out of the castle walls when he turned right by the stables and found himself by the tool shed, he looked around, thankfully he was alone, he couldn't take it anymore, he threw a punch at the shed door, and another and another till his knuckles turned red and the door cracked and embers lit a small fire burning the hole made by his punches bigger.

For a moment his heart felt at ease, he could breathe, he felt free and that little flame coming from inside of him and taking shape, burning in front of his eyes soothed him, cooled him.

For now he would join his friends and he would feel alive.

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