Turnabout Big Top (Final Part!!!!!!!!)

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In the Defendant's Lobby... 

Max: I can't believe it! ACRO?! ACRO?! 

(Y/N): I know. 

Max: It definitely is! And to think he was always the most straight-forward of the group. Geebus... Unbelievable...

Maya: Acro tried to pin this onto you on purpose! 

???: AHEM! 

Max: He did?! 

(Y/N): I know. 

Max: He's just a little twerp, isn't he? 

Phoenix: It's one way of looking at it. 

???: HEY! PALS! 

Gumshoe showed up. 

(Y/N): Detective Gumshoe. What's the occasion? 

Gumshoe: I brought evidence. 

(Y/N): YOU DID?! Man, you are a lifesaver, I swear! 

He showed it. 

(Y/N): Huh? This is the scarf! 

Gumshoe: You can look at the results later. 

Maya: Wouldn't Franziska be mad at you for doing this? 

Gumshoe: That's why it's a secret. Everything that's happened has gone according to our plan. By the way, Pal. 

(Y/N): Me? 

Gumshoe: A message from a friend. "Judgement comes at the very last instant." 

He then takes off. 

But he also left behind a lot of milk. 

Max: AH! An entire dairy's worth of milk. That's more like it. 

Phoenix: What did Gumshoe say to you? 

(Y/N): Judgement comes at the very last instant. From a friend, apparently. Could it be ... Edgeworth? 

Back in the Courtroom... 

Judge: Court will now reconvene. Ms. von Karma. Please continue from where you left off.

Franziska: I'd like to continue with Acro's testimony, starting with his relationship to the victim. I'd also like to get proof from the defense... Proof of what kind of motive Acro would have to commit this crime.

Judge: Understood. Now Mr. Dingling. 

Acro: Yes, Your Honor? 

Judge: Please proceed with your testimony.

(Y/N): Like I said, buckle up. 

Maya: Oh boy. Here we go. 

Witness Testimony: About the Ringmaster... 

Acro: When we were little, we were abandoned by our parents.
That's when the Ringmaster of the Berry Big Circus, Russell Berry, took us in. I became an acrobat at around nine years old. I wanted to find a way to repay the Ringmaster. That was my sole purpose in life...

Judge: Hmm... You're such a thoughtful young man.

Franziska: As you heard, the witness deeply respected the victim. I wonder how anyone could think that Acro could kill the man he held in such esteem.

Judge: You are absolutely right... How could anyone think that, Defense? Which is why there's no real need for a cross-examination is there?

(Y/N): You're right. We don't need to cross-examine him. 

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