Defeat the Organization (Part 5!!!!!)

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You, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Sora, Mickey, and Riku were now up against Xehanort's three counterparts! His younger self, his Heartless, and his Nobody!

You and Sora fought with Young Xehanort!

He struck with his Keyblade, and then summoned several ice shards, though-


You began to use flame-based attacks with your Keyblade to destroy the ice shards, and then-

(Y/N): HA!!

You knocked him into the air!

But he used his Keyblade as a whip to grab onto you, and tried to pull you close!

Sora: (Y/N)! Don't worry, I got you!

He attacked at Young Xehanort, and then unleashed several attacks onto him!



You both took down Young Xehanort!

Young Xehanort: ARGH!!

He struggled to stand as his Keyblade disappeared.

Young Xehanort: My ... time is up. But ... it doesn't matter anyway.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Young Xehanort: You both ... will perish eventually. No matter what, there's no escaping your ... fates. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

He then disentigrated.

Sora: What did he-

(Y/N): It doesn't matter Sora. He's just being a sore loser.

Sora: Yeah. You're right.

Riku and Mickey were still fighting Ansem, who had his Guardian manifested and attacking!

Riku was quickly dodging and Mickey was casting Faith spells over and over!

Ansem: SUBMIT!!!

He tried to grab them both, but that didn't stop both Keyblade Warriors, as they dodged and began to attack Ansem over and over!

Ansem tried to use his Guardian to block the attacks, however, Riku dashed past the Heartless and struck at Ansem's back, injuring him critically!


Ansem held his chest in pain, realizing it was the end for him.

Riku: Ansem...

Ansem: What...a journey you and I have had...

Riku: You know, it's strange. I think I'm gonna miss you.

Ansem: Your strength is vaster than darkness. I knew I never stood a chance. Part of me wanted to defy my fate...but when the others betrayed us, I found I did not care. And then, nothing else seemed to matter anymore. There is more to go forth now, and seek it...

With that, Ansem, King of the Heartless, and the Seeker of Darkness, faded away into nothing.

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