Gangrel, the Mad King!

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Robin: In the end ... it was all for nothing. 


Frederick: I should have died before allowing the exalt to be captured. I have failed. 

(Y/N): It wasn't enough. Chrom. I'm sorry. 

Chrom: (Y/N), you and Robin did your best to come up with eh plan. It's my own failures that haunt me now. I was just too powerless.  She sacrificed herself rather than give up what could one day save her people...

(Y/N): CHROM! I was powerless too! I lost my parents when I was a kid! 

Chrom: What? 

(Y/N): I was alone, and I don't think I was half the person that your sister was. But ... look at us. We've all come here together. I know I'm not alone. And you are not either. When you fight for Emmeryn's ideals, I'll be here to back you up. You don't have to be Emmeryn. Just be yourself. 

Chrom: And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals? 

(Y/N): Jut keep going at it until you are! Well, we're here for that. 

Weiss: So, stop crying already. Or are you going to make things harder on Lissa? You're her brother after all. 

Ruby: Yeah! Gangrel isn't going to get away with this! We're going to get him back! 

(Y/N): Besides, we have all the help we got here. 

Nowi: That's right. I wouldn't be here if not for any of you. 

Lon'qu: Were you unworthy, I would have left a long time ago. 

Tharja: You all gave me your trust, and right now, you have mine. 

Ricken: We all look up to you, Captain! 

Chrom: Thank you, everyone. Your words mean more than you could know. My Shepherds... My warriors... There is work to be done. Gangrel must be stopped so that peace can once again reign in Ylisse. Will you help me?

Lissa: You can count me in! I'm tired of crying all the time! It's time to start punchin' stuff!

Maribelle: Hear, hear, darling! Our people have suffered enough.

Stahl: Gladly would I fight and die for House Ylisse!

Sully: Gladly would I fight and KILL those bastards for House Ylisse!

Libra: Our hearts echo yours, sire.

Sumia: I will be the unbreakable shield by your side!

Vaike: Teach is here and class is in session!

Gregor: How much you pay Gregor? Hee hee haw! Gregor make joke! ...Why you look at Gregor like that?

Yang: That wasn't a good joke, Dude. 

Panne: Your sister earned my respect. The last taguel shall champion her.

Frederick: You have grown strong, milord. I may have set a poor example as a knight... but I swear to you, I shall die before any more exalted blood is spilled. 

Chrom: ...Thank you all. Truly. You honor me with your fealty. I will not falter again. We shall answer this outrage! The Mad King must be stopped!

Flavia: Right! It's time for ol' Gangrel to get a dose of his own vulnerary! The whole of the Feroxi army is yours to send crashing against him!

(Y/N): Great to hear! Well, Chrom? Shall we? 

Chrom: Yes, let him try to fight back! Let's dethrone the Mad King once and for all! 

Soon at a fortress... 

Aversa: The enemy has taken the field, milord.

Gangrel: Back already? Ha! It feels as though we just said our good-byes...

Aversa: Our scouts report they are in surprisingly good spirits.

Gangrel: Since when do you trust our scouts? Besides, what does it matter? They're armed like beggars compared to us! I could break their ranks as easily as I break wind.

Aversa: I'd love to hear the song the bards make of that.

Gangrel: Aversa, there is a truth about he world this Ylissean welp must learn. A man is either strong... ...or he is dead! Bwa ha haaa!

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