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Today is my final court day of hearing. After many weeks and many months of scheduled court dates, I'm finally on my last day.

I have to say, I don't know how to feel about this particular one. Yes, I'm nervous, but I feel like there's still hope somehow.

I stared straight ahead at the wall in front of me as I awaited for my trial. All I could think about was my future.

The COs came to handcuff me and lead me into the courtroom where everyone is already seated. I saw Kasey sitting near the front row.

My attorney stands up from his seat when I approached where we are going to be seated at. The prosecutors sat whispering in the front, glancing at me ever so now and then.

I'm dressed up in a suit, wanting to look professional in my last hearing.

"You're ready, Mr. Cisco?" He asked with a bright smile on his face.

I let out a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. Then I went to straighten my tie, nodding my head. He gives me a reassuring smile, putting his hand on my shoulder. "We got this."

He then drops his hand from off my shoulder to hold it out to me. I give him a firm handshake. "I hope so. If this doesn't go as planned, thank you for everything either way."

"I appreciate that, Mr. Cisco."

It's about to start in only just a few minutes.

I had know idea if I was really coming home. This hearing will determine everything.

As the time on the clock on the wall slowly ticked away, I became even more nervous. My hands were starting to become clammy and my forehead was breaking out into sweats. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life.

I have to come home.

It was the next week where I finally get to leave. It would've been sooner, but the prison takes so long to process these damn papers. All I could think about is wanting to surprise Ace as soon as I get out of here. My papi is going to be so happy to see me.

"So, you really leaving me, man? I'm going to miss you for real." Castro sounded like he was getting emotional based on how his voice cracked. "Lemme get a hug, pimp."

I was about to get released from my cell and into the front. I'm really about to leave this place after several years. I have no desires to go back into this shithole.

But I am going to miss this kid. He made time in here somewhat interesting with his fun personality. Hopefully, he gets out soon as well because he deserves it. Just because he's in here doesn't mean anything. Castro is actually a good person. Dropping my jacket on the bed, I pulled him in for a hug.

He was slightly surprised from the tight embrace I gave him. "Well, damn, nigga. I forgot how swole you are. Finna fuck around and damn near pick me up off this floor."

I let go of him and pushed him away as he said that. Here he goes being unserious.

"But on the real though, I hope everything works out well for you. You one of the realest niggas that I knew in here and held shit down. That's something that I can't forget, bro." I smiled and went to go dap him up.

"Soon, you're going to be out just like me. I didn't think that I was going to ever get out after I heard my sentence and all this time that has passed. Patience is everything, Castro."

"There ain't no doubt in me that I won't get reunited with my family again. Until then, all I can do is wait, pray, and wait my turn as well."

He's right about that. I hope that he gets out and be reunited with his family. The kid doesn't deserve to be in here unlike the rest. He's one of the few good people that I met in here.

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