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All I can see is red as I quickly got out my car with a slam of the door. I walked into Ace's trap where I knew this nigga is going to be at. I swear, I'm finna kill him.

The moment I walked in; everybody's attention went to me. Ace was playing dominoes while smoking a blunt. Women was sitting by the guys, giggling and having a good time. He's the first person I walked up to. "Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Ace asked, still occupied by the game.

I was losing more of my patience by the second. "Amir. Where the fuck is he?"

Ace slowly puts down the dominoes and goes to look up at me. Everyone suddenly gets quiet as they all look at me, but I ignore their stares as I'm too pissed to care right now. He takes the blunt from out of his mouth and sets it down on the ashtray. "What the hell going on?"

"Just tell me where the fuck he is, Ace. I know that he's here."

Ace got up from his chair to give me a genuine concerned look. "Bro, is you good?"

I shook my head as I walked away from him and went upstairs of the trap. Fuck waiting for an answer, Imma just go look for him myself.


I ignored Ace calling for me and continued on my way up the stairs. This lil nigga gotta be in one of these rooms. I just know it.

So that's what I did, I checked every room—until I stopped at the last room in the hall. Without any hesitation, I swung the door open and saw him just about to walk out.

Fuck this nigga for real.

He was shocked to see me and could almost immediately see how angry I was. He was trying his best to get away from me, but I quickly threw punches at him.

"Sorry ass nigga!" I said with every punch.

I hear a bunch of more footsteps come rushing into the room. That still didn't stop me on wanting to keep on fucking his face up. Amir wasn't putting much of a fight, seeming helpless. Blood was getting all over my fist, I don't know if it's mine or his.

Soon, a bunch of hands grabbed me, but I was going to fight them all if they don't get their hands off me.

"Kasey, bro, you need to chill!" I hear Ace say as he tries to pull me off of Amir.

"No, his bitch ass deserves this shit! You put my brother through so much shit! My brother got raped because of you!"

It took about three of them, including Ace to pull me away and try to get me under control. This nigga has been smiling in my face the whole fucking time while keeping away that he dated Rylos and more. Tears clouded my vision in anger.

He just leaned against the wall, spitting out blood. He damn near looked like he was about to pass out.

"Kasey! Go in the other room!" Ace got in my face, pushing me out the room.

Smacking my teeth, I walked into the other room with my hands on top of my hand while pacing back and forth around the room while I took in deep breaths to calm myself down.

Fuck that grimy ass nigga for real.

I heard a few voices yelling and Ace was one of them. Then suddenly, it just got quiet. A few moments later, Ace comes into the room. I'm over here tryna keep myself calm while I'm posted up against the wall with my arms folded.

"The fuck was all that about?"

"He deserved that shit. That nigga got my brother raped—"

Just saying that shit gets me mad all over again. Enough to make me want to beat his ass again. I was about to walk past him and out the door until Ace stepped in front of me and told me to sit down.

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