Return to Ylisse!

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Out on some Valm ships, an officer named Dalton is interrogating a villager!

Dalton: You dare board our ship, worm? I'll not discuss terms with a peasant; I will issue demands to all! Citizens! Soldiers! Hear my words! The Conqueror himself, Emperor Walhart, claims dominion over these lands! You will grant your new emperor your ships! You will grant him all your provender! You will grant him your loyalty and your every possession! And you will surrender this land's greatest treasure, the Fire Emblem! Do this, and your lives will be spared. Resist, and your lives are forfeit! Now, kneel! And swear fealty to the mighty Valmese Empire!

Villager: B-but if you take all that we have, how are we to make our living? Without food and ships, people will starve! Would you have us all die?

Dalton: ...You'll do for now.

Villager: Hrrgh!

He outright decapitated the villager.

But then you appeared by him.

(Y/N): I knew that we had to come back.

Ruby: Why?

(Y/N): Aside from the DS giving us a time error, well ... the Black Fang.

Ruby: Ah, of course.

Blake: Now, what do we have?

Yang: Either remnants of Plegia or someone else.


He goes to attack, but then you cut him down easily!

(Y/N): There we go!

???: Can that actually be?

???2 (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Chrom?! Robin?!

Chrom and Robin appeared and-

(Y/N) and Robin: ROBIN/(Y/N)!

You both embraced and began kissing.

(Y/N): I can't believe we see each other again after so long! Wait ... how long?

Robin: It's been 2 years.

(Y/N): Wow.

Blake: It's amazing how long time flies when we come back.

Then you and Chrom shake hands.

Chrom: Great to see you, old friend.

(Y/N): Same to you Chrom. How's Sumia?

Sumia: Uh ...

(Y/N): You brought your own wife into battle?

Yang: Don't you have a kid to look after?

Sumia: Our dear Lucina is alright. There is no need to worry.

Ruby: What's new then?

Chrom: The Empire of Valm is declaring war on Ylisse.

(Y/N): I see. I hope the hands of Feroxi are alright.

???: Of course we are.

???2: Long time no see, Boy.

Flavia and Basilio appear.

Flavia: That's not the half of it. This was just the vanguard—but a taste of the meal yet to come.

Basilio: And once it arrives, their host will wash over the whole continent in a matter of weeks. There's no way we could repel them and defend our people. It would be a slaughter.

(Y/N): What do you suggest Robin?

Robin: Hmm... Their greatest strength is their cavalry, which puts us at a disadvantage... on land. But if we were to catch them at SEA...

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