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After viewing my x-ray, the doctor is giving me an update on my health status.

"Alright, Mr. Ericson. You're getting better. I didn't see no recent signs of complications," the doctor told me. "Just keep taking your medication consistently, maintain a healthy diet and exercise, and you'll be fine in no time."

That was so relieving to hear.

All I could do was smile while thanking him. This is the best news I received yet.

He tells me when to expect my next appointment and exchange some more reassuring words to me. After fifteen minutes, he walks me out the office and to the front.

Amani gets up the second I walked into the lobby and over to the receptionist desk. "So how'd it go this time? Good news?"

I sign my name on the sign out. "He says I'm doing really good. All I gotta do is keep up with what I'm doing and I should be good soon."

"Eeee!!" Amani exclaims, wrapping her arms around me, scaring the receptionist lady. "Awww, my Gee-Gee is getting better! I'm so happy for you!"

All I could do was smile. Any other time this would've annoyed me, but I'm so damn happy to have her kind of enthusiasm right now.

Later on at night, I'm in the kitchen, turning everything off after cooking for me and Kasey. The roast is just about finished along with the corn and greens.

"Kasey, the food is done!" I called, wiping my hands.

All I got was silence. Normally, he would've been in this kitchen asap. I go to look around for him to tell him, thinking he probably didn't hear me.

That was until I saw that he's sitting on the couch outside on the balcony just looking at the view. I did not notice that he went out there.

I go to slide open the door, stepping out into the night's coolness. "The food is done."


He didn't say anything else and that has me furrowing my brows. He's been acting so outta there lately.

"You must really like the view, huh?" I asked Kasey.

He nods his head. "This shit is so beautiful at night."

I took a seat down next to him on the couch. From here, you can really see how pretty New York's view is, especially at night. I will never get tired of looking at this.

"Yeah, it is. It's very peaceful."

He gives me a small smile before putting his head on my shoulder. "This shit is what keeps me together. I ain't gotta worry about no bullshit when I'm sitting out here."

He has been going through it for the last few days and it makes me worried sick.

He buried his face in my neck, giving me sweet kisses. "I'm so crazy about you, Gee. I can't lose you again."

"You're not going to lose me."

He lifts his face up to look me in the eyes. "Shit, I thought that the first time. I lose a lot of people."

I take his hand in mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. He's still hurting.

"Stop thinking like that, please, Kasey. I love you too much to up and just leave you like that again."

"I stay getting nightmares about everyone, including you, around me dying and being left alone."

"That's not going to happen, it's a nightmare for a reason. I'm right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere this time, neither is your family."

This Life (BxB)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ