3 days later

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It has been three days since the Halloween party. I have barely gotten out of bed. All of my friends in LA arent talking to me. Taylor is ghosting all of my calls and apology texts, Ben packed his bags, the following morning and is staying in a hotel, and James is spamming my phone with texts like "Sara please respond, we need to talk about what happened".

The only person I have talked to is my mom, she is the only person that I can talk to right now that doesn't make me feel like a total monster for what occurred that night.  I also haven't been able to get much sleep. I stay up late every night just thinking to myself. Why? How could I have been so stupid? And even if Ben really was kissing that girl, why did I feel the need to kiss James? I know I do not have feelings for James like that, yet for some reason I did something so stupid.

With all of these confusing emotions there is one thing that I am sure of though, and it is that I miss Ben. Being without him has been so hard, I hadn't realized how important he has become in my life. He is like my crutch, my shoulder to lean on, and the love of my life. I never thought I would be saying that about anyone, but he made me realize that love is in fact real, and that life is so hard without it. I have to make things right with him, but I don't know how.


I go to the front door to see who it is,

Sara: "Hey Mom"

Mom: "Oh Sara honey, you look horrible!" she says walking in setting down her coat

Sara: "Why thank you!" I say sarcastically.

Mom: " I'm sorry sweetie, but you look like you haven't slept in days!"

Sara: " Thats because I haven't, I stay up the whole night just replaying that night," I start tearing up.

Sara: "Mom, I love him!" I say sobbing hysterically.

Mom: " Oh honey come here"

she pulls me in for a big hug. I stay in her arms for a while. It feels quite nice. I eventually pull away and look at her with tears running down my red puffy face.

Mom: " love is a big deal honey are you sur-"

Sara: " Yes Mom! I mean it." I say in a sullen tone.

Sara:" How do I make things better? He won't respond to any of my call or texts."

Mom: " These kinds of things usually take time honey"

Sara: " But mom I don't have time!"

Mom: " Oh, well I think you need to go find him in person and talk to him. What hotel is he staying at?"

Sara: " I have no idea he left and didnt say anything to me."

Mom: "Hmm well Sara, think hard. Where do you think he would be right now?"

I sit in silence for a second and really think. Where would Ben be in a time like this. I then remember our convo from our first date when he said that whenever he is stressed, overwhelmed, or confused you will find him on the court.
Thats it!

Sara: " Mom! I got it!

Mom: " What is it? "

Sara: " Don't have time to explain now, but I think I know where I can find him!"

I throw on a hoodie and grab my purse and bolt out the door to my car. Ben here I come.

A Year Without Rain: A Ben Shelton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now