Chapter 15: Day 1

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Think I'll miss you forever

Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky

As the night wore on and the workload seemed endless, Yoongi's phone continued to chime with incoming messages, each one a reminder of the outside world clamoring for his attention

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As the night wore on and the workload seemed endless, Yoongi's phone continued to chime with incoming messages, each one a reminder of the outside world clamoring for his attention. However, he paid them little heed, his focus squarely on the task at hand.

Sensing the exhaustion weighing heavily upon them both, Yoongi glanced up from his work, his gaze meeting Mihi's with a hint of concern. "It's getting late. How about we continue working at my place?" he suggested, a note of weariness evident in his voice.

 "That sounds like a good idea. Let's pack up and head out," she replied, mustering a weary smile as she began gathering her belongings.

Together, they collected their papers and laptops, carefully shutting down their workstations before making their way out of the office. As they stepped into the cool night air, a sense of relief washed over them, the promise of a more comfortable working environment awaiting them at Yoongi's home.

As they arrived at Yoongi's home, Mihi couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the two-storey mansion before her. The elegant architecture and meticulously manicured gardens spoke of a life of luxury, a stark contrast to the bustling city outside.

Following Yoongi inside, Mihi felt a sense of awe as she stepped into the spacious foyer, her eyes taking in the tasteful décor and opulent furnishings that adorned the interior. It was clear that Yoongi's home was a reflection of his success and stature.

As they made their way further into the house, Yoongi turned to Mihi with a warm smile, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "Would you like some tea or juice?" he offered, gesturing towards the well-appointed kitchen nearby.

Mihi returned his smile gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort in his hospitality. "Tea would be lovely, thank you," she replied, her voice soft yet appreciative as she followed him towards the kitchen.

After a brief respite, sipping tea and exchanging small talk, Mihi and Yoongi returned to their work with renewed focus. Settling into the comfortable chairs of Yoongi's home office, they immersed themselves in the task at hand, the soft glow of lamplight casting a warm ambiance over the room.

Side by side, they poured over documents and discussed strategies, their collaboration seamless and efficient. Despite the late hour, their determination remained unwavering, fueled by a shared commitment to excellence.

Occasionally, they would pause to exchange ideas or clarify points, the quiet hum of conversation punctuating the stillness of the night. And as they delved deeper into their work, Mihi couldn't help but appreciate the camaraderie and mutual respect that defined their partnership.

As the doorbell chimed, Yoongi's heart skipped a beat. Peering through the peephole, his eyes widened in disbelief as he caught sight of the entire BTS group standing outside his door. Panic surged through him like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf his composure.

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