Chapter 1: Melodies and Chance Encounters

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My love all mine, all mine, all mine

It started as an ordinary day for Na Mi-hi at Minsung Corporation

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It started as an ordinary day for Na Mi-hi at Minsung Corporation. The usual clatter of keyboards, muted phone conversations, and the soft hum of office machinery formed the backdrop to her work. After a simple lunch in the nearby café, she returned to her desk, expecting another routine afternoon.

However, as Mi-hi entered her department, a wave of unusual hustle and bustle caught her attention. Colleagues huddled together, exchanging hurried conversations with an air of anticipation that permeated the workspace.

Approaching her desk, Mi-hi's inquisitive gaze met that of her co-worker, Yoo-jin. Yoo-jin, wide-eyed and buzzing with excitement, couldn't contain herself.

"Mi-hi, have you heard the news?" she exclaimed.

Caught off guard, Mi-hi shook her head, prompting Yoo-jin to spill the beans. "The new CEO is on his way, and guess where he's from? London! Can you believe it?"

Mi-hi's eyes widened with surprise. London, of all places. The rumors began to circulate among her colleagues, whispered exchanges carrying tales of his remarkable handsomeness and undeniable charisma. A mix of awe and trepidation hung in the air.

"He's not just handsome," Yoo-jin continued, "but they say he's a total maniac when it comes to work. A workaholic through and through."

As the rumors spread like wildfire, the image of the mysterious CEO began to take shape in Mi-hi's mind - a handsome, hot, and formidable figure with a reputation that preceded him.

Just as the whispers reached a crescendo, an announcement echoed through the office speakers, bringing an end to the speculation. The new CEO from the London branch was officially on his way to Minsung Corporation, and the dynamics of the workplace were poised for a significant shift. The stage was set, and Na Mi-hi couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected arrival would alter the familiar rhythm of her professional life.

The announcement echoed through the office, summoning everyone to the auditorium for the grand arrival of the new CEO. Excitement rippled through the crowd as employees chattered animatedly while making their way to the designated space. Among them, Na Mi-hi walked alongside Yoo-jin, the murmur of conversations blending into a steady hum of anticipation.

Upon reaching the auditorium, they found their seats, a bit too close to the stage for comfort. The atmosphere buzzed with curiosity and speculation, and Mi-hi couldn't help but notice the heightened energy in the room.

As the room settled into a hushed expectancy, the entrance of the new CEO brought a sudden hush. Reporters and their cameras flooded the scene, their flashes lighting up the room like a sea of stars capturing the momentous occasion. The audience, including Mi-hi, watched in awe as the figure of authority stepped into the spotlight.

The air crackled with anticipation, and as the cameras clicked away, unveiling the face of the new CEO, a collective gasp swept through the room. Mi-hi's eyes widened, her breath catching as she processed the unexpected revelation.

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