The Party

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We arrive to the party. This house is stunning with ceilings that look never ending and porcelain framing around all of the huge windows that look out to the big city. I lose Taylor once again as she mingles with her friends from earlier. There are more people here than I expected. The room is filled with so many celebrities and I notice a few familiar faces in the crowds. I go to the bar to get myself a drink.

Me: One Shirley Temple please!

Bartender: Coming right up!

He hands me my Shirly temple when I hear a voice next to me ask for one aswell. This voice sounds quite familiar, He turns his body facing me. Its Ben.

Me: well, Hello there!

Ben: Hey!

Me: You happened to find me very quickly!

Ben: I sure did. So how's it going?

Me: Its alright, this party is cool, but it is really crowded

There is an awkward moment of silence between us where neither one of us can think of filler convo. I look down at my feet then back up at him. Our eyes lock, it feels like how our eyes locked at the match.

Ben: Hey follow me

He grabs my hand and leads as we work our way around the crowd of people.

Me: where are we going?

Ben: somewhere a little less loud

He lets go of my hand as we get to the balcony looking over the city, you can see everything from here. All of the bright lights filling the air from all of the tall tower buildings of New York City. It is a beautiful night with the streets bustling below us and a cool breeze with a crispness to the air. It is only us on the balcony, and for just meeting him, things feel comfortable.

Me: This is a beautiful view

Ben: Isn't it?

I smile at him. Once again there is this silence between us. But it is not awkward this time. I think he likes me? I really hope he likes me! I don't know Im probably just making assumptions.

Ben: You look really beautiful tonight by the way. Im so glad you came

Me: Thank you, yeah it worked out didn't it?

Ben: It sure did

He definitely likes me!

Ben: So what's it like being THE Sara Hill

Me: Its overrated (scoffs)

Ben: Why so?

Me: Constantly being Infront of the camera and everyone knowing all of your business isn't the most enjoyable thing. It gets old really quick.

Ben: Yeah I see what your saying about the privacy thing, nothing personal can be kept to yourself

Me: exactly, and my love life is always public to the world.

Ben: Love life huh?

Me: Yeah what about it?

Ben: I dont know, I was just wondering if your seeing anyone right now

Me: Yeah no. love life has been dry for awhile now

theres a silent pause between us

Me: But there is someone maybe

His mood shifts in his eyes. He face turns dull and almost slightly saddened

Me: Yeah, there is this one guy. He is 6'5 with brown hair, pretty athletic and very charming. I think his name is Ken.

His face lights up again and he chuckles under his breathe

Ben: Ken huh?

Me: Orrr is it Ben? Idk I can't remember.

His face gets closer to mine. He bends his head down a little to meet mine. At this point we are so close I can feel his cool breathe on the tip of my nose. My eyes close and instantly my lips align with his. It was an effortless moment with no thoughts but bliss. Our lips stay intact with each other until we separate, and they touch again, and again. I put my head down and pear my eyes up at him. Time feels as if it stopped, and it is just us two in the world. We both laugh a little.

Me: You sure know how to make an impression!

Ben: And is that a good impression?

Me: Hmmm i dunno


I check my phone. It's a missed call from Taylor. I also see I have 22 texts from her asking where I am. I didn't realize how much time went by.

Me: Shoot I have to go find Taylor, Shes looking for me

As I start to head back inside, he stops me

Ben: Wait! When am I going to see you again? How long are you going to be in New York?

Me: I leave the morning after tomorrow

Ben: Shoot thats not a lot of time

Ben: We should hang tomorrow. How does that sound?

Me: Hmmm i dont know if i have time to "hang" tomorrow

He looks at me with a complex look

Me: but I do think I have time for a date!

He laughs

Ben: Sara Hill, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?

Me: Yes! I would love to

Ben: Its a date then! Here let me get your number and we can plan later tonight

We exchange numbers and I leave. As I weave through the crowds of people I have a large grin on my face. Out of nowhere a I get a tap on my shoulder. Its James.

James: Hey! So glad you could make it!

Me: Hey! Yeah this is a really nice party!

James: It is! Where are you headed?

Me: I am actually looking for Taylor, I'm surprised shes not with you actually.

James: Whys that?

Me: I don't know you were with her like during the whole tennis match

James: Oh yeah, right! WellI, hope you find her it was great seeing you!

Me: Great seeing you!

I continue weaving till Taylor spots me in

Taylor: Hey! I Finally found you! Where have you been?

I Give a little smirk

Me: Iv'e been busy..... with Bennnnn

Taylor: WHATTTT NO WAY! omg deets now!!!

Me: I'll tell you later

Me: But what about you and James huh?

Taylor: Omg so we chatted for a bit and he said he wants to hang soon. Just us!

Me: Omg thats so exciting!!!!

Taylor: Im getting kinda tired when do you wanna leave?

Me: Im ready now if you are?

We waltz out of the party with big cheesy smiles on both of our faces. We successfully got a date with both of the guys we are interested in for tomorrow! This is so exciting!

A Year Without Rain: A Ben Shelton Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now