Chapter 4: Helios

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Dion barged into his room before dawn.
Helios's instincts kicked in and immediately grabbed the dagger under his pillow.

«Easy brother, it's just me and you know no one would dare touch you while I am around» he said grinning, self pride radiated from his eyes
It was too early for all that,

«Cocky bastard» Helios murmured just loud enough for Dion to hear and make his lips curve up into a slight smile,
«Why are you here Dion? No one to warm your bed tonight?» Helios asked falling back into his pillows,

Dion jumped into the bed and sat next to him, so energetic today,
«Brother I have serious news», eyes sparkling he said «and you know my bed has been empty for too long, I do not appreciate the comment on that»,

«Well that's what you get for waking me up so early», Helios responded,

«I made the SunBurst Troops!» almost shouted Dion,

Helios stood up, elbows supporting him and eyes wide open,

«Dion, that is ...excellent! I knew you would of course, never doubted you, not for one minute, but still, this is great news! I am so happy for you» and he truly meant it, it was the best news he had heard in a while and he felt pride and true joy for his childhood friend.

Dion had never set a goal which he wouldn't accomplish. Helios always admired him for it, and he always went so casual about it, even in the hardest of challenges, as with the SunBurst Troops, the toughest army in the Outer World, not for the faint hearted, only the strongest, most capable were part of them, and now they had Dion in their arsenals, Titans help us all, Helios thought and smiled at his friend.

«We have to celebrate of course» asserted Dion
and Helios knew he wouldn't take no for an answer

«Whatever you command trooper» Helios responded and the smile at Dion's face was the most genuine he had ever seen,

« I will go break the news to Selini and tell her to join us too, I will send a message to the rest» said Dion,

«She will be so happy for you but maybe she will say no to going understand...» replied Helios,

« I know but it is time she let joy back into her life, she loved going out, all of us being together... she must learn to live again one way or another, we are here, all of us..for you too brother, you remember that right?» his tone veiled in worry all of a sudden,

«I know, Dion, I just..still...need time I guess. Thank you» he murmured and Dion said immediately,

«Never thank me brother, do you hear? None of that, know that I am here, just that» he casually yet a slight plea in his voice.

He was truly blessed, though he hadn't felt so in a while in that moment he felt as if the dark cloud hanging low above him thinned even for a bit, it had.

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