Chapter 13: Personal Assistant

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We're only gettin' older, baby
And I've been thinkin' about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?

We're only gettin' older, babyAnd I've been thinkin' about it latelyDoes it ever drive you crazyJust how fast the night changes?

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As they approached Mihi's home, Yoongi gently broached the topic of her taking a day off. "Mihi, it's already past 10. Why don't you stay home today, and maybe even take a day or two off? You need to rest and let your hand heal properly."

Mihi hesitated, reluctant to take time off work, but Yoongi insisted, his concern evident in his voice. "You've been through a lot today, and you deserve a break. Plus, it's important to prioritize your health."

After they arrived at her doorstep, Yoongi brought up another matter. "By the way, I need to find a temporary replacement for my PA while she's on maternity leave. And, well, I was thinking... would you be interested?"

Mihi's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she started to decline, citing concerns about favoritism. And also her work field was completely different from this. "But, Mr. Min I work in legal department then PA." 

But Yoongi cut her off gently. "Mihi, I've seen your work ethic and dedication. You're the most qualified person for the job in the entire office. It's only for three months, and it would be a huge help to me."

Despite her initial reservations, Mihi couldn't help but feel flattered by Yoongi's confidence in her abilities. After a moment of consideration, she finally nodded. "Okay, I'll do it. But only because it's temporary and I know I can handle it."

With a grateful smile, Yoongi thanked her, relieved to have found a solution to his staffing issue. 

As Yoongi turned to leave, Mihi hesitated for a moment before calling out to him, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Um, Mr. Min... Wait a minute."

Yoongi paused, turning back to face her with a curious expression. "What's wrong, Mihi? Do you need something?"

Mihi bit her lip nervously, her mind racing as she debated whether or not to ask for his help. Finally, she gathered her courage and spoke up.

"Well, the thing is... I was wondering if... if you could possibly give me a ride to my parent's house? I need to pick up my son, and I can't drive right now because of my hand. And it's getting quite late to find a taxi at this hour..."

Yoongi's expression softened as he listened to her request, understanding the predicament she found herself in. Without hesitation, he nodded.

"Of course, Mihi. I'd be happy to give you a ride. Let me just grab my keys."

With a small but grateful smile, Mihi followed Yoongi to his car, feeling a sense of relief wash over her at his willingness to help. And as they set off towards her parents' house, she couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude towards her boss for his kindness and support during her time of need.

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