At the Match

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I arrive to the Us open match wearing a long denim dress my hair long and wavy with a braid in it. I have seats right above the court. I end up losing Taylor from the get-go as she mingles and catches up with people in the VIP booth. I am quite excited to see this match today I've seen a lot of publicity for both of these players so this should be good. I also hope I do not get noticed By anyone, I HATE unnecessary attention.

SPEAKER: ladies and gentlemen coming out in today's match, give a warm welcome to Frances Tiafoe! ( loud applause and cheering) and now the opponent... give it up for Ben Shelton! ( the crowd cheers i even here an " I love you Ben !" Form some girl in the upper stands)

As I see Ben walk out my eyes stop looking around from my surroundings and lock in on Ben Shelton. He is much more handsome than I expected I my eyes feel glued to him. While I am still in this state of paralysis I hear over the speaker "And Ladys and gentlemen we have some special guests in the crowd with us today." Shoot. I peer to the big screen that is currently panned on Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker further up in the stands. The crowd starts roaring for them. Then it pans to Nick Jonas and his wife who are in the section next to me. The crowd cheers louder. It actually seems like they are more excited to see the celebrities rather than the actual match. I look up at the screen and see myself! My face turns bright red as i put my hand other my face in complete embarrassment. The crowd starts cheering so I give a little wave to the crowd. Looking down in embarrassment my eyes peer to the court where I see ben looking in my direction. He smiles and then goes back to what he was doing. Was he smiling at me? No, he was probably smiling at someone nearby. It couldn't have been me. Or was it?

Some time passes and the match begins. Ben is actually a phenomenal player. He is so quick on his feet and his cellys are quite humorous. I find myself really engaged in the match. My head turner left, then right, then left again as my eyes follow the ball. Ben wins the first two matches and now there is an intermission. Walking towards me I see Taylor.

Taylor: "hey hey"

Sara:"Where have you been?"

Taylor:" omg so I was talking to one of my friends in the VIP booth and she introduced to her boyfriend's bestfriend and-"

Sara: "Lemme guess, he was the most beautiful guy you have ever seen."

Taylor:"YES HE WAS So HANDSOME, so you know I had to rizz him up."

Sara: "soooo did you get his number?

Taylor:" I got his number anddddd he invited me to this after party later tonight at this fancy penthouse. All of the tennis players and people involved are going to be there also some of my friends. Its going to be so much fun. And you of course are my plus one Sara"

Sara:" I Can't wait! it sounds really fun!"

Taylor: " ummmm who is this Sara that actually wants to go to a party? You never want to go out."

Sara:" I feel like trying something different idk!"

The real reason why I am so excited about going is because of the potential chance of Ben being at this party. I really hope he is going.


Taylor:"hey I'm going down to the VIP booth again want to come?" Taylor asks me

Sara:" yeah sure"

We head down to the booth. I see the guy she was trying to get at and she was right, he was very handsome. Taylor introduces me to everyone in the booth.

James:" Hi Im James! Nice to meet you"

Sara: "Hi Im Sara!"

he shakes my hand and stares into my eyes. Now it wasn't the kinda of stare that pierces your soul, it was very soft and gentle, yet engaging. We keep this eye contact locked for a good second until Taylor runs up and grabs my arm

Taylor:" Sara! Look at the player Ben Shelton hes a cutie."

Sara: " I can see that, yes he is indeed"

Taylor: "You should shoot your shot"

Sara:"Idk he probably wouldn't like me"

Taylor gives me funny face

Taylor: "Are you kidding me? Your Sara Hill like a million guys want to be with you what makes you think he wouldn't."

Sara: " Idk"

The match ends and Ben won. After some time he comes over to the vip tent and chats with people. He is so much taller up close. I am so anxious. I want to introduce myself but this is so nerve wracking. As he is saying his farewells to the people in the tent I approach him with all of the confidence that I have

Sara: "Hey! Well done on the match today!"

ben: " Wow Thank you so much. Whats your name?"

Sara: " Im Sara"

Ben: " well hi Sara, I'm Ben"

sara:" Yeah I know."

Ben: " Oh Uh how do you know?"

Sara: "because they announced your name like a billion today"

Ben: " OH righhht, Yea um .."

There is an awkward pause and silence

Ben: " So Sara are you going to the party later tonight?"

Sara: " Yea actually I am"

Ben: " Well i hope to see you there, It was nice meeting you"

Sara: " it was nice meeting you !"

He Jogged off the court into a press room

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